Eddie Yeghiayan
"Books Considered." Review of Reed Whittemore's William Carlos Williams: Poet from Jersey. New Republic (October 18, 1975), 173(16) [3171]:23-25.
"Deconstructing the Deconstructors." Review of Joseph N. Riddel's The Inverted Bell. Diacritics (Summer 1975), 5(2):24-31.
The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century
Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1975.
"Fiction and Repetition: Tess of the d'Urbervilles." In Allen Warren Friedman, ed., Forms of Modern British Fiction, pp. 43-71. Symposia in the Arts and the Humanities, 2. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1975.
"Introduction" to Thomas Hardy's The Well-Beloved: A Sketch of Temperament, pp. 11-21. The New Wessex Edition. London: Macmillan, 1975.
"Literature and Religion." In G.B. Tennyson and Edward E.
Jr., eds., Religion and Modern Literature: Essays in Theory and
Criticism, pp. 31-45. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1975.
"Myth as 'Hieroglyph' in Ruskin." Studies in the Literary Imagination (Fall 1975), 8(2):15-18.
"Optic and Semiotic in Middlemarch." In Jerome H. Buckley, ed., The Worlds of Victorian Fiction, pp. 125-145. Harvard English Studies, 6. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975.
(with James Cowan, James Gindin, Charles Rossman, Avrom Fleishman and John Unterecker.) "Panel Discussion." In Alan Warren Friedman, ed., Forms of Modern British Fiction, pp. 201-232. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1975.
"The Year's Books: On Literary Criticism." New Republic (November 29, 1975), 173(22):30-33.