Eddie Yeghiayan
Diacritics (Fall 1982), 12(3), special issue on The Political Unconscious.
Abel, Betty. "A Marxist Literary Map." Contemporary Review (June 1981), 238(1385): 331-332.
Alter, Jean. "Aux limites du marxisme: Fredric Jameson, l'inconscient politique, et au-dela." Esprit Createur (Fall 1981), 21(3): 79-94.
Angenot, Marc. "L'Inconscient politique." Litterature (October 1982), 47: 113-119.
Arac, Jonathan. Modern Fiction Studies (Winter 1982-83), 28(4): 723-725.
Benston, Alice N. Sub-Stance (1983), 12(4) [41]: 97-103.
Brenkman, John. Sub-Stance (1983), 11(4) [37] & 12(1) [38]: 237-239.
Cain, William E. "The Politics of Literature." Sewanee Review (Fall 1981), 89(4):cxii-cxiii.
Clark, Michael. "Putting Humpty Together Again: Essays toward Integrative Analysis." Review of PU and Michel Foucault's Power/Knowledge. Poetics Today (Winter 1982), 3(1): Choice (June 1981), 18(10): 1410.
Compagnon, Antoine. "Really Imaginary." TLS [ Times Literary Supplement] (August 28, 1981), 4091: 984.
Conley, Tom. Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association (1982), 15(1): 79-85.
Corngold, Stanley and Michael Jennings. Modern Language Studies (Summer 1986), 16(3): 367372.
Danahy, Michael. Nineteenth-Century French Studies (Fall-Winter 1982-83), 11(1-2): 197-199.
Dasenbrock, Reed Way. New Orleans Review (Fall 1981), 8(3): 307-309.
Deetz, Stanley. "Negation and the Political Function of Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech (November 1983), 69(4): 434-441, esp. 439-441.
Edelman, Murray. Society (March-April 1982), 19(3): 89-90.
Erickson, John D. French Review (March 1983), 56(4): 626-628.
Fricke, Ronald. Review of Fredric Jameson's Das politische Unbewusste. Argument (1989), 31(2): 284-285.
Gelber, Andrew. MLN (December 1982), 97(5): 1228-1231.
Gross, David S. Genre (Summer 1981), 14(4): 271-276.
Jacobs, Lea. Camera Obscura (Fall 1983), 11: 103-110.
Kaminsky, Alice R. International Studies in Philosophy (1985), 17(3): 112-113.
Kandor (Kantor), Robert. Telos (Spring 1982), 51: 206-214.
Kavolis, Vytautas. Sociological Analysis (Fall 1982), 43(3): 273-275.
Kurzweil, Edith. Theory and Society (May 1982), 11(3): 412-416.
LaCapra, Dominick. History and Theory (February 1982), 21(1): 83-106. Reprinted as "Marxism and the Textual Maelstrom: Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious" in his Reth inking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts, Language, pp. 234-267. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983.
Lock, Peter W. Sub-Stance (1982),9(2) 35]: 73-75.
"Notes on Current Books." Virginia Quarterly Review (Winter 1982), 58(1): 9.
O'Hara, Daniel. "The Ideology of Romance: Two Recent Critical Cases." Review of Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious, and Geoffrey H. Hartman's Saving the Text. Contemporary Lit erature (Summer 1982), 23(4): 381-389.
Parrinder, Patrick. Modern Language Review (January 1985), 80(1): 106-108.
Poster, Mark. Nineteenth-Century Fiction (September 1981), 36(2): 252-256.
Punter, David. Criticism (Fall 1981), 23(4): 362-364.
Regier, W.G. "Reconstructing Utopia." Denver Quarterly (Winter 1982), 16(4): 99-103.
Richman, Michele. MLN (April 1983), 98(4): 780-787.
Scholes, Robert. "Interpretation and Narrative: Kermode and Jameson." Review of Frank Kermode's The Genesis of Secrecy, and Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious. Novel (S pring 1984), 17(3): 266-278.
Scott, Robert L. "Narrative Theory and Communication Research." Quarterly Journal of Speech (May 1984), 70(2): 203-204.
Seaton, James. "Marxism without Difficulty: Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious." Centennial Review (Fall- Winter 1984-85), 28(1) & 29(1): 122-142.
Shapiro, Gary. Philosophy and Literature (Fall 1982), 6(1-2): 206-207.
Soufas, C. Christopher. College Literature (Spring 1983), 10(2): 211-212.
Sterrenburg, Lee. Minnesota Review (Fall 1981), 17: 150-153.
Sugnet, C. American Book Review (November 1983), 6: 10.
Sulfur (Spring 1989), 9: 204.
Vogel, Amos. "Structuralism." Film Comment (January- February 1982), 18(1): 70-71.
Weber, Samuel. "Capitalizing History: Notes on The Political Unconscious." Diacritics (Summer 1983), 13(2):14-28. Reprinted in his Institution and Interpretation, pp. 40-58. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987.
Weinsheimer, Joel. Conradiana (1982), 14(2): 131-135.