Eddie Yeghiayan
"Antivision." October (Spring 1986), 36: 147-154.
Beverly Pepper: Sculpture in Place. Introduction by Douglas G. Schultz. Buffalo: Albright-Knox Art Gallery; New York: Abbeville Press, 1986. Published in conjunction with a major exhibition held at the A lbright-Knox Art Gallery, September 13-November 2, 1986 and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art from December 11, 1986February 8, 1987, the Columbus Museum of Art, March 22-May 10, 1987, the Brooklyn Museum, June 5August 24, 1987, and the Center for the Fine Arts, Miami from September 27-November 1, 1987.
Qu'est-ce que la sculpture moderne?, pp. 246-253. Paris: Musée National d'Art Modern e, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1986. Exhibition curated by Margit Rowell held in Paris at Centre Georges Pompidou in the Musée national d'art moderne, July 3-October 13, 1986.
Explosante-fixe: photographie & surréalisme. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou/Hazan, 1986. Translation of L'Amour fou: Photography & Surrealism (1985).
"Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition `Photographie et surrealisme' au Musée national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, du 15 avril au 15 juin, 1985. Commissaire de l'exposition: Alain Sayag, assisté de
Marie-France Van Denbusche. Cette exposition
a été conçue par Rosalind Krauss et Jane Livingston pour la Corcoran Gallery of Modern Art, Washington, DC."
"Préface," by Rosalind Krauss and Jane Livingston, pp. 8-10. (Translated by Dominique Le Bourg)
"La photographie au service du surréalisme," by Rosalind Krauss, pp. 12-53 (Translated by Dominique Le Bourg)
"Corpus Delicti," by Rosalind Krauss, pp. 54-111. (Translated by Camille Hercot) See L'Amour fou: Photography & Surrealism (1985), and "The Photographic Conditions of Surrealism" (1981).
"The Future of an Illusion." AA Files: Annals of the Architectural Association School of Architecture (Autumn 1986), 13: 3-7. Based on one of two lectures given at the Architectural Association in autumn 1986.
"Life with Picasso: Sketchbook No. 92, 1926." In Arnold Glimcher and Marc Glimcher, eds., Je Suis le Cahier: The Sketchbooks of Picasso, pp. 112-123. Boston & New York: Atlantic Monthly Press; London: Thames and Hudson, 1986. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Pace Gallery, New York (May 2-August 1, 1986), and at the Royal Academy of Arts, London (September 11-November 23, 1986), Los Angeles County Museum (De cember 18- January 26, 1987), the de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco (February-March 1987), the Pheonix Art Museum (April-May 1987), the Art Institute of Chicago (August-September 1987), and the Ft. Worth Art Museum (November- December 1987). p>
"La Musée sans murs du postmodernisme." (Translated by Ann Hindry) Cahiers du Musée National d'Art Moderne (1986), 17-18: 152-158.
"Originality as Repetition: Introduction." October (Summer 1986), 37: 35-40.
"The Originality of the Avant- Garde: A Post-Modernist Repetition." In Origins Originality + Beyond, pp. 16-18. 2d ed. Sydney, N.S.W., Australia: Six Biennale of Sydney, 1986.
Art Gallery of
New South Wales (May 16-July 6, 1986), Biennale of Sydney.
Excerpted from "The Originality of the Avant-Garde: A Post- Modernist Repetition" (1984).
The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1986.
Paperback edition The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985).
"Problem Sets." In Francesca Woodman, Photographic Work: Exhibition, pp. 40-51. Wellesley, Mass.: Wellesley College Museum, 1986.
An exhibition organized by Ann Gabhart in collaboration with
Rosalind Krauss, held at Wellesley College
Museum April 9-June 8, 1986, and Hunter College Art Gallery, February 13- March 14, 1986.
Richard Serra/Sculpture. Edited and with an Introduction by Laura Rosenstock. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1986. Published on the occasion of an exhibition curated by Rosalind Krauss with Laura Rosens tock at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 27-May 13, 1986.