"Border Crossings: Translating Theory." EurAmerica
(September 1991(, 21(3):29-45.-
Chinese translation.
"La consécration américaine. Derrida est
sans nul
doute le plus influent des intellectuels français outre-Atlantique.
Yale à Irvine, l'histoire de la diffusion de sa pensée."
Littéraire (March 1991), 286:32-35.
- J. Hillis Miller is interviewed by Jean-François
"Cultural Criticism in the Age of Digital Reproduction."
Genre (Winter 1991), 24(4):435-459.
"Deconstruction and Cultural Criticism." Cardozo Law
(December 1991), 13(4):1255-1261.
"Foreword: Border Crossings." Chung-Wai Literary
(September 1991), 20(4):4-9.
- Translated into Chinese by Shan Te-Hsing.
Hawthorne & History: Defacing It. The Bucknell
in literary theory. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; Oxford:
Blackwell, 1991.
"Literary Theory, Telecommunications, and the Making of History."
In May
Katzen, ed., Scholarship and Technology in the Humanities,
pp. 11-20. British Library Research. London: Bowker-Saur, 1991.
- Proceedings of a Conference held at Wetham Hall, Hampshire, UK, May
"The Mirror's Secret: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Double Work of Art."
Victorian Poetry (Winter 1991), 29(4):333-349.
"Preserving the Literary Heritage." Commission on
& Access Report (July 1991):1-7.
"The Role of Theory in the Development of Literary Studies in the
States." In David Easton and Corinne Schelling, eds., Divided
Knowledge Across Disciplines, Across Cultures, pp. 118-138.
Newbury Park: Saage, 1991.
"Stevens." In Charles Kaplan and William Anderson, eds.,
Criticism, pp. 738-762. New York: St. Martin's Press,
- See The Linguistic Moment: From Wordsworth to Stevens (1985), pp.
"Temporal Topographies: Tennyson's Tears." EurAmerica
(September 1991), 21(3):29-45.
- Chinese translation.
Theory Now and Then. Durham: Duke University Press;
London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.
- The Anthitheses of Criticism: Reflections on the Yale Colloquium:1-12
- The Geneva School: The Criticism of Marcel Raymond, Albert
Béguin, Georges Poulet, Jean Rousset, Jean-Pierre Richard, and Jean
- Geneva or Paris: Georges Poulet's "Criticism of Identification":31-61
- Literature and Religion:63-78
- Tradition and Difference:79-94
- Deconstructing the Deconstructers:95-110
- The Year's Books: Literary Criticism:111-116
- Stevens' Rock and Criticism as Cure, II:117-131
- Beginning with a Text:133-142
- The Critic as Host:143-170
- On Edge: The Crossways of Contemporary Criticism:171-200
- The Function of Rhetorical Study at the Present Time:201-216
- English Romanticism, American Romanticism: What's the
- Composition and Decomposition: Deconstruction and the Teaching of
- Constructions in Criticism:245-261
- The Search for Grounds in Literary Study:263-275
- Gleichnis in Nietzsche's Also Sprach
- How Deconstruction Works:293-294
- President's columm:295
i. Responsibility and the Joy of Reading:295-297
ii. Responsibility and the Joy(?) of Reading:297-299
iii. The Obligation to Write:299-302
iv. The Future for the Study of Languages and Literatures:302-304
- The Imperative to Teach:305-308
- Presidential Address 1986: The Triumph of Theory, the Resistance to
Reading, and the Question of the Material Base:309-327
- The Ethics of Reading:329-340
- "Reading" Part of a Paragraph in Allegories of
- Paul de Man's Wartime Writings:359-367
- An Open Letter to Professor Jon Wiener:369-384
- The Function of Literary Theory at the Present Time:385-393
Tropes, Parables, Performatives: Essays on Twentieth,Century
Literature. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991.
- See Tropes, Parables, Performatives: Essays on Twentieth,Century
Literature (1990).
"Two Forms of Repetition." Chung-Wai Literary Monthly
(September 1991), 20(4):28-51.
- Translated into Chinese by Wang Hong-Tu.
Victorian Subjects. Durham, NC: Duke University
Press, 1991.
See Victorian Subjects (1990).