May 22, 1931 Born at La Tronche (Isère)
1952 Licence in Philosophy, University of Paris, Sorbonne
1953 Agrégé in Philosophy
1973 Docteur d'Etat
1961-64 Cultural counselor, Office of the Ambassador of France, Turkey
1964-67 Director, Institute Français, London
1967-70 Professor University of Nanterre, Paris
1970-74 University of California, San Diego
1974-77 Professor, Johns Hopkins University
1977-92 Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherches Historiques in Paris, France.
1985- Visiting Professor Johns Hopkins University
According to Hubert Damisch he was one of the greatest specialists of the 17th century. He wrote books and articles on art (Philippe de Champaigne, Poussin, Klee and Jean-François Lacalmontie), on semiotics, literature and philosophy (Port-Royal logicians, Montaigne, Stendhal and Pascal), on utopias, historiography, autobiography, and evangelical writing.
He died in Paris on October 29, 1992.
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