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"A Guest in the House: Reply to Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan's Reply."
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"Master Mariner of the Imagination." Review of Ian Watt's Conrad in the Nineteenth Century. Washington Post Book World (April 6, 1980), 10(14):1-8.
"Middlemarch , Chapter 85: Three Commentaries."
Nineteenth-Century Fiction (December 1980), 35(3):432-453.
"The Rewording Shell: Natural Image and Symbolic Emblem in Yeats's
Poetry." In Roland Hagenbuechle and Joseph T. Swann, eds., Poetic
Knowledge: Circumference and Centre, pp. 75-86. Papers from the
Wuppertal Symposium 1978. Bonn: Bouvier, 1980.
"Theoretical and Atheoretical in Stevens." In Frank A. Doggett and Robert Buttell, eds., Wallace Stevens: A Celebration, pp. 274-285. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1980.
"Theory and Practice: Response to Vincent Leitch." Critical
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"Wallace Stevens." In Twentieth-Century Literature
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"Wuthering Heights and the Ellipses of Interpretation." Notre Dame English Journal (April 1980), 12(2):85-100.