Eddie Yeghiayan
(with Matthew Meselson.) "Unequal Photosensitivity of the Two Strands of DNA in Bacteriophage Lambda." Journal of Molecular Biology (November 1963), 7(5): 583-589.
"Single-Burst Analysis for Semiconserved Phage." Virology (April 1964), 22(4): 649650.
"Statistics of the Thermal Radiation Field." Physical Review (July 12, 1965), 139(1B):B202-B211.
(with Joseph B. Keller.) "Statistical Mechanics of the Moment Stress Tensor." Physics of Fluids (January 1966), 9(1): 3-7.
(with Joseph B. Keller.) "Statistical Mechanics of a Fluid in an External Potential." Physical Review (February 4, 1966), 142(1): 90-99.
(with Joseph B. Keller.) "Statistical Mechanics of a Fluid in an External Potential." [Abstract] Physics Abstracts (April 1966), 69(820): 884.
"A Mathematical Description of Biological Blocks." Currents in Modern Biology (1968), 1: 279-284.
(with Lee A. Segel.) "On the Aggregation of Acrasiales." [Abstract] Biophysical Society Abstracts of the Annual Meeting (1969), 13:A-69.
(with Lee A. Segel.) "Initiation of Slime Mold Aggregation Viewed as an Instability." Journal of Theoretical Biology (1970), 26(3): 399-415.
(with Lee A. Segel.) "Conflict between Positive and Negative Feedback as an Explanation for the Initiation of Aggregation in Slime Mold Amoebae." Nature (September 26, 1970), 227(5265): 1365-1366.
(with Lee A. Segel.) "Travelling Bands of Chemotactic Bacteria: A Theoretical Analysis." [Abstract] Biophysical Society Abstracts of the Annual Meeting (1970), 14: 40a.
(with Lee A. Segel.) "A Model for Chemotaxis." Journal of Theoretical Biology (February 1971), 30(2): 225-234.
(with Lee A. Segel.) "Travelling Bands of Chemotactic Bacteria: A Theoretical Analysis." Journal of Theoretical Biology (February 1971), 30(2): 235-248.
(with Lee A. Segel.) "Travelling Nonlinear Waves of Bacteria." [Abstract] Siam Review (April 1971), 13(2): 271. Presented at the SIAM [Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics] Fall Meeting on October 12-14, 1970.
"Instability in Biological Systems." Proceedings of SIAM Conference on Stability (1972): 121-137.
"Women in Science: An Analysis of a Social Problem." Harvard Magazine (October 1974), 77(2): 14-19.
(with Garrett M. Odell.) "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Chemotactic Bands." Mathematical Biosciences (1975), 27(3-4): 309-317.
(with G.M. Odell.) "Travelling Bands of Chemotactic Bacteria Revisited." [Letter to the Editor] Journal of Theoretical Biology (January 1976), 56(1): 243-247.
"Gender and Science." Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought (September 1978), 1(3): 409-433.
Reprinted in Sandra Harding and Merrill B. Hintikka, eds., Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, pp. 187-205. Synthese Library, 1 61. Boston: D. Reidel; Hingham, MA: Kluwer Academic, 1983.
Translated into Italian in Alice Attraverso, Il Microscopio. Milan: La Salamandra, 1985.
"Cognitive Repression in Contemporary Physics." American Journal of Physics (August 1979), 47(8): 718-721.
Reprinted in Correspondence Course text, U201 Risk Unit 21 (3) W YC Open University Press, 1980.
Reprinted in Reflections on Gender and Science, pp. 139-149.
"Assessing the Keller-Segel Model- -How Has It Fared?" [Abstract] Advances in Applied Probability (1980), 12(3): 567-568.
"Lewis Carroll: A Study of Mathematical Inhibition." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (1980), 28(1): 133-160.
"Baconian Science: A Hermaphroditic Birth." Philosophy Forum (Spring 1980), 11(3): 299-308. Abstract in Philosopher's Index (1981), 15: 400.
"Feminist Critique of Science: A Foreword or Backward Move?" Fundamenta Scientiae (1980), 1: 341-347. See Madeleine Rebaudieres Paty's "Réponse à Evelyn Fox Keller," in the same issue, pp. 347-348, with Evelyn Fox Keller's "Reply," pp. 348-349.
"New Faces in Science and Technology: A Study of Women Students at M.I.T." 1981. 29 leaves.
"Women and Science: Two Cultures or One? Commentary on Hein, Lowe, Fee, and Goodman and Goodman." International Journal of Women's Studies (September-October 1981), 4(4): 414-419. This issue o f the journal is on "Women and Science" and Keller comments on articles in it by Hilde Hein, "Women and Science: Fitting Men to Think about Nature," Marion Lowe, "Cooperation and Competition in Science," Elizabeth Fee, "Is Feminism a Threat to Scientific Objectivity?," and Madeleine J. Goodman and Lenn Evan Goodman, "Is There a Feminist Biology?"
"McClintock's Maize." Science (October 1981), 81: 55-58.
"Feminism and Science." Signs (Spring 1982), 7(3): 589-602.
Reprinted in Nannerl O. Keohane, Michelle Z. Rosaldo, and Barbara C. Gelpi, eds., Feminist Theory: A Critique of Ideology, pp. 113-126. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Reprinted in Elizabeth Abel and Emily K. Abel, eds., The `Signs' Reader: Women, Gender, & Scholarship, pp. 109-122. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 19 83.
Translated into Italian.
Translated into German by Brita Rang as "Feminismus und Naturwissenschaft." Das Argument (September 1984), 26(147): 719-724.
Translated into German as "Feminismus und Wissenschaft." In Elisabeth List and Herlinde Studer, eds., Denkverhältnisse. Feminismus und Kritik. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1989.
Translated into Swedish.
Translated into Japanese.
Reprinted in Sandra G. Harding and Jean F. O'Barr, eds., Sex and Scientific Inquiry, pp. 233-246. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Reprinted in Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper and J.D. Trout, eds., The Philosophy of Science. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, A Bradford Book, 1991.
Reprinted in Maggie Humm, ed., Modern Feminism: Political, Literary, Cultural, pp. 312-317. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992.
Reprinted in Evelyn Fox Keller and Helen E. Longino, eds., Feminism and Science, pp. 28-42. Oxford Readings in Feminism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
"The Force of the `Pacemaker' Concept in Theories of Aggregation in Cellular Slime Mold." Fundamenta Scientiae (1982), 3(2): 221-226.
Reprinted as "The Force of the `Pacemaker' Concept in Theories of Aggregation in Cellular Slime Mold Dictyostelium discoideum" in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Summer 1983), 26(4): 515 -521.
Reprinted in Reflections on Gender and Science, pp. 150-157
"Feminism as an Analytic Tool for the Study of Science." Academe (September- October 1983), 69(5): 15-21. This issue of the journal is on "Feminism in the Academy."
Adapted from Reflections on Gender and Science. A version was presented at the Boston University Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science in March, 1983.
Translated into German.
"Feminism, Science, and Democracy." Democracy (Spring 1983), 3(2): 50-58.
"Women and Basic Research: Respecting the Unexpected." Technology Review (November-December 1984), 87(8): 44-47. Part of a special section on "Women in Technology."
Excerpted from Reflections on Gender and Science.
"Erkenntnis und sexuelle Liebe bei Plato und Bacon." (Translated by Nele Löw-Beer) Feministische Studien (May 1985), 4(1): 47-56.
"Contending with a Masculine Bias in the Ideals and Values of Science." Chronicle of Higher Education (October 2, 1985), 31(5): 96.
"One Woman and Her Theory." New Scientist (July 3, 1986), 111(1515): 46-50. On Lynn Margulis. Original title: "From Individual to Community: The Scientific Journey of Lynn Margulis."
"Women in Science." [Letter] Science (May 1, 1987), 236(4801): 507.
(with Helene Moglen.) "Competition and Feminism: Conflicts for Academic Women." Signs (Spring 1987), 12(3): 493-511. See Phyllis Palmer's "Comment on Keller and Moglen's `Competition and Feminism: Confli cts for Academic Women'." Signs (Winter 1988), 13(2): 384-386.
Reprinted in a revised version in Valerie Miner and Helen E. Longino, eds., Competition: A Feminist Taboo? pp. 21-37. Foreword by Nell Irvin Painter. New York: The Feminist Press at T he City University of New York, 1987.
"Women Scientists and Feminist Critics of Science." Daedalus (Fall 1987), 116(4): 77-91. This issue of the journal is on "Learning about Women: Gender, Politics, and Power."
Reprinted in Jill K. Conway, Susan C. Bourque and Joan W. Scott, eds., Learning about Women: Gender, Politics and Power, pp. 77-92. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1989.
"The Gender/Science System: or, Is Sex to Gender as Nature Is to Science?" Hypatia (Fall 1987), 2(3): 37-49. Portions of this paper are taken from a talk given at the "Little Three" Conference, Jan. 16, < !-- YR-->1986, Amherst, MA. For abstracts see Studies on Women Abstracts (1988), 6(2): 91, #185, and Philosopher's Index (1988), 22: 443.
Translated into Swedish in Kvinno-vetenskaplig Tidskrift (Spring 1987).
Reprinted in Nancy Tuana, ed., Feminism & Science, pp. 33-44. Race, Gender, and Science. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989.
Translated into German in Z. System. Ther. (1989), 7(2): 73-83.
"The Gender/Science System: Response to Kelly Oliver." Hypatia (Winter 1988) 3(3): 149-152. Abstract in Philosopher's Index (1989), 23473. See Kelly Oliver in Part II below.
"Reproduction and the Central Project of Evolutionary Theory." Biology and Philosophy (October 1987), 2(4): 383-396. Abstract in Philosopher's Index (1988), 22: 442-443.< /p>
"Feminist Perspectives on Science Studies." Science, Technology, & Human Values (Summer-Autumn 1988), 13(3-4): 235-249. This article was first presented as the keynote address to the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, November 21, 1987. For comments on this paper see below, in Part II, Arie Rip and Sharon Traweek.
Reprinted in Thesis Eleven (1988), 21: 65-81.
Reprinted in Barnard Occasional Papers on Women's Issues (Spring 1988), 3: 1036.
"Demarcating Public from Private Values in Evolutionary Discourse." Journal of the History of Biology (Summer 1988), 21(2): 195-212.
"Feminism, Science, and Postmodernism." Cultural Critique (Fall 1989), 13: 15-32. This issue of the journal is on "The Construction of Gender and Modes of Social Division."
Translation into German in press.
"The Gender/Science System: Response to Kelly Oliver." Hypatia (Winter 1989), 3: 149152.
"Holding the Center of Feminist Theory." Women's Studies International Forum (1989), 12(3): 313-318. For abstracts see Women Studies Abstracts (Fall 1989), 18(3): 33, #19 37A, and Studies on Women Abstracts (1990), 8(3): 220, #469. This issue of the journal is on "Feminism and Science: In Memory of Ruth Bleier."
"Just What is So Difficult about the Concept of Gender as a Social Category (Response to Richards and Schuster)." Social Studies of Science (November 1989), 19(4): 721-724 .
Response to Evelleen Richards and John Schuster, "The Feminine Method as Myth and Accounting Resource: A Challenge to Gender Studies and Social Studies of Science." Social Studies of Science (November 19 89), 19(4): 697-720.
"Physics and the Emergence of Molecular Biology: A History of Cognitive and Political Synergy." Journal of the History of Biology (Fall 1990), 23(3): 389-410. Abstract in Isis (1991): 170, #3237.
"Long Live the Differences between Men and Women Scientists." Scientist (October 15, 1990), 4(20): 15. "Correction." Scientist (1990), 4(24): 12.
"Secrets of God, Nietzsche, and Life." History of the Human Sciences (1990), 3(2): 229-242.
"Evelyn Fox Keller Objects to Editors Title." Scientist (January 7, 1991), 5(1): 16.
"Commencement Address, 1991, Mount Holyoke College." Mount Holyoke College Commencement Records (1991). 6 typescript leaves. The Commencement address was on May 26, 1991.
"Propelling Women's Progress." Scientist (June 24, 1991), 5(13): 13.
"Fractured Images of Science, Language and Power: A Postmodern Optic, or Just Bad Eyesight?" Poetics Today (Summer 1991), 12(2): 227-243.
See Secrets of Life/Secrets of Death: Essays on Language, Gender and Science, pp. 93-110. New York & London: Routledge, 1992.
"Genetics, Reductionism, and the Normative Uses of Biological Information: Response to Kevles." Southern California Law Review (November 1991), 65(1): 285-291. See Daniel J. Kevles' "Vital Esse nces and Human Wholeness: The Social Readings of Biological Information," in the same issue, pp. 255-284.
"Between Language and Science: The Question of Directed Mutation in Molecular Genetics." Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Winter 1992), 35(2): 292-306.
"The Paradox of Scientific Subjectivity." Annals of Scholarship (1992), 9(1-2): 135-153.