Words about Words
about Words: Theory, Criticism, and the Literary Text.
Baltimore, MD & London: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1988.
- Preface:ix-xii.
I. Theory and Institutions: Critical Movements and Academic
- Words about Words about Words: Theory,
Criticism, and the Literary Text: 3-19.
- The Arts and the Idea of Progress:20-42.
- From Theory to Thematics: The Ideological Underside of Recent Theory:
- Literary Invention, Critical Fashion, and the Impulse to Theoretical
Change; "Or Whether Revolution Be the Same":64-89.
- A Meditation on a Critical Theory Institute:90-104.
II. Critical Positions: Self-definition and Other Definitions:105-203.
- An Apology for Poetics:107-119.
- A Colloquy on "An Apology for Poetics":120-152.
- The Literary Privilege of Evaluation:153-171.
- An E.H. Gombrich Retrospective: The Ambiguities of Representation and Illusion: 179-192.
- "Both Sides Now":193-203.
III. Reconsideration of Special Texts for Special Reasons:206-288.
- Presentation and Representation
in the Renaissance Lyric: The Net of Words and the Escape of the Gods:207-225.
- A Humanity in the Humanities: Literature among the Discourses:226-241.
- The Conversion from History to Utopia in Shakespeare's Sonnets:242-255.
- Orpheus mit Gluck: The Deceiving Gratific(a)tions of
- "A Waking Dream": The Symbolic Alternative to Allegory:271-288.
13 translated into German by Klaus Schirrmesiter as "Die Unwandlung
Geschichte in Utopie in Shakespeares Sonetten."
Shakespeare-Jahrbuch (1987), 123:42-53.
4 reprinted in Ralph Cohen, ed., Studies in Historical
Change, pp. 179-206. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992.