Eddie Yeghiayan
Agnes Martin. Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de
Arte Reina Sofia, 1994.
(with Benjamin Buchloh, Alexander Alberro, Thierry de Duve, Martha
Buskirk, and Yve-Alain Bois.) "Conceptual Art and the Reception of
Duchamp." October (Fall 1994), 70: 126-146.
"Cy's Up." Artforum (September 1994), 33(1): 70-75, 118.
Translated Denis Hollier's "Surrealist Precipitates: Shadows Don't Cast Shadows." October (Summer 1994), 69: 111-132.
"The Grid, the /Cloud/, and the Detail." In Detlef
Mertins, ed., The Presence of Mies, pp. 132147. New York: Princeton Architectural Press,
"Letters: To the editor." Artforum
(November 1994), 33(3): 7.
"`Michel, Bataille et moi', and I."
Artforum (January 1994), 32(5): 74-75.
"`Michel, Bataille et moi'." October (Spring 1994), 68: 3-20.
"The Mind/Body Problem: Robert Morris in Series." In Robert Morris: The Mind/Body Problem, pp. 2-17. New York: Guggenheim Museum Foundation,
The Optical Unconscious. October Books. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1994.
(with Hal Foster, Benjamin Buchloh, Yve-Alain Bois, Helen
Molesworth and Denis Hollier.) "The Politics of the Signifier II: A
Conversation on the Informe and the Abject."
October (Winter 1994), 67: 3-21.
(with Denis Hollier, Annette Michelson, Hal Foster, Silvia
Kolbowski, Martha Buskirk and Benjamin H.D. Buchloh.) "The Reception of
the Sixties." October (Summer 1994), 69: 3-21.
"Richard Serra: Skulptur/Sculpture." In Richard Serra: Props, pp. 28-109. Konzeption von Austellung und Katalog, Richard Serra und Christoph Brockhaus/Conception of the Exhibition and the Catalogue, Richa
rd Serra and Christoph Borckhaus. Duisburg:
Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Zentrum für europaïsche Skulpture;
Düsseldorf: Richter, 1994.
"Robert Morris: autour du problème
corps/esprit/Around the Mind/Body Problem." Art Press
(July-August 1994), 193: 24-32.
Translated Thierry de Duve's "Echoes of the Readymade: Critique of Pure Modernism." October (Fall 1994), 70: 61-97.
"Visual Gravities: A Conversation with Rosalind Krauss."
Any (March-April 1994), 1(5): 30-31.
"We Lost It at the Movies." Art Bulletin
(December 1994), 76(4): 578-580.