Eddie Yeghiayan
"Changing the Work of David Smith." Art in America (September-October 1974), 62(5): 30-34. For letters occasioned by this article see Joseph W. Henderson in Part B of this bibliography, and for Rosa lind Krauss' reply: "Letters: Changing David Smith, cont." Art in America (March 1975), 63(2): 136. For additional letters see Beverly Pepper, Herbert Kallem, Clement Greenberg, Stanley E. Marcus and William Rubin (1978) in Part B of this bibliography.
"Dark Glasses and Bifocals: A Book Review." Artforum (May 1974), 12(9): 59-62. A review of Stanley Cavell's The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film, and Stephen Koch's Star Gazer: Andy Warhol's World and his Films.
"The Fountainhead." Oppositions (January 1974), 2: 61-70.
Line as Language: Six Artists Draw. Preface by Peter C. Bunnell. Princeton, N.J.: The Art Museum, Princeton University, 1974. Prepared in conjunction with an exhibition organized by Rosalind Krauss of works by Mel Bochner, Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, Dorothea Rockburne, Richard Serra, and Richard Tuttle, held February 23 to March 31, 1974, at The Art Museum, Princeton University.
"On Frontality." In E.A. Carmean, Jr., ed., The Great Decade of American Abstraction: Modernist Art 1960 to 1970, pp. 87-94. With an Introductory Note by Philippe de Montebello. Housto n: Museum of Fine Arts, 1974. Inaugural exhibition for the Brown Pavilion, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, January 15-March 10, 1974. See "On Frontality" (1968).
"Painting Becomes Cyclorama." Artforum (June 1974), 12(10): 50-52. On Joan Mitchell's exhibition at the Whitney Museum.
"Rauschenberg and the Materialized Image." Artforum (December 1974), 13(4): 36-43.
"Robert Mangold: An Interview." Artforum (March 1974), 12(7): 36-38.
(with Lawrence Alloway, Max Kozloff, Joseph Mascheck and Annette Michelson.) "To the Editor." [Letter] Artforum (December 1974), 13(4): 9. For further letters see Artforum (March 1975), 13(7): 8-9.