Eddie Yeghiayan
(with Yve-Alain Bois and Douglas Crimp.) "A Conversation with Hans Haacke." In Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp and Jean Copjec, eds., October: The First Decade, 1976-1986, pp. 175-200. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987. See "A Conversation with Hans Haacke" (1984).
"A propos de Maurice Tabard." In Maurice Tabard, pp. 5-7. Paris: Contrejour, 1987.
"Death of a Hermeneutic Phantom: Materialization of the Sign in the Work of Peter Eisenman." In Peter Eisenman's Houses of Cards, pp. 166-184. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. See "Death of a Hermeneutic Phantom: Materialization of the Sign in the Work of Peter Eisenman" (1980).
"Discussion." (With Michael Fried, Benjamin Buchloh, Hal Foster, Douglas Crimp, John Knight, Martha Rosler, Perry Anderson, Irving Sandler and Andrew Ross.) In Hal Foster, ed., Discussions in Contemporary Culture, p p. 71-87. Dia Art Foundation. Discussions in Contemporary Culture, 1. Seattle: Bay Press, 1987. Discussion following Rosalind Krauss' "Theories of Art after Minimalism and Pop," (1987).
(with Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp and Jean Copjec.) "Introduction." In Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp and Jean Copjec, eds., October: The First Decade, 1976-1986, pp. ix-xii. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987.
"LeWitt in Progress." Review of Contemporary Fiction (Summer 1987), 7(2): 128-137. See "Lewitt in Progress" (1978), and The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985), pp . 244-258.
"Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America." In Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp and Jean Copjec, eds., October: The First Decade, 1976-1986, pp. 2-15. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987. See "Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America" (1977).
Edited (with Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp and Jean Copjec.) October: The First Decade, 1976-1986. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987.
"Preface." In Poetic Injury: The Surrealist Legacy in Postmodern Photography, pp. 3-5. New York, New York: Alternative Museum, 1987.
"This preface was modified by Rosalind Krauss in September, 1987, specifically for The Alternative Museum's presentation of Poetic Injury. It was originally delivered as a lecture before the I.C.A. in London, in
1986, and remains close to the ideas
discussed In L'Amour Fou, photography & surrealism, by Rosalind Krauss, Jane Livingston, and Dawn Ades (Washington, D.C.: Corcoran Gallery of Art and New York: Abbeville Press, 1985)." Exhibition
"Post-History on Parade." Review of Arthur Danto's The State of the Art, The Transfiguration of the Commonplace: A Philosophy of Art, and The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art. New Repub lic (May 25, 1987), 196(21) [3,775]: 27-30.
"Theories of Art after Minimalism and Pop." In Hal Foster, ed., Discussions in Contemporary Culture, pp. 59-64. Dia Art Foundation. Discussions in Contemporary Culture, 1. Seattle: Bay Press, 19 87.