Eddie Yeghiayan
"The Ambiguities of Representation and Illusion: An E.H. Gombrich Retrospective." Critical Inquiry (December 1984), 11(2):181-194.
"A Humanity Within the Humanities: Literature Among the Discourses." Journal of Literary Criticism [Allahabad, India] (Summer 1984), 1(1).
"The Literary Privilege of Evaluation." In Joseph P. Strelka, ed., Literary Theory and Criticism: Festschrift in Honor of René Wellek, Part I: Theory, pp. 369-391. Berne, Frankfurt & New York: Lang, 1984.
"Literature vs. Ecriture: Constructions and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory." In Victor A. Kramer, ed., American Critics at Work: Examinations of Contemporary Literary Theory, pp. 27-48. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1984.
"Post-New-Critical Fashions in Theory." Indian Journal of American Studies [ASRC, Hyderabad, India] (July 1984), 14(2):189-206.
"Words about Words about Words: Theory, Criticism, and the Literary Text." Academe: Bulletin of the AAUP (March-April 1984), 70(1):17-24.