Edited.The Aims of Representation:
Subject/Text/History. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1987.
Reprinted in 1993 by Stanford University Press.
Murray Krieger: "Introduction: The Literary, the Textual, the
- Jean-François Lyotard: "Judiciousness in Dispute, or Kant
After Marx":23-67.
- David Carroll: "Narrative, Heterogeneity, and the Question of the
Political: Bakhtin and Lyotard":69-106.
- Mark Poster: "Foucault, Post-Structuralism, and the Mode of
- John Carlos Rowe: "Surplus Economies: Deconstruction, Ideology
and the Humanities":131-158.
- Anthony Giddens: "Action, Subjectivity, and the Construction of
- Robert Weimann: "History, Appropriation, and the Uses of
Representation in Modern Narrative":175-215.
- Wofgang Iser: "Representation: A Performative Act":217-232.
Essays After the Essays
- Dominick LaCapra: "Criticism Today":235-255.
- Stephen Greenblatt: "Capitalist Culture and the Circulatory System":