The Act of Reading (1978)
Bache, William.
Modern Fiction Studies
(Summer 1980), 26(2):372-376.
Balthrop, V. William.
Quarterly Journal of Speech
(April 1980), 66(2):211-222.
Barnouw, Dagmar.
( 1979), 94(5):1207-1214.
Poetics Today
( 1980), 1(4):213
Bassoff, Bruce.
Southern Humanities Review
(Summer 1981), 15(3):262-264.
Beardsley, Monroe C. "Reader Meets Text."
Sewanee Review
(Fall 1979), 87(4):639-646.
Block, Ed.
Western Humanities Review
(Spring 1980), 34(2):189-191.
(June 1979), 15: 524.
Crosman, Inge.
Poetics Today
(Spring 1980), 1(3):192-195.
Deneau, Daniel P.
International Fiction Review
(Winter 1980), 7(1):76-77.
Duckworth, Alistair M.
Nineteenth-Century Fiction
(December 1979), 34(3):337-343.
Eaton, T.
(Spring 1980), 14(2):179-182.
Fish, Stanley. "Why No One's Afraid of Wolfgang Iser."
(Spring 1981), 11(1):2-13.
Hahn, W.
Comparative Literature
(Summer 1980), 32(3):289-291.
Hawkes, Terence. "Taking It as Read."
Yale Review
(Summer 1980), 69(4):560-576.
Hill, Leslie. "Reading, Writing & Wolfgang Iser." [cover-title] "The Wandering Viewpoint." [title-page]
Oxford Literary Review
( 1980), 4(2):94-101.
Kendrick, Walter. "Literary Criticism: The State of the Art."
(December 1984), 59(235):5164-526.
Kuenzli, Robert E.
Diacritics-A Review of Contemporary Criticism
( 1980), 10(2):47-56.
Library Journal
(April 15, 1979), 104: 952.
Lyas, Colin.
Higher Education
( 1980), 9(1):123-124.
Mailloux, Steven.
(Spring 1981), 1: 65.
Martin, Wallace.
(Summer 1979), 21: 260-262.
Modern Language Journal
(Winter 1989), 73: 420.
National Forum
(Fall 1980), 60: 51.
O'Hara, Daniel T.
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
(Fall 1979), 38(1):88-91.
Peña, Luis H. "El acto de la lectura."
La Palabra y el Hombre-Revista de la Universidad Veracruzana
(AprilSeptember 1981), 38-39: 169-170.
Preston, John. "The Rhetoric of Reading."
Yearbook of English Studies
( 1980), 10: 150-159.
Reichert, John.
Philosophy and Literature
(Spring 1980), 4(1):131-132.
Riquelme, John Paul. "The Ambivalence of Reading."
(Summer [June] 1980), 10(2):75-80.
Saldivar, Ramon. "Reading and Systems of Reading."
Studies in the Novel-A Forum on Fiction
(Winter 1979), 11(4):472-481.