Eddie Yeghiayan
"Contextualism." In Alex Preminger, ed., Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Revised and enlarged edition, pp. 929-930. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974.
"Fiction and Historical Reality: The Hourglass and the
Sands of Time." In Literature and History, pp.
43-77. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark
Memorial Library, UCLA, 1974.
Paper read at a Clark Library Seminar, March 3,
"Fiction, History, and Empirical
Reality." Critical Inquiry (December 1974), 1(2):
A quite different version of this paper was
at the Clark Library Seminar on Literature and History, March 3, 1973, with the title
"Fiction and Historical Reality: The Hourglass and the Sands of
Theory of Criticism (1976), Chapter
6, pp. 149-175.
"Geoffrey Hartman." Review of Geoffrey H. Hartman's Beyond Formalism: Literary Essays 1958 1970. Contemporary Literature (Winter 1974), 15(1):141-144.