The Ideologies of Theory, Essays 1971-1986.
Vol. 1: Situations of Theory. Foreword by Neil Larsen. Theory and History of Literature, 48. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; London: Routledge, 1988.
- Metacommentary:3-16.
- The Ideology of the Text:17-71.
- Imaginary and Symbolic in Lacan:75-115.
- Criticism in History:119-136.
- The Symbolic Inference; or, Kenneth Burke and Ideological Analysis:137-152.
- Fi
gural Relativism; or, The Politics of
- Modernism and Its Repressed; or, Robbe-Grillet as AntiColonialist:167-180.
- Morality versus Ethical Substance; or, Aristotelian Marxism in Alasdair MacIntyre:181-185.
Vol. 2: The Syntax of History. Theory and History of Literature, 49. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; London: Routledge, 1988.
- The Vanishing Mediator; or, Max Weber as Storyteller:3-34.
- Architecture and the Critique of Ideology:35-60.
- Pleasure: A Political Issue:61-74.
- Of Islands and Trenches: Neutralization and the Production of Utopian Discou
- The Politics of Theory:
Ideological Positions in the Postmodernism Debate:103-113.
- Beyond the Cave: Demystifying the Ideology of Modernism:115-132.
- Reflections on the Brecht-Lukacs Debate:133-147.
- Marxism and
- Periodizing the