- Bolling, Doug, ed., Philosophy and Literature. Art and Philosophy, 3. New York: Haven, 1987.
- Blocker, H. Gene. “The Medium of Poetry and the
Aesthetic Tradition," pp. 137-156.
- Bolling, Doug. “Introduction to the Volume,"
pp. 1-4.
- Dickie, George. “Radical Disinterest,"
pp. 129-136.
- Donougho, Martin. “Framing the Medium,"
pp. 35-52.
- Griswold, Charles L., Jr. “Irony and Aesthetic
Language in Plato's Dialogues,"
pp. 69-99.
- Kennick, W.E. “On a
Putative Peculiarity of Language as a Medium of Art,"
pp. 101-115.
- Krieger, Murray. “Poetry as Art, Language as
Aesthetic Medium," pp. 5-34.
- Margolis, Joseph. “Farewell Again to
the Aesthetic," pp.157-168.
- Pavel, Thomas G. “On Convention and Representation
in Narratives," pp. 169-188.
- Ross, Steven David. “The Inexhaustibility of the
Medium," pp. 53-67.
- Clark, Michael P., ed., The Revenge of the
Aesthetic: The Place of Literature in Theory Today. Berkeley & Los
Angeles: University of California Press, 2000.
Clark, Michael P. "Introduction,"pp. 1-24.
- Fish, Stanley."Marvell and the Art of
pp. 25-44.
- Adams, Hazard. "Ekphrasis Revisited, or
Antitheticality Reconstructed,"
pp. 45-57.
- Miller, J. Hillis."Friedrich Schlegel and the
Anti-Ekphrastic Tradition,"
pp. 58-75.
- Behler, Ernst. "On Truth and Lie in an Aesthetic
pp. 76-92.
- Nichols, Stephen G."Pictures of Poetry in Marot's
pp. 93-100.
- Donoghue, Denis. "Murray Krieger versus Paul de
pp. 101-116.
- Carroll, David. "Organicism in Literature and
History: From (Murray Krieger's) Poetics to (Jules Michelet's) Politics,"
pp. 117-135.
- Morris, Wesley. "Of Wisdom and Competence,"
- Iser, Wolfgang. "What Is Literary Anthropology?
The Difference between Explanatory and Exploratory Fictions,"
pp. 157-179.
- Derrida, Jacques. "'A Self-Unsealing Poetic
Text': Poetics and Politics of Witnessing,"
pp. 180-207.
- Krieger, Murray. "My Travels with the Aesthetic,"
pp. 208-236.
- Henricksen, Bruce, ed., Murray
Krieger and
Contemporary Critical Theory. Irvine Studies in the Humanities.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
- Adams, Hazard. “Introduction: The Gentle Behemoth,"
pp. 1-18.
- Berg, Richard. “A Matter of Distinction: An Interview with Murray Krieger," pp. 198230.
- Cl
ark, Michael. “The Lureof the Text, or Uncle Toby's Revenge,"
pp. 135-156.
- Goodhart, Sandor. “After The Tragic Vision
: Krieger and Lentricchia, Criticism and Crisis," pp. 179-197.
- Henricksen, Bruce. “Murray Krieger and the
Question of History," pp. 119-134.
- Huffman, James. “Murray Krieger and the Impasse in
Contextualist Poetics," pp. 78 95.
- Iser, Wolfgang. “Murray Krieger at Konstanz: A Colloquy
Chaired by Wolfgang Iser.
(Participants: Wolfgang Iser, Murray Krieger, Ulrich Gaier, Anselm Haverkamp, Hans Robert Jauss, Jurgen Schlaeger, Gabriele Schwab), pp. 231-270.
- Krieger, Murray. “Both Sides Now," pp. 42-55.
- Leitch, Vincent B. “Saving Poetry: Murray Krieger's Faith in Formalism," pp. 29-41.
- Morris, Wesley. “Murray Krieger: A Departure into Diachrony," pp. 99-118.
- Rapaport, Herman. “The Phenomenol
ogy of Spenserian Ekphrasis," pp. 157-175.
- Rose, Mark. “Criticism as Quest: Murray Krieger and
the Pursuit of Presence," pp. 21-28.
- Rosmarin, Adena. “Rereading Contextualism," Yeghiayan, Eddie. “A
Checklist of Writings by Murray Krieger," pp. 271-288.
- American Literature (October 1986),