Eddie Yeghiayan
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Champlin, Peggy. Library Journal (June 1, 1983), 108(11): 1146. Choice (July-August 1984), 21(11-12): 1628.
Daniels, Pamela. "Choosing Nature over Nurture." Women's Review of Books (October 1983), 1: 3-5.
Dixon, B. New Scientist (September 1, 1983), 99: 632.
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Fincham, J.R.S. "Genetics at First Sight." Nature (July 28-August 3, 1983), 304(5924): 377-378.
Gladstone, Jo. "Behind the Lines: Women in the Arts and Sciences in the 1930s." Science, Technology & Human Values (Spring 1984), 9(2): 73 77.
Glass, Bentley. Isis (September 1984), 75(278): 600-601.
Gould, Stephen Jay. "Triumph of a Naturalist." New York Review of Books (March 29, 1984), 31(5): 3-6. Reprinted as "Jumping Genes" in Chemtech (December 1985), 15: 712-715.
Graber, David. "A Solitary Way to a Nobel Prize for a Woman of Science." Los Angeles Times Book Review (November 6, 1983): 3.
Grontkowski, C.R. Philosophy of Science (June 1985), 52(2): 323-324.
Grove, J.W. "Nonsense and Good Sense about Women in Science." Minerva (Winter 1989), 27(4): 535-546.
Hein, Hilde. 4S Review (Society for Social Study of Science) (Spring 1984), 2(1): 5-10.
Krupp, Robert G. New Technical Books (October 1985), 70(8): 245.
Lacy, Ann M. Quarterly Review of Biology (June 1984), 59(2): 161-162.
Laughnan, John R. "A Career in Genetics." Science (February 3, 1984), 223(4635): 482-483.
List, Elisabeth. "Reclaiming an Undivided Human Reason." Praxis International (October 1986), 6(3): 382-390.
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Mount, Ellis and Edith S. Crockett. "Sci-Tech Books of 1983: 100 Outstanding Titles for General Library Collections." Library Journal (March 1, 1984), 109(4): 429.
Ognibene, Elaine. Quarterly Journal of Speech (August 1985), 71(3): 392-394. Publishers Weekly (April 8, 1983), 223(14): 48.
Rossiter, Margaret W. "Wanting a Lab of One's Own." New York Times Book Review (October 2, 1983): 11, 27.
Schramm, E. Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Natursissenchaften (1985), 69: 105-106. Science Books and Films (January-February 1984), 19: 141.
Shapiro, James. American Scientist (January- February 1984), 72(1): 74-75.
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Staudenmaier, John M. Technology and Culture (July 1985), 26(3): 681-682.
Wade, Nicholas. "McClintock." London Review of Books (September 20 October 3, 1984), 6(17): 7-8.