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"But Are Things as We Think They Are?" Review of Paul Ricoeur's Temps et récit. Tome III: Le Temps raconté and Time and Narrative, Vol. 2. TLS [Times Literary Supplement ] (October 9-15, 1987), 4410:1104-1105.
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Chapter One: Reading Doing Reading:1-11
Chapter Two: Reading Telling: Kant13-39
Chapter Three: Reading Unreadability: de Man:41-59
Chapter Four: Reading Writing: Eliot:61-80
Chapter Five: Self-Reading Self: Trollope:81-99
Chapter Six: Re-Reading Re-Vision: James and Benjamin:101-127
"La Figura en `La Muerte y la Brujula' de Borges: Red Scharlach
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"J. Hillis Miller." In Imre Salusinszky, ed., Criticism in Society: Interviews with Jacques Derrida, Northrop Frye, Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, Frank Kermode, Edward Said, Barbara Johnson, Frank Lentricchia, J. Hillis Miller, pp. 208-240. New York & London: Methuen, 1987.
"Is There an Ethics of Reading?" In James Phelan,
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"Lectura de Escritura: George Eliot." In Lisa Block de Behar, ed.,
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Review of Paul Ricoeur's Temps et récit: Tome III: Le temps raconté and Time and Narrative, Vol. 2 . TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (October 9, 1987), 4410: 1104-1105.
"Theory-Example-Reading-History." ADE
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"Topography and Tropography in Thomas Hardy's In Front of the
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"The Triumph of Theory, the Resistance to Reading, and the Question
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