Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
New Literary History (Winter 2000), 31(1).
"On the Writings of Wolfgang Iser."
Ralph Cohen. "From the Editors":1-4
John Paul Riquelme. "Introduction: Wolfgang Iser's
Aesthetic Politics: Reading as Fieldwork":7-12
Brook Thomas. "Restaging the Reception of Iser's
Early Work, or Sides Not Taken in Discussions of the
Eric Gans. "'Staging as an Anthropological Category'":45-56
John Paul Riquelme. "The Way of the Chameleon in
Iser, Beckett, and Yeats: Figuring Death and the Imaginary
in The Fictive and the Imaginary":57-72
Gabriele Schwab. "'If Only I Were Not Obliged to
Manifest': Iser's Aesthetics of Negativity":73-90
Shlomith Rommon-Kenan. "A 'Figure' in Iser's
Bianca Theisen. "The Four Sides of Reading:
Paradox, Play, and Autobiographical Fiction in Iser and
Murray Krieger. "The 'Imaginary' and Its Enemies":129-162
Gabriel Motzkin. "Iser's Anthropological Reception
of the Philosophical Tradition":163-174
Winfried Fluck. "The Search for Distance: Negation
and Negativity in Wolfgang Iser's Literary Theory":175-210
Paul B. Armstrong. "The Politics of Play: The
Social Implications of Iser's Aesthetic Theory":211-223