Eddie Yeghiayan
"A Dialog with Fredric Jameson" by K. Ayyappa Paniker. Littcrit (December 1982), 8(2): 5-26.
"Interview." Diacritics (Fall 1982), 12(3): 72-91. Leonard Green, Jonathan Culler and Richard Klein interview.
"An Interview with Fredric Jameson" by Anders
Stephanson on Postmodernism. Flash Art
(December 1986-January 1987), 131: 69-73.
"Interview: Andrea Ward Speaks with Fredric Jameson." Impulse (Winter 1987): 8-9.
"`Postmodernism: Commodification and Cultural Expansion'
(`Houxiandaizhuyi: Shanginghua yu Wenhuakuouzhang')." (Interview in
China) Dushu (March 1987).
Reprinted in Taiwan in 1988.
"Interview with Fredric Jameson." Left Curve (1988), 12: 4-11.
Interviewer: Jay Murphy.
"On Contemporary Marxist Theory: An Interview with Fredric Jameson." Alif [Cairo] (1990), 10: 114-132. Interview conducted by Sabry Hafez.
"Envelopes and Enclaves: The Space of Post-Civil Society." Assemblage (1990), 17:30-37. Interview conducted by Michael Speaks.
"A Conversation with Fredric Jameson." Semeia (1992), 59:227-237.
"South Korea as a Social Space." Fredric Jameson interviewed by Park Nak-chung, Seoul, 28 October 1989. In Rob Wilson and Wimal Dissanayake, eds., Global/Local: Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary, pp. 348-371. Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996.
Zhang, Xudong. "Marxism and the Historicity of Theory: An Interview with Fredric Jameson." New Literary History (Summer 1998), 29(3):353-383.