Die Appellstruktur der Texte. Unbestimmtheit als Wirkungsbedingung literarisher Prosa. Konstanzer Universitätsreden, 28. Constance: Universitätsverlag, 1970. 38pp.
2d edition, 1971. 41pp.
4th edition, 1979.
Translated into English as "Indeterminacy and the Reader's Response." In J. Hillis Miller, ed., Aspects of Narrative: Selected Papers from the English Institute, pp. 1-45. Selected papers from the English Institute, 1969-70. Foreword by J. Hillis Miller. Seven essays presented at three conferences of the English Institute during 1969-70. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971.
Reprinted with "A Retrospective Note ( 1988) in Prospecting ( 1989), pp. 3-30.
Translated into Japanese in Shiso ( 1972), 579: 109-136.
Partially reprinted in Wilhelm Dehn, ed., Ästhetische Erfahrung und literarisches Lernen, pp. 159170. Fischer Athenaum Taschenbucher, 3008. Erziehungswissenschaft. Frankfurt: Athenaum Fischer, 1974. 2d ed., 1978.
Partially reprinted in Maximilian Scherner, ed., Textkonstitution und Verstehen. Theorie und des Textverstehens. Deutsche Sekundarstufe II, pp. 100-102, 112-116. Düsseldorf: Schwann, 1974.
Translated into Hebrew by Gideon Toury as "'I Mugdarut u- Tegubato Sel ha-Qore ba-Siporet: LeMibne ha-Mesika Sel ha-Text ha- Sipruti." Ha-Sifrut/Literature: Theory--Poetics--Hebrew and Comparative Literature (Tel Aviv) ( 1975), 21: 1-15.
Partially reprinted in Eberhard Hermes, et al. eds., Erkenntnis in der Wissenscraft, pp. 20-21. Stuttgart: Klett, 1975.
Reprinted in Rainer Warning, ed., Rezeptionästhetik. Theorie und Traxis, pp. 228-252. Uni- Taschenbucher, 303. Literaturwissenschaft. Munich: Fink, 1975. 2d ed., 1979.
Partially reprinted in Helmut Brackert and Eberhard Lämmert, eds., Reader zum Funk-Kolleg. Literatur 1, pp. 182-196. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1976.
Partially translated into Dutch in Marijke Buursink, et al., eds., De Wetenschap van het Lezen: tien jaar theorie der literarie receptie, pp. 29-33. Assen/ Amsterdam: Van Gorcum, 1978.
Translated into Korean in Munnak-Sasang (March 1978):228-261.
Translated into Turkish in Baglam ( 1979):139-162.
Translated into Polish by Malgorzata Lukasiewicz as "Apelatywna struktura tekstow. Nieokreslonosc jako warunek oddzialywania prozy literackiej" in Pamietnik Literacki ( 1980), 7(1):259-280.
Translated into Danish in Michel Olsen and Gunver Kelstrop, eds., Vaerk og Laeser. En antologi om receptionsforskring, pp. 102-133. Cophenhagen: Borgen, 1981.
Partially reprinted in Werner Broer and Annemarie Schulze- Weslarn, eds., Rezeption, pp. 9-14. Materialen für den Sekundarbereich. II. Arbeitstexte für den kunstunterricht. Hanover: Schroedel, 1983.
Translated into Italian by Carlo Gentili and Franz Rauschler as "La struttura d'appello del testo. L'inderminatezza come condizione degli effeti della prosa letteraria" in Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica ( 1985), 19(1) [48]:15-37.
Translated into Italian as "La struttura di appello del testo. L'indeterminatezza come condizione d'efficacia della prosa letteraria" in Riccardo Ruschi, ed., Estetica Tedesca Oggi, pp. 161-187. Milan: Unicopli, 1986.
Translated into Polish as "Apelacyjna struktura tekstow" in Hubert Orlowski, ed., Wspolczesna Mysl Literaturoznawcza W Republice Federalnej Niemiec: Antologia, pp. 204-242. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1986.
Translated into Chinese in 1989.
Translated into Spanish in Estética de la recepcion. Edited by Ricardo Sanchez Ortiz de Urbina. La Balsa de la Medusa, 31. Madrid: Visor, 1989.
Translated into Korean in Bonghi Cha, ed., Reader-Response-Criticism: Inhaltsverzeichnis, pp. 194-229. Seoul: Koreaone Press, 1994.