Eddie Yeghiayan
"Critical Historicism: The Poetic Context and the
Existential Context."
Orbis Litterarum (1966), 21(1):49-40.
A revised and expanded version of a paper delivered at the 9th Congress of
FILLM at New York University in August 1963 and published under the same
title in 1964.
"The Existential Basis of Contextual Criticism."
Criticism (Fall 1966), 8(4):305-317.
See The Play and Place of Criticism (1967),
16, pp. 239-251.
"Measure for Measure and Elizabethan
Comedy." In Rolf Soellner and Samuel Bertsche, eds.,
Measure for Measure: Text, Source, and Criticism,
pp. 91-99. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
See "Measure for Measure and Elizabethan
Comedy" (1951).
"Northrop Frye and Contemporary Criticism: Ariel and
the Spirit of Gravity." In Murray Krieger, ed., Northrop Frye in Modern Criticism, pp. 1-26.
Selected papers from the English Institute, September 7-10, 1965.
New York and London: Columbia University
Press, 1966.
See The Play and Place of Criticism (1967), Chapter
15, pp. 221-237.
Edited. Northrop Frye in Modern Criticism.
Selected papers from the English Institute, September 7-10, 1965.
New York and London: Columbia University
Press, 1966.
"Tragedy and the Tragic Vision."
Midway (Summer 1966), 27:2-25.
See The Tragic Vision
(1960), Chapter 1, pp. 1-21, and
"Tragedy and the Tragic Vision," (1958).
Tragedy and the Tragic Vision: Variations on a
Theme in Literary Interpretation. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, Pheoneix Books, 1966.
A paperback reprint of Tragedy and the Tragic Vision:
Variations on a Theme in Literary Interpretation (1960).