Eddie Yeghiayan
"Contemporary Criticism." Markham, Ont.: Audio Archives of Canada, 1979.
1 sound cassette: 1 7/8 ips.
(with Annette Michelson.) "Editorial." October (Fall 1979), 10: 3-4.
"Eva Hesse." In Eva Hesse: Sculpture 1936-1970, pp. [1-6.] Edited by Naomi Spector. Foreword by Nicholas Serota. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery (May 4-June 17, 19 79), Otterlo, Netherlands: Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller (June 30-August 5, 1979), Hanover, G.F.R.: Kestner-Gesellschaft (August 17-September 23, 1979).
"Eva Hesse." In Eva Hesse, 1936-1970: Skulpturen und Zeichnungen. 17 August bis 23. September 1979, Kestner-Gesellschaft, Katalog 4/1979, pp. 8-13. Foreword by Nicholas Serota. Hannove
r: Kestner-Gesellschaft, 1979.
German translation of "Eva Hesse" (1979).
"Grids." October (Summer 1979), 9: 50-64. See The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985), pp. 8-22. Translated Hubert Damisch's "The Duchamp Defense." October (Fall 1979), 10: 5-28.
(with Annette Michelson.) "Introduction." October (Winter 1979), 11: 3-4.
Introduction to the 11th issue of October "Essays in Honor of Jay Leyda," in homage to Jay Leyda on the occasion of his 70t
h birthday.
"John Mason and Post-modernist Sculpture: New Experience and New Words." Art in America (May-June 1979), 67(3): 120-127.
"The Naked Bride." Review of Octavio Paz' Marcel Duchamp: Appearance Stripped Bare. Partisan Review (1979), 46(4): 615-619.
"Notes sur l'index: l'art des années 1970 aux États-Unis." Macula (1979), 5-6: 165-175.
French translation by Priscille Michaud of "Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America" (1977).
"Sculpture in the Expanded Field." October (Spring 1979), 8: 30-44. See "Sculpture in the Expanded Field" (1983), and The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985), pp. 276-290.
"Stieglitz/Equivalents." October (Winter 1979), 11: 129-140.
Terminal Iron Works: The Sculpture of David Smith. Cambridge, Mass. & London: MIT Press, 1979.
Paperback edition of Terminal Iron Works: The Sculpture of David Smith (1971).