Eddie Yeghiayan
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Dasenbrock, Reed Way. International Fiction Review (Winter 1981), 8(1): 77-79.
Davies, Alistair. "Beyond the End of Night." Review of Fredric Jameson's Fables of Aggression and Merlin Thomas's Louis-Ferdinand Céline. New Statesman (March 7, 364-366.
Donoghue, Denis. "Bright and Silly." Review of Fredric Jameson's Fables of Aggression, and Jeffrey Meyers' The Enemy: A Biography of Wyndham Lewis. New York Review of Books (Apr il 29, 1982), 29(7): 28-30.
Flores, Ralph. Library Journal (October 15, 1979), 104(18): 2217.
Isaak, Jo-Anna. Dalhousie Review (Winter 1980-81), 60(4): 762-765.
Lafourcade, Bernard. Études Anglaises (January-March 1981), 34(1): 101-103.
Materer, Timothy. JEGP (April 1980), 79(2): 261-262.
Michaels, Walter Benn. Structuralist Review (Winter 1981), 2(2): 85-89.
Mikics, David. "Wyndham Lewis, Modernist Thug." VLS (December 13, 1983), 28(50): 13-14.
Mitchell, Judith. Style (Winter 1982), 16(1): 87-90.
Molesworth, Charles. "Frightful Fashions and Compulsive Occasions." Salmagundi (Fall 1980Winter 1981): 328-336.
Murray, Brian J. Modern Fiction Studies (Summer 1980), 26(2): 307-309.
Naremore, James. Criticism (Fall 1980), 22(4): 390-394.
Polan, Dana B. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Winter 1980), 39(2): 226-227.
Regier, W.G. "Reconstructing Utopia." Denver Quarterly (Winter 1982), 16(4): 99-103.
Schenker, Daniel. "Wyndham Lewis and History." Sewanee Review (Fall 1980), 88(4):lxxxilxxxii, lxxxiv.
Schneidau, Herbert N. Modern Philology (November 1981), 79(2): 220-222.
Smith, Thomas R. "Opening a Literary Time Capsule." Hudson Review (Summer 1980), 33(2): 288-292.
Sprinker, Michael. "The Part and the Whole." Diacritics (Fall 1982), 12(3): 57-71.
Wilding, Michael. Modern Language Review (October 1982), 77(4): 944-945.