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Fromm, Harold. "Literary Professionalism's Pyrrhic Defense of Poesy." Centennial Review (Fall 1981), 25(4):435, 437.
Fry, Paul. Review of Murray Krieger's Theory of Criticism. Structuralist Review (Spring 1978), 1(1): 110-115.
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Gerhart, Mary. "Generic Studies: Their Renewed Importance in Religious and Literary Interpretation." Journal of the American Academy of Religion (1977), 45(3): 310-311.
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Gordon, Larry. "UC, Bracing for Cuts, OKs
Early Retirement." Los Angeles Times (July 18,
On the UC
Regents' approval of a
special merit raise for University Professor Murray Krieger.
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Graff, Gerald. "Tongue-in-Cheek Humanism: A
Response to Murray Krieger." ADE Bulletin (Fall 1981), 69: 18-21.
A response to Murray Krieger's "The
Recent Revolution in Theory and the Survival of the Literary Disciplines"
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Greenfield, Stanley B. The Interpretation of Old English Poems, pp. 26-27, 163nn45-47. London & Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972.
Griffin, Lloyd W. Review of Murray Krieger, ed., Northrop Frye in Modern Criticism. Library Journal (September 1, 1966), 91(15): 3951-3952.
Griffin, Lloyd W. Review of Murray Krieger's The Tragic Vision. Library Journal (November 15, 1960), 85: 4146-4147.
Griffith, Ben W. Review of Murray Krieger's The New Apologists for Poetry. Savannah Morning News (Georgia) (December 9, 1956): 20.
Grigorescu, Irina. Review of Murray Krieger's Teoria criticii. Romania Literara (Romania) (August 18, 1983): 23.
Grimshaw, James A. "Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men: An Annotated Checklist of Criticism." Resources for American Literary Study (Spring 1976), 6(1): 45.
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Guenther, Charles. "A Critic of Critics." Review of Murray Krieger's The New Apologists for Poetry. St. Louis Post-Dispatch (November 19, 1956): 2B.
Gerard, Albert J. The Triumph of the Novel: Dickens, Dostoevsky and Faulkner, pp. 196, 349n56. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1976.
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Hamilton, Alice. Review of Murray Krieger, ed., Northrop Frye in Modern Criticism. Dalhousie Review (Spring 1967), 47(1): 105-107.
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Henricksen, Bruce. "Heart of Darkness and the Gnostic Myth." Mosaic (Summer 1978), 11(4): 42-43, 44n38.
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Iser, Wolfgang. "Murray Krieger at Konstanz: A Colloquy Chaired by Wolfgang Iser." (Participants: Wolfgang Iser, Murray Krieger, Ulrich Gaier, Anselm Haverkamp, Hans Robert Jauss, Jurgen Schlaeger, Gabriele Schwab.) In Bruce Henricksen, ed., Murray Krieger and Contemporary Critical Theory, pp. 231-270. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
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Joseph, Gerhard. "Victorian Frames: The Windows and Mirrors of Browning, Arnold, and Tennyson." Victorian Poetry (Spring-Summer 1978), 16(1-2): 73n3.
Joseph, Terri Brint. "Murray Krieger as Pre- and Post-Deconstructionist." New Orleans Review (Winter 1985), 12(4): 18-26.
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Kalmey, Robert. "Rhetoric, Language, and Structure in
Eloisa to Abelard."
Eighteenth-Century Studies (Winter 1971-1972),
See Murray Krieger's article "Reply to Robert Kalmey" (1971).
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Kaufman, Peter I. "Action's Frustration." Clio (Fall 1980), 10(1): 42-43, 45nn19, 20.
Kaufmann, U. Milo. Review of Murray Krieger's A Window to Criticism. JEGP (July 1966), 65(3): 592-595.
Kay, Ernest, ed. The International Authors and Writers Who's Who, 10th ed., p. 344. Cambridge: International Biographical Centre, 1986.
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