Das Literaturverständnis zwischen Geschichte und Zukunft. Aulavorträge, 10. St. Gallen: Hochschule für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 1981. 27pp.
Reprinted in Der Deutschunterricht (June 1982), 34: 8-25.
Partially translated into Spanish by Richard Loewy as "La comprension de la literatura entre la historia y el futuro" in Maldoror (Montevideo) ( 1985), 19: 59-69.
Translated into English as "Changing Functions of Literature." In J.P. Stern, ed., London German Studies III, pp. 162-179. Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies, Volume 38. London: Institute of Germanic Studies, 1986.
Reprinted in Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature: REAL ( 1985), 3: 1-21.
Reprinted in Prospecting ( 1989), pp. 197-218.