Eddie Yeghiayan
"Ariadne's Thread: Repetition and the Narrative Line." Critical Inquiry (Autumn 1976), 3(1): 57-77.
"Beginning with a Text." Review of Edward W. Said's Beginnings. Diacritics (Fall 1976), 6(3):2-7.
"The Linguistic Moment in `The Wreck of the Deutschland'." In Thomas D. Young, ed., The New Criticism and After, pp. 47-60. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1976.
"Stevens' Rock and Criticism as Cure (Part I)." Georgia Review (Spring 1976), 30(1):5-31.
"Stevens' Rock and Criticism as Cure (Part II)." Georgia Review (Summer 1976), 30(2):330-348.
"The Truth about Trollope." Review of C.P. Snow's Trollope: His Life and Art. Yale Review (March 1976), 65(3):450-455.
"Walter Pater: A Partial Portrait." Daedalus (Winter 1976), 105(1):97-113.