Eddie Yeghiayan
"Action on the Inner Stage." Review of Louis L. Martz' The Poem of the Mind: Essays on Poetry English and American. Virginia Quarterly Review (Autumn 1966), 42(4):653-656.
"The Antitheses of Criticism: Reflections on the Yale Colloquium." MLN (December 1966), 81(5):557-571.
"The Geneva School: The Criticism of Marcel Raymond, Albert Béguin, Georges Poulet, Jean Rousset, Jean-Pierre Richard, and Jean Starobinski." Critical Quarterly (Winter 1966), 8(4):305-321.
Poets of Reality: Six Twentieth-Century Writers.
Oxford University Press, 1966.
Review of Nathan A. Scott Jr.'s Forms of Extremity in the Modern Novel. Journal of Religion (July 1966), 46(3):422.
"Some Implications of Form in Victorian Fiction."
Comparative Literature Studies (1966), 3(2):109-118.
Edited and with an Introduction. William Carlos Williams: A Collection of Critical Essays, pp. 1-14. Twentieth Century Views. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, A Spectrum Book, 1966.