Within the Easel Convention: Sources of Abstract-
Expressionism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University. Fogg
Art Museum, 1964. A catalogue of an exhibition held at
the Fogg Museum, Harvard University, May 7-June 7, 1964. Rosalind Krauss' essay
"Within the Easel Convention: Sources of Abstract-Expressionism," pp.
1-13. In the Catalogue portion, she writes on Willem De
Kooning's "Bird of Paradise" (1947), "Untitled" (1937), "Orestes" (1947), "Gray and Black Composition" (1948), "Ashvill
e" (1948-49), pp. 15-18, Max
Ernst's "Blind Swimmer" (1934), pp. 18-19, Arshile Gorky's
"Pirate II" (1943), "Virginia Landscape" (1943), pp. 20-22,
Hans Hofmann's "Lighthouse" (1947), and "Abstract I" "Entombment" (1951),
pp. 22-24.