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_____."Television, Black Americans, and the American Dream." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (December 1989), 6(4): 377 378, 386.
Gray, James D. "Shreve's Lesson of Love: Power of the Unsaid in Absalom, Absalom!." New Orleans Review (Winter 1987), 14(4): 33.
Gray, Richard. "The Ambivalence of Revolt in Klinger's Zwillinge: An Apologia for Political Inconsequence." Colloquia Germanica (1986), 19(3 4): 227n35.
_____."The Hermeneut(r)ic(k) of Psychic Narrative: Freud's `Das Unheimliche' and Hofmannsthal's Reitergeschichte." German Quarterly (Fall 1989), 62(4): 475, 487n14.
Green, Robert. "African Literary Criticism: The Banality of Cannibalism." Journal of Commonwealth Literature (1984), 19(1): 62n2.
Greenberg, Valerie D. "The Resistance of Effi Brest: An (Un)told Tale." PMLA (October 1988), 103(5): 780n19, 781.
Greenblatt, Stephen J. Learning to Curse: Essays in early Modern Culture, 147 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 159 160n4, 160n7. New York: Routledge, 1990.
Greene, Gayle. "Feminist and Marxist Criticism: An Argument for Alliances." Women's Studies (1981), 9(1): 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 43nn14, 15, 18, 44n36.
_____."Margaret Drabble's The Waterfall: New System, New Morality." Novel (Fall 1988), 22(1): 49n12.
Contemporary Literature (1987), 28: 82
Greenfeld, Liah. "Russian Formalist Sociology of Literature: A Sociologist's Perspective." Slavic Review (Spring 1987), 46(1): 38n2.
Greenfield, Catherine. "Psychoanalysis and Literary Criticism." Southern Review (Adelaide) (November 1981), 14(3): 211n7.
Greer, Margaret Rich. "Art and Power in the Spectacle Plays of Calderon de la Barca."Greer, M.R. PMLA (May 1989), 104(3): 338n15, 339.
Greer, Michael. "Politicizing the Modern: Carolyn Forché in El Salvador and America." Centennial Review (Spring 1986), 30(2): 176n5, 180.
Gregory, D.J. "Postmodernism and the Politics of Social Theory." Environment & Planning D Society & Space (September 1987), 5(3): 246, 248.
Greiner, Norbert. "Shaw's Aesthetics and Socialist Realism." Shaw Review (January 1979), 22(1): 40n29.
Griswold, Wendy. "Mirrors and Tarts and Provocative Metaphors: A Reply to Alan Segal." American Journal of Sociology (March 1982), 87(5): 1166, 1167.
Grlic, D. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music (1976), 7: 125
Gross, David A. "Sartre's (Mis) Reading of Flaubert's Politics: An Unacknowledged Dialectic of Misanthropy and Utopian Desire." Yale French Studies (1985), 68: 129, 130n5, 134, 148, 149n35.
Gross, David S. "Infinite Indignation: Teaching Dialectical Vision, and Blake's `Marriage of Heaven and Hell'." College English (February 1986), 48(2): 176, 178, 183, 184, 185.
_____."`Mind Forg'd Manacles': Hegemony and Counter Hegemony in Blake." Eighteenth Century (Winter 1986), 27(1): 24n6.
_____."The Western Stories of Stephen Crane." Journal of American Culture (Winter 1988), 11(4): 17, 20nn4, 4.
Grossberg, Lawrence. "Experience, Signification, and Reality: The Boundaries of Cultural Semiotics." Semiotica (1982), 41(1 4): 73, 77, 86, 105.
_____."The In Difference of Televison." Screen (Spring 1987), 28(2): 37n9, 39.
_____."Language and Theorizing in the Human Sciences." In Norman K. Denzin, ed., Studies in Symbolic Interaction: A Research Annual, p. 227n61. Greenwich, Conn.: Jai Press, 1979.
_____."Marxist Dialectics and Rhetorical Criticism." Quarterly Journal of Speech (October 1979), 65(3): 243, 244n25, 245 246.
_____."Postmodernity and Affect: All Dressed Up with No Place to Go." Communication (1988), 10(3 4): 279, 281, 293.
Grossman, Kathyrn M. "Woman as Temptress: The Way to (Br)otherhood in Science Fiction Dystopias." Women's Studies (1987), 14(2): 144, 145n7.
Grossman, Marshall. "Hayden White and Literary Criticism: The Tropology of Discourse." Papers on Language & Literature (Fall 1981), 17(4): 433n13, 438n18.
Grumet, Madeleine R. " The Paideia Proposal: A Thankless Child Replies." Curriculum Inquiry (Fall 1986), 16(3): 343n6, 344.
_____."Restitution and Reconstruction of Educational Experience: An Autobiographical Method for Curriculum Theory." In Martin Lawn and Len Barton, eds., Rethinking Curriculum Studies: A Radical Approach, pp. 127, 129. London: Croom Helm, 1981.
Gudridge, Patrick O. "The Persistence of Classical Style." University of Pennsylvania Law Review (January 1983), 131(3): 704n154.
Guerra, Lucía. "Estrategias femeninas en la elaboración del sujeto romántico en la obra de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda." Revista Iberoamericana (July December 1985 ), 51(132 133): 708 709n4.
Gugelber., G.M. Komparatische Heft (1987), :197
Gunew, Sneja. "Framing Marginality: Distinguishing the Textual Politics of the Marginal Voice." Southern Review (Adelaide) (July 1985), 18(2): 156n31.
Gura, Philip F. "A Byrd in the Hand." Reviews in American History (June 1988), 16(2): 191n4.
H Top -- UpHaidu, Peter. "The Hermit's Pottage: Deconstruction and History in Yvain." Romanic Review (January 1983), 74(1): 14n23.
_____."Parler du moyen âge avec Paul Zumthor." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (March 1983), 10(1): 59.
_____."Semiotics and History." Semiotica (1982), 40(3 4): 202, 210, 227.
Hajdukow., M Queen's Quarterly (1989), 96: 55
Hall, Jonathan. "Totality and the Dialogic: Two Versions of the Novel?" Tamkang Review (Autumn 1984 85), 15(1 4): 8, 11 12, 21nn11, 16.
Halley, Peter. "Nature and Culture." Arts Magazine (September 1983), 58(1): 65.
Halpern, Joseph. "Sartre's Enclosed Space." Yale French Studies (1979), 57: 59n5, 61.
Hamilton, A.C. "Elizabethan Roamnce: The Example of Prose Fiction." ELH (Summer 1982), 49(2): 299n1
Hamilton, C.A. History in Africa (1987), 14: 67
Hammill, Graham. "Stepping to the Temple." South Atlantic Quarterly (Fall 1989), 88(4): 958n18.
Hamnett, S. Ekistics (1988), 55: 101.
Haney, William S., II. "Roland Barthes: Modernity within History." Semiotica (1989), 74(3 4): 328.
Haney Peritz, Janice. "Monumental Feminism and Literature's Ancestral House: Amother Look at `The Yellow Wallpaper'." Women's Studies (1986), 12(2): 126n11.
Hanks, W.F. Annual Review of Anthropology (1989), 18: 95
Hansen, Elaine Tuttle. "The Wife of Bath and the Mark of Adam." Women's Studies (1988), 15(4): 404, 415n11.
Happel, S. BK# 18671 (1981), 35: 88
Harasym, S.D. "Ideology and Self: A Theoretical Discussion of the `Self' in Mary Wollstonecraft's Fiction." English Studies in Canada (June 1986), 12(2): 175, 177n29.
Haraway, Donna. "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s." Socialist Review (March April 1985), 15(2) [80]: 69, 103nn3, 5.
Hardison, O.B. "The De meaning of Meaning." Sewanee Review (Summer 1983), 91(3): 403.
Haremust, R.T. Am Psychol (1986), 43: 455
Harlan, David. "Intellectual History and the Return to Literature." American Historical Review (June 1989), 94(3): 594n57. Harlow, B. Feminist Studies (1986), 12: 501.
Harlow, Barbara. "Cultural Resistance." Black American Literature Forum (Fall 1986), 20(3): 319320, 326.
_____."Narrative in Prison: Stories from the Palestinian Intifada." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1989), 35(1): 42, 45.
Harootunian, H.D. "Confucianism: Two Reviews." Journal of Japanese Studies (Winter 1981), 7(1): 123n13. Harper, Michael. "Men without Politics: Hemingway's Social Consciou sness." New Orleans Review (Spring 1985), 12(1): 18, 20.
Harpham, Geoffrey Galt. "The Fertile Word: Augustine's Ascetics of Interpretation." Criticism (Summer 1986), 28(3): 237, 252, 254n22.
Review of Charles Newman's The Post Modern Aura. Georgia Review (Winter 1986), 40(4): 1034.
Southern Humanities Review (1989), 23: 343
Harries, K. Journal of Chinese Philosophy (1975), 2: 203
Harris, Elizabeth. "Feeding the Spoiled Priest: Carleton Moore, and the Anglo Irish Short Story." Studies in Short Fiction (Winter 1981), 18(1): 42n7.
Harris, Michael H. "The Dialectic of Defeat: Antinomies in Research in Library and Information Science." Library Trends (Winter 1986), 34(3): 530n31.
Harris, Wendel V. "Contemporary Criticism and the Return of Zeno." College English (October 1983), 45(6): 567.
_____."On Being Sure of Saussure." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Summer 1983), 41(4): 390, 397n9.
Hart, Jonathan. "Reviewing Comparative Reviews." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (September December 1987), 14(3 4): 361
Harter, Deborah. "From Represented to Literal Space: Fantastic Narrative and the Body in Pieces." Esprit Créateur (Fall 1988), 28(3): 34n12.
Hartley, George. "Realism and Reification: The Poetics and Politics of Three Language Poets." Boundary 2 (Winter Spring 1989), 16(2 3): 311.
Hartman, Geoffrey. Easy Pieces, pp. 130, 189, 210n3. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985.
_____."Literary Criticism and Its Discontents." Critical Inquiry (Winter 1976), 3(2): 203n1, 206n4.
Harvey, D. Environment and Planning D Society & Space (1987), 5: 367
Harwood, B.J. Annuale & Mediaevale (1981), 21: 5
Hassan, Ihab. The Postmodern Turn: Essays in Postmodern Theory and Culture, pp. 171, 176, 203, 204, 220 221, 228. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1987.
_____."Quest for the Subject: The Self in Literature." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1988), 29(3): 434.
_____."Pluralism in Postmodern Perspective." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1986), 12(3): 507, 517n14.
Hatlen, B. Minnesota Review (1980), :80
Journal of Modern Literature 18(3 4): 555
Haugh, Wolfgang Fritz. "Weslicher Marxismus? Kritik eines notwendigen Versuchs, die marxistische Theorie zu historisieren." Argument (July August 1978), 20: 500n3.
Hauptmeier, Helmut. "Sketches of Theories of Genre." Poetics (October 1987), 16(5): 398, 422, 428.
Hauser, S. Zeitschrift Für Semiotik (1988), 10: 3
Hawkes, Terence. Structuralism and Semiotics, p. 18. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977.
Hayward, Philip and Paul Kerr. "Introduction." Screen (Spring 1987), 28(2): 2 8. Issue is on the "Postmodern Screen."
Heath, Peter. "Romance as Genre in The Thousand and One Nights." Journal of Arabic Literature (1987), 18: 7n13, 10nn21, 25.
Heath, Stephen. "Le Père Noël." October (Fall 1983), 26: 84n38.
Heathcot, O.N. Nottingham French Studies (1977), 16: 60
Hebdige, Dick. "What is `Soul'?" In Alan M. Olson, Christopher Parr and Debra Parr, eds., Video Icons & Values, p. 124. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991 .
Heckard, Margaret. "Robert Coover, Metafiction, and Freedom." Twentieth Century Literature (May 1976), 22(2): 211, 226n5.
Hein, Hilde. "Aesthetic Consciousness: The Ground of Political Experience." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Fall 1976), 35(1): 152n15.
Held, David. "Adorno." New Society (January 27, 1978), 43(799): 86n.
Helgerson, Richard. "Inventing Noplace, or the Power of Negative Thinking." Genre (SpringSummer 1982), 15(1 2): 120n10.
Heller, Thomas C. "Structuralism and Critique." Stanford Law Review (January 1984), 36(12): 127n3.
Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Clare and the Place of the Peasant Poet." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1987), 13(3): 510.
Henkle, Roger B. "The `Advertised' Self: Wyndham Lewis' Satire." Novel (Fall 1979), 13(1): 106.
Henricksen, Bruce. "The Construction of the Narrator in The Nigger of the `Narcissus'." PMLA (October 1988), 103(5): 787, 793n1, 795.
Hernandez, M. MLN (1990), 105: 316
Hernández, Salvador Alonso. "Pesoa y la crisis de la modernidad." Insula (October 1986), 41(479): 12
Herr, Cheryl. "Fathers, Daughters, Anxiety and Fiction." In Marleen S. Barr and Richard Feldstein, eds., Discontented Discourses: Feminism/Textual Intervention/Psychoanalysis, pp. 187 188. Urb ana: University of Illinois Press, 1989.
_____."`Penelope' as Period Piece." Novel (Winter 1989), 22(2): 140.
Herring, Henry D. "Literature, Concepts, and Knowledge." New Literary History (Autumn 1986), 18(1): 171, 189n1.
Herron, Jerry. "The Gentrification of Desire and Posthistorical Pastiche." Sub Stance (1987), 16(1) [52]: 45, 51, 54, 58n19.
Herzinger, Kim. "Minimalism as a Postmodernism: Some Introductory Notes." New Orleans Review (Fall 1989), 16(3): 76.
Hess, James C. "Literary Production and Consumption." Dissertation Abstracts International (May 1982), 42(11): 4819A.
Heukenka., U. Z German (1985), :45
Hever, Hannan. "Hebrew in an Israeli Arab Hand: Six Miniatures on Anton Shammas's Arabesques." (Orin D. Gensler, tr.) Cultural Critique (Fall 1987), 7: 69.
Hickey, Leo. "Niveles de abstracción en Canas y barro." Explicación de Textos Literarios (198485), 13(1): 47n6.
Hickrod, Lucy Jen Huang and Raymond L. Schmitt. "A Naturalistic Study of Interaction and Frame: the Pet as Family Member." Urban Life (April 1982), 11(1): 70, 76.
Hill, Eugene D. "The Place of the Future: Louis Marin and his Utopiques." Science Fiction Studies (July 1982), 9(2) [27]: 168, 178n4.
Hirsch, E.D., Jr. "The Politics of Theories of Interpretation." Critical Inquiry (September 1982), 9(1): 237n2, 242.
Hirsch. Edward. "The Gallous Story and the Dirty Deed: The Two Playboys." Modern Drama (March 1983), 26(1): 99n14.
Hoagwood, Terence Allan. "Keats and Social Context: `Lamia'." Studies in English Literature 15001900 (Autumn 1989), 29(4): 677, 694nn3, 4, 695n14.
Hodgson, Barbara. "Absent Bodies, Present Voices: Performance Work and the Close of Romeo and Juliet's Golden Story." Theatre Journal (October 1989), 41(3): 357 n42.
Hodgson, John A. "The Structures of `Childe Harold' III." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1979), 18(3): 376.
Hoeppner, Kenneth. "Politics and Religion in Rudy Wiebe's The Scorched Wood Poeple." English Studies in Canada (December 1986), 12(4): 441, 449n9.
Hoesterey, Ingeborg. "Postmodernism as Discursive Event." In Ingeborg Hoesterey, ed., Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy, pp.xiii, xvn9. Bloomington: Indian a University Press, 1991.
Höfele, Andreas. "Die Originalität der Fälschung." Poetica (1986), 18(1 2): 95n49.
Hoffmann, Gerhard. "Social Criticism and the Deformation of Man: Satire, the Grotesque and Comic Nihilism in the Modern and Postmodern American Novel." Amerikastudien/ American Studies (1983), 28(2): 179n103.
Hoffmeis, D.L. Seminar (1985), 21: 207 [PF3001 S4]
Hoffmeis, W. German Quarterly (1990), 63: 32
Hogue, W. Lawrence. "History, the Feminist Discourse, and Alice Walker's The Third Life of Grange Copeland." Melus (Summer 1985), 12(2): 45, 54, 62nn1, 11.
Hohendahl, Peter Uwe. "Art Work and Modernity: The Legacy of Georg Lukács." New German Critique (Fall 1987), 42: 45.
_____."Trends in Literary Criticism: Bürgerlichkeit und Bürgertum als Problem der Literatursoziologie." German Quarterly (Spring 1988), 61(2): 282n18.
Holladay, William E. and Stephen Watt. "Viewing the Elephant Man." PMLA (October 1989), 104(5): 879, 881.
Holland, Eugene W. "Knowledge `of' the Literary Text: Blazac's Le Medecin de campagne." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Spring 1984), 17(1): 59, 68nn1 3, 16, 17.
Hollinger, Veronica. "`The Most Grisly Truth': Responses to the Human Condition in the Works of James Tiptree, Jr." Extrapolation (Summer 1989), 30(2): 128n4, 131.
_____."The Vampire and the Alien: Variations on the Outsider." Science Fiction Studies (July 1989), 16(2) [48]: 148, 158.
Holston, James. The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of Brasilia, pp. 12, 53, 315 316, 325n16, 353. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Holstun, James. "Ranting at the New Historicism." English Literary Renaissance (Spring 1989), 19(2): 224 225n38.
Holt, Wythe. "The New American Law History." Labor History (Spring 1989), 30(2): 285n19.
Holtz, William. "Spatial Form in Modern Literature: A Reconsideration." Critical Inquiry (Winter 1977), 4(2): 276n10, 279nn14, 15.
Holub, Robert C. "Reception Theory and Russian Formalism." Germano Slavica (Fall 1980), 3(4): 275, 280, 284nn21 23, 285n53.
Holzman, Michael. "Georg Lukacs's Myth of the Golden Age." Clio (Spring 1981), 10(3): 271, 278n12.
Horton, Andrew. "Oedipus Unresolved: Covert and Overt Narrative Discourse in Emir Kusturica's When Father was Away on Business." Cinema Journal (Summer 1988), 27(4): 77, 81n33.
_____."The Triumph of Comedy in Gyorgy Szomjas' The Wall Driller." New Orleans Review (Fall 1987), 14(3): 73.
Horwitz, Howard. "`I Can't Remember': Skepticism, Synthetic Historians, Critical Action." South Atlantic Quarterly (Fall 1988), 87(4): 814n4, 815n11.
How, Alan R. "Debate, Language and Incommensurability: the Popper Adorno Controversy." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (January 1980), 11(1): 13, 15n39.
Howard, June. "Toward a `Marxist Feminist Cultural Analysis'." Minnesota Review (Spring 1983), 20: 88, 92.
Hoy, David Couzens. "Foucault: Modern or Postmodern?" In Jonathan Arac, ed., After Foucault: Humanistic Knowledge, Postmodern Challenges, pp. 29, 40nn14, 15. New Brunswick: Rutgers University P ress, 1988.
Hoyles, John. "Radical Critical Theory and English." In Peter Widdowson, ed., Re Reading English, pp. 47, 54, 58n12, 60n56. London: Methuen, 1982.
Huang, I min. "A Postmodernist Reading of Rose, Rose I Love You." Tamkang Review (Autumn 1986), 17(1): 27, 44n1.
Huckle, John J. "Without Man: Some Aspects of the Structuralism of Claude Levi Strauss." Thought (December 1981), 56(223): 9.
Hudson, Wayne. "Postmodernity and Criticism." Poetics (April 1988), 17(1 2): 188, 196, 204.
Huffman, James. "Murray Krieger and the Impasse in Contextualist Poetics." In Bruce Henricksen, ed., Murray Krieger and Contemporary Critical Theory, pp. 95, 295n14. Irvine Studies in the Human ities. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
Hulme, Peter. "Balzac's Parisian Mystery: La Cousine Bette and the Writing of Historical Criticism." Literature and History (Spring 1985), 11(1): 61n2, 62n22.
Hult, David F. The Limits of Mime(sis): Notes Toward a Generic Revision of Medieval Theater." Esprit Createur (Spring 1983), 23(1): 51n6.
Humphries, Jefferson. "Flaubert's Parrot and Huysmans's Cricket: The Decadence of Realism and the Realism of Decadence." Stanford French Review (Fall 1987), 11(3): 323.
Humphries, Reynold. "The Representation of Politics and History in Under Western Eyes." Conradiana (1988), 20(1): 13, 30n4.
Hunt, George W. "Updike's Omega Shaped Shelter: Structure and Psyche in A Month of Sundays." Critique (1978), 19(3): 43n4.
Hunt, Lynn. "Introduction: History, Culture, and Text." In Lynn Hunt, ed., The New Cultural History, pp. 15 16. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.< /p>
Hunter, Ian. "The Occasion of Criticism: Its Ethic and Pedagogy." Poetics (April 1988), 17(12): 160 161, 184.
Huston, Susan. "The Ideology of Hermeticism: A New Perspective on Mallarmé." Australian Journal of French Studies (September December 1980), 17(3): 263 265.
Hutcheon, Linda. "Fringe Interference: Postmodern Border Tensions." Style (Summer 1988), 22(2): 304, 322.
_____."The Outer Limits of the Novel: Italy and France." Contemporary Literature (Spring 1977), 18(2): 209.
_____."`The Pastime of Past Time': Fiction, History, Historiographic Metafiction." Genre (FallWinter 1987), 20(3 4): 292, 300, 304.
_____."The Politics of Modernism: Parody and History." Cultural Critique (Winter 1986 87), 5: 181, 182, 185n18, 186, 189, 206n59.
_____."The Postmodern Problematizing of History." English Studies in Canada (December 1988), 14(4): 367, 368, 371 372, 378, 381.
Hutchinson, Steven. "Mapping Utopias." Modern Philology (November 1987), 85(2): 173.
Huters, Theodore. "Speaking of Many Things: Food, Kings, and the National Tradition of Ah Cheng's `The Chess King'." Modern China (October 1988), 14(4): 414 415, 417.
Hutton, John. "Left of Center, Against the Grain: T.J. Clark and the Social History of Art." Radical History Review (1987), 38: 61 62, 70n3.
Huyssen, Andreas. "Adorno in Reverse: From Hollywood to Richard Wagner." New German Critique (Spring Summer 1983), 29: 18.
After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism, pp. 24, 215, 240n62. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986.
_____."Critical Theory and Modernity: Introduction." New German Critique (Spring Summer 1982), 26: 3n1.
_____."Mapping the Postmodern." New German Critique (Fall 1984), 33: 8n4, 28n29, 47.
_____."The Search for Tradition: Avant Garde and Postmodernism in the 1970s." New German Critique (Winter 1981), 22: 35n25.
I Top -- UpIffland, James. "On the Social Destiny of Don Quixote: Literature and Ideological Interpellation." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Spring 1987), 20(1): Ingram, David. Habermas and the Dialectic of Reason, pp. 77, 209n6, 249. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1987.
Ingram, Julia Simon. "The Aesthetics of Fragmentation: L'Education sentimentale." Nineteenth Century French Studies (Fall Winter 1990), 18(1 2): 132n14.
Innis, Robert E. "Art, Symbol, and Consciousness: A Polanyi Gloss on Susan Langer and Nelson Goodman." International Philosophical Quarterly (December 1977) 17(4): 469n24.
Irvine, Martin. "Medieval Grammatical Theory and Chaucer's `House of Fame'." Speculum (October 1985), 60(4): 875n62.
Irving, K. Cultural Critique (1988), :151
Isaak, Jo Anna. Review of Fredric Jameson's Fables of Aggression. Dalhousie Review (Winter 198081), 60(4): 762 765.
Isenberg, C. Russian Review (1984), 43: 339 [DK1 R82]
J Top -- UpJackson, Rosemary. "The Silenced Text: Shades of Gothic in Victorian Fiction." Minnesota Review (Fall 1979), 13: 99, 111n5.
Jacobs, Lea. Review of Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious. Camera Obscura (Fall 1983), 11: 103 110.
Jacobs, Naomi. "Beyond Stasis and Symmetry: Lessing, Le Guin, and the Remodeling of Utopia." Extrapolation (Spring 1988), 29(1): 37, 44n2.
Jagodzinski, Jan. "Comments on `Radical Response to a High Tech World." Leonardo (1989), 22(2): 283, 284n1.
James, D. Film Quarterly (1988), 42: 31
James, David E. "Cubism as Revolutionary Realism: John Berger and G." Minnesota Review (Fall 1983), 21: 108n9.
_____."Poetry/Punk/Production: Some Recent Writing in L.A." Minnesota Review (Fall 1984), 23: 145, 148n9.
_____."Rock and Roll in Representations of the Invasion of Vietnam." Representations (Winter 1990): 96n20.
James, Paul. "National Formation and the `Rise of the Cultural': A Critique of Orthodoxy." Philosohpy of the Social Sciences (1989), 19: 287 289, 290.
Jardine, Alice. "Introduction to Julia Kristeva's `Women's Time'." Signs (Autumn 1981), 7(1): 7n7.
Jarfe, Günther. "W.H. Auden und Sigmund Freud." Poetica (1979), 11(1 2): 199n75
Jay, Gregory S. "The Subject of Pedagogy: Lessons in Psychoanalysis and Politics." College English (November 1987), 49(7): 791, 800.
Jay, Martin. "Adorno in America." New German Critique (Winter 1984), 31: 167, 180.
_____."Anamnestic Totalization: Reflections on Marcuse's Theory of Remembrance." Theory and Society (January 1982), 11(1): 1, 13nn1, 2, 3, 10, 15n49.
Jefferson, Ann. "Regicide and Readers: Robbe Grillet's Politics." Paragraph (March 1990), 13(1): 63n1.
Jencks, Charles. "Postmodern vs. Late Modern." In Ingeborg Hoestterey, ed., Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy, pp. 14, 16. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
What Is Post Modernism? London: Aacdemy Editions, 1986.
Jennings, Michael W. "`Vergessen von aller Welt'. Literatur, Politik und Identitat in Klingers Dramen des Sturm und Drung." Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philology (1985), 104(4): 504 505.
Johnsen, William. "Textual/Sexual Politics in Yeats's `Leda and the Swan'." In Leonard Orr, ed., Yeats and Postmodernism, pp. 81, 88n4. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1991.
Johnson, Anthony L. "Anagrammatism in Poetry: Theoretical Preliminaries." PTL (January 1977), 2(1): 95n6, 118.
Johnson, D.B. Russian Literature (1978), 6: 347
Johnson, Lemuel A. "`Ain'ts', `Us'ens', and `Mother Dear': Issues in the Language of Madhubuti, Jones, and Reed." Journal of Black Studies (December 1979), 10(2): 140, 166.
Johnson, Patricia E. "Hard Times and the Structure of Industrialism: The Novel as Factory." Studies in the Novel (Summer 1989), 21(2): 131, 137n12.
Johnston, John. "Generic Difficulties in the Novels of Don DeLillo." Critique (Summer 1989), 30(4): 262, 274n1.
_____."Postmodern Theory/Postmodern Fiction." Clio (Winter 1987), 16(2): 143 148, 157nn7 9.
Jones, Calvin N. "Past Idyll or Future Utopia: Heimat in German Lyric Poetry of the 1930s and 1940s." German Studies Review (May 1985), 8(2): 284, 285, 297n27, 297 298.
Jones, Louisa. Review of Fredric Jameson's The Prison House of Language. Modern Language Journal (January February 1977), 61(1 2): 76 77.
Jones, Michael T. "From History to Aesthetics: Schiller's Early Jena Years." German Studies Review (May 1983), 6(2): 213n58.
Jones, O.P. "The Cold World of London in `The Beast in the Jungle'." Studies in American Fiction (Autumn 1978), 6(2): 227, 235n1.
Jones, Steven Jeffrey. "Criticism, Historicism, and the Rediscovery of Lyricism: Frank Lentricchia's Post Existential Divagations." Boundary 2 (Winter Spring 1989), 16(2 3): 131, 132, 136, 137, 141, 145, 158, 159n21.
Joyrich, Lynne. "All that Television Allows: TV Melodrama, Postmodernism and Consumer Culture." Camera Obscura (1988), 16: 135, 139, 140, 150n7, 151nn20, 22.
Juan, Adelaide de. "Leyendo ensayos fotograficos." Casa de las Americas (May June 1988), 28(168): 147.
Jung, Hwa Yol. "Being, Praxis, and Truth: Toward a Dialogue between Phenomenology and Marxism." Dialectical Anthropology (1987), 12(3): 326n38.
Justman, Stewart. "Mass Communications and Tautology." College English (March 1977), 38(7): 635n1, 637, 639.
K Top -- UpKadish, Doris Y. "Hybrids in Balzac's La Fille aux yeux d'or." Nineteenth Century French Studies (Spring Summer 1988), 16(3 4): 270, 278.
Kahn, Victoria. "The Sense of Taste in Montaigne's Essais." MLN (December 1980), 95(5): 1288, 1291n10.
Kalogeras, Yiorgos D. "When the Tree Sings: Magic Realism and the Carnivalesque in a GreekAmerican Narrative." International Fiction Review (Winter 1989), 16(1): 32n1.
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Lesser, Wayne. "A Narrative Revolutionary Energy: The Example of Henry Roth's Call it Sleep." Criticism (Spring 1981), 23(2): 157n4.
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_____."Literary Criticism as Ideological Practice." Ideologies & Literature (May June 1983), 4(16): 358, 361n6.
_____."The Nineteenth Century Novel: Generic Functionality and Ideology." Minnesota Review (Fall 1979), 13: 116 117, 128, 136n2, 137n17.
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Ley, David. "From Urban Structure to Urban Landscape." Urban Geography (January February 1988), 9(1): 103, 104.
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_____."Legendry, Metafolklore, and Performance: A Mexican American Example." Western Folklore (July 1983), 42(3): 206.
_____."Western Marxism and Folklore: A Critical Introduction." Journal of American Folklore (1983), 96(379): 36, 38, 40, 51.
_____."Western Marxism and Folklore: A Critical Reintroduction." Journal of American Folklore (July September 1984), 97(385): 341, 344.
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_____."On Richard Prince's Photographs." Arts Magazine (November 1982), 57(3): 122.
Lionnet, F. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (1988), 15: 24
Lipsitz, George. "Mardi Gras Indians, Carnival and Counter narrative in Black New Orleans." Cultural Critique (1988), 10: 100 101, 116.
_____."The Meaning of Memory: Family, Class, and Ethnicity in Early Network Television Programs." Camera Obscura (1988), 16: 113, 116n67.
_____."`This Ain't No Sideshow': Historians and Media Studies." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (March 1988), 5(1): 154 155, 160.
Litvak, J. Texas Studies in Literature and Language (1987), 29: 141
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Lloyd, Caryl. "The Politics of Irony and Alienation: A Study of Jules Valles' Le Bachelier." Romanc Quarterly (February 1987), 34(1): 25, 33nn1, 2, 4.
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_____."The Ideology of Narrative Form in Sensation Fiction." Representations (Winter 1986), 13: 116, 136n7.
Lohrey, Amanda. "Rhine Journey and the Political Unconscious." Meanjin (Autumn 1985), 44(1): 94 99.
Lokke, Virgil L. "Narratology, Obsolescent Paradigms, and `Scientific' Poetics; or, Whatever Happened to PTL?" Modern Fiction Studies (Autumn 1987), 33(3): 554, 555, 557.
Long, Elizabeth. "Women Reading, and Cultural Authority: Some Implications of the Audience Perspective in Cultural Studies." American Quarterly (Fall 1986), 38(4): 592, 610n3.
Longenbach, James. "Guarding the Horned Gates: History and Interpretation in the Early Poetry of T.S. Eliot." ELH (Summer 1985), 52(2): 524n1.
Lopez, Ignacio Javier. "Representacion y escritura diferente en La desheredada de Galdos." Hispanic Review (Autumn 1988), 56(4): 455, 480.
Lucaites, John Louis and Celeste Michelle Condit. "Re constructing Narrative Theory: A Functional Perspective." Journal of Communication (Autumn 1985), 35(4): 90, 96, 107n33.
Luce, Louise Fiber. "Honore de Balzac and the Voyant: A Recovered Alchemical Discourse." Esprit Createur (Summer 1978), 18(2): 14n2.
_____."The Masked Avenger: Historical Analogue in Eugene Sue's Les Mysteres de Paris." French Forum (September 1976), 1(3): 236n7.
Lucente, Gregory L. "The Fortunate Fall of Andreuccio da Perugia." Forum Italicum (December 1976), 10(4): 339, 344n24.
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Lundin, Roger. "Emerson and the Spirit of Theory." Religion & Literature (1989), 21(3): 39n2, 41.
M Top -- UpMcCallum, Pamela. "Postmodernist Aesthetics and the Historical Novel: John Berger's G." Minnesota Review (Spring 1987), 28: 76nn1, 6.
McCance, Dawne. "Ethics: Postmodern Perspective." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses (1987), 16(3): 423.
MacCannell, Dean. "Erving Goffman (1922 1982)." Semiotica (1983), 45(1 2): 23, 33.
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_____."Nature and Self Love: A Reinterpretation of Rousseau's `Passion Primitive'." PMLA (October 1977), 92(5): 900nn1,5.
_____."Oedipus Wrecks: Lacan Stendhal and the Narrative Form of the Real." MLN (December 1983), 98(5): 916, 931, 937n9.
_____."Speaking of Love: Rhetoric, Politics, and Self in Rousseau and Stendhal." Gradiva (198485), 3(2 3): 19n7.
_____."Stendhal's Woman." Semiotica (1984), 48(1 2): 158, 167.
MacCary, W. Thomas. "The Comedy of Errors: A Different Kind of Comedy." New Literary History (Spring 1978), 9(3): 536n5.
McCord, Phyllis Frus. "Reading Nonfiction in Composition Courses: From Composition to Practice." College English (November 1985), 47(7): 750n4, 761.
McDonald, Avis G. "How History Hurts: Common Patterns in Australian and West Indian Fiction." Queen's Quarterly (Spring 1989), 96(1): 80, 92.
MacDonald, Ian R. "The Gospels as Fiction: Gabriel Miro's Figuras and Biblical Scholarship." Forum for Modern Language Studies (January 1990), 26(1): 58, 61n23.
McDowell, Deborah E. "`The Changing Same': Generational Connections and Black Women Novelists." New Literary History (Winter 1987), 18(2): 283, 299n10.
McGee, Patrick. "Truth and Resistance: Teaching as a Form of Analysis." College English (October 1987), 49(6): 671 672, 678.
McGraw, Betty R. "The Ideo Logical: Authoritarianism in Unsuspected Places." Semiotica (1987), 63(3 4): 364, 369.
_____."Philippe Sollers and the Scene of Writing." American Journal of Semiotics (1984), 3(2): 106n7.
McHale, Brian. "Talking U.S.A.: Interpreting Free Indirect Discourse in Dos Passos' U.S.A. Trilogy. Degrés (Winter 1978), 6(16):C2n5.
McHugh, Patrick. "Dialectics, Subjectivity and Foucault's Ethos of Modernity." Boundary 2 (Winter Spring 1989), 16(2 3): 104, 108n26.
McKeon, Michael. "Marxist Criticism and Marriage à la Mode." Eighteenth Century (Spring 1983), 24(2): 144n7
MacKinnon, Catherine A. "Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory." Signs (Spring 1982), 7(3): 536.
Macleod, Dianne Sachko. "The Eternal Circle: Pre Raphaelitism, Formalism, and Post Modernism." Journal of Pre Raphaelite and Aesthetic Studies (Spring 1988), 1(1): 20 21, 24.
McMaster, Graham. "Levi Strauss in the Scottish Highlands: A Structuralist Account of Scott's The Lady in the Lake." Studies in English Literature (Tokyo) (September 1984), 61(1): 24n1.
"Some Other Secrets in The Secret Agent." Literature and History (Autumn 1986), 12(2): 229, 240, 241nn1, 7, 242n27. McNall, Sally Allen. "`But why am I troubling myself about cans ?': Style, Reaction, and Lack of Reaction in Barthelme's Snow White." Language and Style (Spring 1975), 8(2): 93, 94n14.
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Poague, Leland. "`All I can see is the flags': Fort Apache and the Visibility of History." Cinema Journal (Winter 1988), 27(2): 23, 24, 26nn18, 20 22.
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Richards, W.J. Thought (1986), 61: 68
Rieder, John. "Description of a Struggle: Shelley's Radicalism on Wordsworth's Terrain." Boundary 2 (Winter Spring 1985), 13(2 3): 273, 285n24.
_____."Embracing the Alien: Science Fiction in Mass Culture." Science Fiction Studies (March 1982), 9(1) [26]: 36n4.
_____."The Metafictive World of The Man in the High Castle: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Political Ideology." Science Fiction Studies (July 1988), 15(2) [45]: 217 218, 224.
_____."The `One' in Prometheus Unbound." Studies in English Literature 1500 1900 (Autumn 1985), 25(4): 789n11.
_____."The Problem of Value in `Simon Lee'." New Orleans Review (Winter 1985), 12(4): 88.
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_____."Hermeneutic Models." Poetics Today (1983), 4(1): 7n1, 15.
Rignall, J.M. "The Historical Double: Waverley, Sylvia's Lovers, The Trumpet Major." Essays in Criticism (January 1984), 34(1): 15, 32n5.
Risatti, Howard. "The Eighties Reviewed." Art Criticism (1989), 6(1): 70, 74n18.
Robertson, Jennifer. "A Dialectic of Native and Newcomer: The Kodaira Citizens' Festival in Suburban Tokyo." Anthropological Quarterly (July 1987), 60(3): 125, 136.
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Rodriguez Louis, Julio. "Andres Hurtado's Failure: Grafting modernismo into the Tree of Knowledge." Romance Quarterly (May 1988), 35(2): 204n19.
Roemer, Marjorie Godlin. "The Paradigmatic Mind: John Barth's LETTERS." Twentieth Century Literature (Spring 1987), 33(1): 48, 50nn25 27.
Rogin, Michael. "`Make My Day!': Sepectacle as Amnesia in Imperial Politics." Representations (Winter 1990), 29: 119, 123n41.
_____."`Ronald Reagan' The Movie." Radical History Review (1987), 38: 112n5.
Romhild, Lars Peter. Review of Fredric Jameson's Marxism and Form. Orbis Litterarum (1974), 29(1): 79.
Rooney, Ellen. "Who's Left Out? A Rose by Any Other Name is Still Red; or, The Politics of Pluralism." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1986), 12(3): 557, 558, 563nn8, 9.
Rose, Mark. "Othello's Occupation: Shakespeare and the Romance of Chivalry." English Literary Renaissance (Autumn 1985), 15(3): 311.
Rose, Peter W. "Thersites and the Plural Voice of Homer." Arethusa (Spring 1988), 21(1): 6, 10, 13, 24.
_____."Towards a Dialectical Hermeneutic of Pindar Pythian X." Helios (Spring 1982), 9(1): 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 69nn11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 70nn26, 27.
Rosello, Mireille. "La Goutte d'or: le peep show, la vitrine et le miroir sans tain." Etudes Francaises (Winter 1988), 24(3): 86.
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Yale French Studies (1980), :157
Rosengarten, Frank. "Gramsci's `Little Discovery': Gramsci's Interpretation of Canti X of Dante's Inferno." Boundary 2 (Spring 1986), 4(3): 79, 89n21.
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