Eddie Yeghiayan
J. P. Stern, On Realism. Clio (June 1974), 3(3): 346-352.
V. Voloshinov, Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Style (Fall 1974), 8(3): 535-543.
"The Re-invention of Marx." Review of Louis Althusser, Eléments d'autocritique and Philosophie et philosophie spontanée des savants, and of Jacques Ranciere's La Leçon d'Althusser. Times Literary Supplement] (August 22, 1975), 3832: 942-943.
"Figural Relativism, or The Poetics of Historiography."
Review of Hayden White, Metahistory.
Diacritics (Spring 1976), 6(1): 2-9.
"Modernism and Its Repressed; or, Robbe-Grillet as Anti-Colonialist." Review of Jacques Leenhardt's Lecture politique du Roman: La "Jalousie" d'Alain Robbe- Grillet. Diacritics (Summer 1976), 6(2): 7-14.
"Of Islands and Trenches: Neutralization and the Production of Utopian Discourse." Review of Louis Marin's Utopiques. Diacritics (Summer 1977), 7(2):2-21.
"SF Novel/SF Film." Science-Fiction Studies (November 1980), 7(23) [22]: 319-322.
Review of Gregg Press Science-Fiction Film/Novel reprints.
"Sartre in Search of Flaubert." Review of Jean-Paul Sartre, The Family Idiot, and of Hazel E. Barnes, Sartre and Flaubert. New York Times Book Review (December 27, 1981): 5, 16, 18.
"Reading Hitchcock." Review of William Rothman's Hitchcock: The Murderous Gaze. October (Winter 1982), 23:15-42.
"Towards a New Awareness of Genre." Review of Patrick Parrinder, Science-Fiction: Its Criticism and Teaching, and Patrick Parrinder, ed., Science Fiction: A Critical Guide. Science-Fict ion Studies (November 1982), 9(3) [28]: 322-324.
"On Balzac." Review of Samuel Weber's Unwrapping Balzac: A Reading of Le Peau de Chagrin. Boundary 2 (Fall 1983), 12(1): 227-234.
Don DeLillo, Names, and Sol Yurick, Richard A. Minnesota Review (Spring 1984), 22: 116122.
"Science Fiction and the German Democratic Republic." Review of Horst Heidtmann's Utopisch-phantastische Literatur in der DDR: Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines unterhaltungsliterarischen Genres von 1945-1979. Science-Fiction Studies (July 1984), 11(2) [33]:194-199.
"Shifting Contexts of Science-Fiction Theory."
Science-Fiction Studies (July 1987),
14(2) [42]: 241-247.
Review of 3 books on Science
"Critical Agendas." G.S. Delbuffa's and A.O. Lewis, Utopia for the 80s: The Interdisciplinary Studies on Themes, History and Planning (In Italian), G.E. Slusser's, C. Greenland's and E.S. Rabkin's Storm Warnings: Scien ce-Fiction Confronts the Future, and of G.E. Slusser's and E.S. Rabkin's Aliens: The Anthropology of Science- Fiction. Science-Fiction Studies (March 1990), 17:93-102.
"Exit Sartre." Review of Tony Judt's Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944-1956, and Sunil Khilnani's Arguing Revolution: The Intellectual Left in Post-War France. London Review of Books (July 7, 1994), 16(13):13-14.
"An Unfinished Project." Review of The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin 1910-1940, edited
by Gershom Scholem and Theodor Adorno, and T.W.
Adorno/Walter Benjamin: Briefwechsel 1828-40, edited by Henri
Lonitz. London Review of Books (August 3,
1995), 17(15):8-9.
"Space Wars." Review of Ole Bauman and Roemer van Toorn, ed., The Invisible in Architecture, and Roger Scruton's The Classical Vernacular: Architectural Principles in an Age of Nihilism. London Review of Books (April 4, 1996), 18(7):14-15.
"XXL: Rem Koolhaas's Great Big Buildingsroman." Village Voice Supplement (May 1996), 14:17-19.
"Prussian Blues." Review of Gunther Grass'
Ein weites Feld.
London Review of Books (October 17, 1996),
18(20):2, 6-7.
Reprinted as "Ramblings in Old Berlin."
South Atlantic Quarterly (Fall 1997), 96(4):715-727.
Issue is entitled
"German Dis/Continuities."
"Après the Avant Garde." Review of Philippe Forest's Histoire de 'Tel Quel' 1960-82, Patrick French's The Times of Theory: A History of 'Tel Quel' (1960-83), and Niilo Kauppi's The Making of an Avant Garde: 'Tel Quel'. London Review of Books (December 12, 1996), 18(24):5-7.