Eddie Yeghiayan
Fiction and Repetition: Seven English Novels. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.
"From Narrative Theory to Joyce: From Joyce to Narrative Theory." In Bernard Benstock, ed., The Seventh of Joyce, pp. 3-4. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; Sussex, England: Harvester Press, 1982.
"Hommage à Georges Poulet." MLN (December 1982), 97(5):viii-ix.
"The Interpretation of Otherness." Review of Giles Gunn's The Interpretation of Otherness: Literature, Religion, and the American Imagination. Journal of Religion (July 1982), 62(3):299-304.
"Interview with J. Hillis Miller, Yale, Fall 1979."
Criticism (Spring 1982), 24(2):99-125.
"Parable and Performative in the Gospels and in Modern Literature." In Gene M. Tucker and Douglas A. Knight, eds., Humanizing America's Iconic Book, pp. 57-71. Chico, CA: Scholar's Press, 1982.
"Trollope's Thackeray." Nineteenth-Century Fiction (December 1982), 37(3): 350-357.