Eddie Yeghiayan
(with Annette Michelson.) "Art World Follies, 1981: A Special Issue." October (Spring 1981), 16: 3-4.
"In the Name of Picasso." October (Spring 1981), 16: 5-22. See The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985), pp. 23-40.
"Marcel Duchamp ou le champ imaginaire." Degrés (Spring 1981), 26-27:e1-e20. Translation by Michèle Jeunehomme, with assistance from Philippe Minguet, Martine Maitrejean, Richard Martin and Philippe Du bois. See Le Photographique: pour une Théorie des Écarts (1990), pp. 71-88.
(with Annette Michelson.) "The New Talkies: A Special Issue." October (Summer 1981), 17: 24.
"Nightwalkers." Art Journal (Spring 1981), 41(1): 33-38.
"The Originality of the Avant- Garde: A Postmodernist Repetition." October (Fall 1981), 18: 4766. See The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985), pp. 151-17 0.
Passages in Modern Sculpture. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1981.
Paperback edition of Passages in Modern Sculpture (1977).
"The Photographic Conditions of Surrealism." October (Winter 1981), 19: 3-34.
Originally presented at a Colloquium at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington, DC, Februar
y 12, 1981. See The
Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985), pp. 87-118. See "La photographie et le surréalisme" (1982).
"The State of Criticism: The Effects of Critical Theory on Practical Criticism, Cultural Journalism, and Reviewing." Partisan Review (1981), 48(1): 26-30. Discussion:30-35. Symposium and Discussion. Speakers includ ed Rosalind Krauss, Morris Dickstein, and Eugene Goodheart. Discussants were Rosalind Krauss, Morris Dickstein Eugene Goodheart, William Phillips, Peter Brooks, Edith Kurzweil, Ellen Lambert and Stanley Cavell.
"This New Art: To Draw in Space." In Julio Gonzalez: Sculpture & Drawings, October 2-31, 1981, pp. [1-6]. New York: Pace Gallery, 1981. See The Original ity of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985), pp. 119-129.