Eddie Yeghiayan
Bois, Yve-Alain. "La Pensée Sauvage." Review of the exhibition and the catalogue. Art in America (April 1985), 73(4): 178-188.
Christo, Cyril. "New York et la maschera." Review of the exhibition. Domus (December 1984), 656: 73.
Clifford, James. "Histories of the Tribal and the Modern." Review of the exhibition and the catalogue. Art in America (April 1985), 73(4): 164-177, 215.
Cowling, Elizabeth. "Encounters and Coincidences." TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (September 16, 1985), 4301: 969-970.
Graaf, Vera. "Primitivismus in der Kunst der klassischen Moderne." Review of the exhibition and the catalogue `Primitivism' in 20th Century Art (1984). Du (1984), 12: 94, 96, 98.
Hamel-Schwulst, Mary. Library Journal (December 1984), 109(20): 2269.
Haxthausen, Charles W. " Detroit: `Primitivism' in Twentieth Century Art." Review of the exhibition and the catalogue. Burlington Magazine (May 1985), 127(986): 325-326.
Lehuard, Raoul. Arts d'Afrique Noire (Spring 1985), 53: 51-52.
Penney, David W. African Arts (August 1985), 18(4): 27, 90-91.
Price, Sally. American Ethnologist (August 1986), 13(3): 578-579.
Roy, C.D. Choice (February 1985), 22(6): 805.
Peppiatt, Michael. "Sujet tabou: exposition risquée." Review of the exhibition and the catalogue. Connaissance des Arts (September 1984), 391: 84-94.