Abdulla, Adnan Khalid. "Catharsis: An Analytical Study of its Meanings and Uses in Modern Literary Criticism." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1983, Indiana University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1984), 44(12A):3676-A.
Anderson, James Christopher. "Michel Tournier's Children: Myth, Reader, Intertext." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990. University of Iowa. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1991), 51(9A):3094-3095-A
Arnold, David Ccott. "Liminal Tellings: Interpretations of Otherness in Readings of `Moby-Dick,' `Ulysses' and A Severed Head." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1983, Emory University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1984), 44(12A):3681-3682-A.
Aud, Susan Veronica.
"Looking for the Implied Reader in the Picture Storybook: An
Analogue to Reader-Response Theory." Ph.D. Dissertation, Southern
Illinois University at Carbondale, 1994.
Baldwin, Lida Daves. "The Child Narrator in the Postwar German Short Story." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990, Rutgers University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1991), 51(7A):2389-2390-A.
Bauer, Dale Marie. "The Failure of Community: Women and Resistance in Hawthorne's, James's, and Wharton's Novels." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1985, University of California, Irvine. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1986), 46(12A):3718-A.
Bell, Andrea L. "The Cuento Breve in Modern Latin American Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, Stanford University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1991), 52(1A):173-A.
Benton, Carol Lynn. "Raised Eyebrows: The Comic Impulse in the Poetry of Margaret Atwood." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1988, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Abstract in Dissertation abstracts international (April 1990), 50(10A):3105-A.
Berg, Temma Fay. "Strategies of Reading: The Reader- Response Movement in America." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1980, Temple University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1980), 41(1A):249-A.
Bernard-Donals, Michael Francis. "Discourse in Art, Discourse in Life: Mikhail Bakhtin and Contemporary Critical Theory." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1991), 52(4A):1305-A.
Bogstad, Janice Marie. "Gender, Power and Reversal in Contemporary Anglo-American and French Feminist Science Fiction." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992, University of Wisconsin - Madison. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (August 1993), 54(2A):509-A.
Boyer, Eric Russell. "Reading Ragtime: A Postmodern American Economic Novel." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1984, Syracuse University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1985), 45(12A):3638-A.
Brown, Larry Avis. "Contemporary Poetics and Dramatic Theory: Structuralist and Post-structuralist Approaches." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1989, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts international (January 1990), 50(7A):1851-A.
Buckler, Patricia Prandini. "The Fourteenth Century Environment of Discourse: Rhetoric and Imagination in Chaucer's Audience." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1986, University of Louisville. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (December 1986), 47(6A):2153-A.
Buckley-Larocque, Carolyn. "Initiatory Quest and Historical Violence in the Early Historical Novel." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992, Catholic University of America. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (September 1992), 53(3A):799-A.
Buzzard, Sharon Kay. "Reader-Response Criticism and the Reflexive Narrative: The Reader/Viewer Role in Creating a Narrative." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1985, University of Missouri - Columbia. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1986), 46(11A):3348-A.
Caig-Gutierrez, Karen Renée. "Changing Perceptions: Current Reader- Response Theory and Villainous Women." M.A. Thesis, 1988, Stephen F. Austin State University. Abstract in Masters Abstracts (Summer 1989), 27(2):186.
Calderon, Hector Enrique. "Self and Language in the Novel: Readings of Cervantes' `Quijote' and Donoso's `El obsceno pajaro de la noche'." Ph.D. 1981, Yale University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (December 1981), 42(6A):2658-A.
Caldwell, Ellen Marie. "Theatrical Self-consciousness in Shakespeare's Romances." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1980. University of California, Los Angeles. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February 1981), 41(8A):3588-A.
Carpenter, James Richard.
"Weaving the Text: The Lived Experience of High School Actors
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Dissertation, University of Maryland at College Park, 1994.
Cassel, Jay Frank. "The Reader in Mark: The Crucifixion." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1983, University of Iowa. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February 1984), 44(8A):2493-A.
Chase, Nancy Davidson. "Text Processing and Reader-Response Criticism: A Constructivist Perspective on the Reading Comprehension Process." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1984, Emory University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1985), 45(9A):2818-A.
Cooley, Michael E. "Intentionality in Literary Critical Theory and in Pedagogical Methodology." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1983, University of Louisville. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May 1984), 44(11A):3387-A.
Corman, Catherine Talmage. "`Whereas a man may have noon audience, noght helpeth it to tellen his sentence': Rhetorical Process in Chaucer's Poetry." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1985, University of California, Los Angeles.Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1986), 47(1A):173-A.
Davis, Judith Ann. "An Examination of Robert Westall's Eleven Works of Young Adult Fiction through the Use of Reviews and Wolfgang Iser's Reception Theory." M.S. Thesis, Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989.
Degnan, Michael Steven. "Plurisignificance and Structure in Hawthorne's The Marble Faun." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992, State University of New York at Buffalo. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November 1992), 53(5A):1516-A.
D'haen, Theodoor louis. "Text and Reader: A Communicative Approach to The French Lieutenant's Woman by John Fowles, Letters by John Barth, Libro de Manuel by Julio Cortazar, and De Kapellekensbaan by Louis Paul Boon." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1981. University of Massachusetts. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (September 1981), 42(3A):1136-A.
De Kir, Antoinette. "Phenomenological Perspectives on Space in the Reading of Drama: An Analysis of Therèse Raquin, Vor Sonnenaufgang, and The Three Sisters." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1981, University of Toronto. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1982), 42(10A):4441-4442-A.
Diepeveen, Leonard Peter. "The Modernist Quoting Poem." Ph.D. 1987, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1988), 48(7A):1769-A.
Dinter, Ingrid H. "Unvollendet: trauerarbeit in der DDR- literatur." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, University of Washington. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1992), 53(1A):166-A. Subsequently published as book: Unvollendete Trauerarbeit in der DDR-literatur: ein Studium der Vergangenheitsbewaltigung. DDR studien = East German Studies, Vol. 7. New York: Lang, 1993.
Ducharme, Edward Wilfred. "The Reader in the Text: Implications of Objective and Subjective Theories of Interpretation for the Teaching of Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1980, University of Michigan. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November 1980), 41(5A):2093-A.
Eubanks, Larry Lee. "The Cathartic Effects of Irony in Jonah." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1988, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1989), 49(10A):3052-A.
Fajardo, Diogenes. "La Novelistica de David Vinas." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1981, University of Kansas. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (December 1982), 43(6A):1986-1987-A.
Fessenden, William E. "Temporal Structure and Meaning: The Defamiliarization of the Reader in Faulkner's Go Down, Moses." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990, Ball State University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May 1991), 51(11A):3743-A.
Fey, Catherine Lynnann. "The Reader and Fantastic Literature: A Study of Selected Hispanic Texts." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1983, University of Chicago. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1984), 44(7A):2158-A.
Forsgren, Peter. "Listening with the Eye: Studies of Peder Sjogren's Novels of the 1940s." "Att lyssna med ogat": studier I peder sjogrens 1940-talsromaner." Dr. Fil., 1992. Goteborgs Universitet, Sweden. Volume Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (Summer 1993), 54(2C):368-C.
Friedman, Sharren L. "Into the Light: The Stage Plays of Judith Thompson." M.A. Thesis, 1991, University of Calgary, Canada. Abstract in Masters Abstracts (Winter 1992), 30(4):1033.
Gaither, Linda L. "Competing Notions of Reception in the Arcic Dialogue Process: An Analysis through Reader-Response Criticism." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993, Catholic University of America. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1993), 53(12A):4367-A.
Garavito, Carmen Lucia. "El lector/espectador en el teatro hispanoamericano." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1982, University of Kansas. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1983), 43(12A):3927-A.
Gillespie, Michael Joseph. "Translation, Reading, and Literary Theory." Ph.D., Dissertation, 1987, Indiana University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1988), 48(9A):2331-A.
Gonzalez, Gail Graves. "Continuidad de los lectores: A Reader- Response Approach to Julio Cortazar's Short Stories." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992, University of Kentucky. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1993), 53(12A):4341-A.
Gove, Jean Marie Frame. "Making Stories: Strategies of Narrative Communication in the Novels of Rudy Wiebe." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990, York University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1990), 51(4A):1233-A.
Ham, Jennifer M. "The Ideological Structure of Frank Wedekind's Dramatic Works." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990, Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1991), 51(7A):23902391-A.
Hansen, Terry Lee. "Paul Horgan's Southwestern Fiction: A Reader-Response Approach to `The Peach Stone', `Far from Cibola', `A Distant Trumpet', and `Whitewater'." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1982, Bowling Green State University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1983), 43(10A):3317-A.
Hatch, Deborah Hollister. "A Reader Response Study of the Grotesque in the Fiction of Eudora Welty, Flannery O'Connor, and Carson McCullers." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1982, University of Massachusetts Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February 1983), 43(8A):2667-A.
Heidenreich, Rosmarin Elfriede. "Strategies of Narrative Communication in the Canadian and Quebec Novel since 1945." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1983, University of Toronto. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1984), 44(9A):2759-A.
Heller, Janet Ruth. "Dramas, Readers, and Theaters: A Study of Early Nineteenth-Century British Drama Criticism." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1987, University of Chicago. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1987), 48(1A):132-A.
Hilton, Heather Elizabeth. "Dialogique de la lecture: structures d'indetermination dans trois romans français." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1989, Emory University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1990), 50(7A):2048-2049A.
Hinds, Elizabeth Jane Wall. "The Hero in Time: The American Gothic Fiction of Charles Brockden Brown, Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1989, University of Tulsa. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1990), 50(7A):2053-A.
Ibsen, Kristine Lee. "Author, Text and Reader in the Novels of Carlos Fuentes." Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991, UCLA. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1992), 52(9A):3301-A. Subsequently published as Author, Text, and Reader in the Novels of Carlos Fuentes. Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, 16. New York: Lang, 1993.
James, D. L. " Wolfgang Iser's Concept of Indeterminacy and its Application to Stendhal's Fiction. " D. Phil. , Dissertation, 1988, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November 1989), 50(5A):1302-A.
Johnson, Nancy Jean. "Reader-Response Criticism and the Rhetorical Tradition." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1981, University of Southern California. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1982), 42(10A):4458-A.
Kahn, Lora. "James Macpherson's Ossian: Genesis and Response." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1989, City University of New York. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February 1990), 50(8A):2498-A.
Kea, Perry Vernon. "Discipleship in the Great Sermon: A Literary- Critical Approach." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1983, University of Virginia. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1986), 47 (4A):1369-1370-A.
Key, Chris Dewayne. "Life out of Context: Life in Text." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, Union Institute. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1993), 53(9 B):4933-A.
Kriek, Hendrik Sebastiaan. "A Reception Aes thetical Analysis of Proverbs Chapter Seven." (Afrikaans Text). M. A. Thesis, 1989, University of Pretoria. Abstract in Master s Abstracts (W inter 1989), 27(4):445.
Leonard, Joan. "Violence and Community in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor and Muriel Spark." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1984, Emory University. Abstrac t in Dissertation Abstracts International (December 1984), 45 (6A):1748-A.
Mailloux, Steven. "Interpretive Conventions and Recent Anglo-American Literary Theory." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1977, University of Southern California. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February 1978), 38(8A):4799-4800-A.
Martin-Rodriguez, Manuel Maria. "` Klail City Death Trip Series' de Rolando Hinojosa: la novela del lector." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1990, University of California, Santa Barbara. Abstrac t in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1991), 51(9A):3074-A.
Martinez, Elena M. " El papel del lector en la obra narrativa de Juan Carlos Onetti." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1988, New York University. Abstract in Di ssertation Abstracts International (November 1988), 49(5 A):1159-A.
Martinez, Maria-Ester. "A Study of American and Spanish-American Reception of Five of Manuel Puig's Novels." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1 988, Indianauniversity. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1989), 49(9 A):2649-2650-A
Mauldon, Margaret. "The Letter Novel andits Reader: A Study of French Epistolary Fiction." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1980, University of Massachusetts. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February 1981 ), 41(8A):3604 A.
Mc Cormick- Leighty, Kathleen Ann. " Psychological Realism and Literary Interpretation : A Cognitive Approachto Studying the Interaction of Texts and Readers." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1984, University of Connecticut. volume Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (February 1985), 45(8 A):2523 -2524-A.
Mccormick, Thomas Wilson. "Interdisciplinary Contributions to the Theory of Reading." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1985, University of Texas at Arlington. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (September 19 86), 47(3A):848-A.
Mc Laughl in, Brian Gerard. "Structures of Identity: A Reading of the Self- provoking Fiction of Christ ine Brooke- Rose, Bryan Stanley Johnson, Eva Figes, and Paul West." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1981, Pennsylvania State University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstra cts International (April 1982), 42(10 A):4460-A.
Mir, Maqsood Hamid. "The Phenomenological Response Theory: A Model for Synthesizing Reader Response and Literary Text in Teaching College English." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1983, University of Louisville. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May 1984), 44(11A):3390- 3391-A.
Modzelewski, Jozef. "Kurzprosa- neuersche inungendesjahres1983:rezeptionsäs thetischerschnittde rzeitgenossischendeutschenliteratur." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1987, New York University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1988), 48(7A):1783-A.
Moon, Sun Jung. "The Audience's Tragicomic Responseto Four Absurdist Plays." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1990, Florida State University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1990), 51(4A):124 0-1241-A.
Moorhead, Florence. "Complicity and the Reader: The Narrative of Jos&ea cute; Emilio Pacheco." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1990, University of California, Davis. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May 19 91), 51(11 A):37633764-A.
Morgan, Mary Valent ina. "The Shaping of Experience: A Study of Rhetoric al Methods and Structure in Narrative Worksby Chaucer, Fielding and Dicke ns." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1980, University of California, San Diego. Abstracti nDissertation Abstracts International (November 1980), 41( 5A):2126-A.
Morris, Barbara Bryce. "Readers and Readings in the Modern Hispanic Nov el." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1984, University of Chicago. Abstract in Diss ertation Abstracts International (October 1984), 45(4A):1126-A.
Olivera-Williams, Maria Rosa. "La poesia gauchesca de Bartolome Hidalgoa Jose Hernandez: respuesta estetica y condicionamiento social." Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohi o State University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (July 1983) , 44(1 A):182-A.
Parilla, Catherine Arturi. "A Hermeneutic Approach to Reading the Dramatic Text: Selected Plays by Pirandello and Garcia Lorca." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, New York University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International ( February 1993), 53(8A):2805-A.
Peck, Jeffrey Marc. "Hermeneutic Theory and Practice: Language and Und erst anding in Kleist, Grillparzer, and Fontane." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1979, University of California, Berkeley. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts I nternational (July 1980), 41(1A):268-A.
Permenter, Rachela. "Nonduality: Romantic Postmodernism and Fem inis m in the Works of Herman Melville and D. H. Lawrence." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, Nor thern Ill inois University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstract s International (December 1992), 53(6A):1908-A.
Pites, Silvia Elena. "Historiayficcionenlanovela Argent inadeladecada19 80." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, University of Kansas. Abstract in Disse rtation Abstracts International (July 1993), 54(1A):195-A.
Plank, Karl Andrews." Paul and the Irony of Affliction: A Literary and Rhet orical Analysis of I Cor inthians4: 9- 13." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1983, V anderbilt University. Abstract in Dis sertation Abstracts International (July 1984), 45(1A):210-211-A.
Poehls, Alice O' Toole. "Repetition and Read ing: Word Rhythms in Henry J ames and Margaret Atwood." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1989, University of North Dakota. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (Jul y 1990), 51(1 A):164-A.
Pollock, Della. "Brecht and Expressionism: An Assessment of Rhetorical Continuity." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1986. Northwestern University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (December 1986), 47(6A):1929-A.
Rooks, Sharon Elaine. "The Tin Drum: Novel into Film. A Phenomenological Approach." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1982, Florida State University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1982), 43(4A):11581159-A.
Roskelly, Hephzibah Crawford. "How Readers Become Writers: Literary Interpretation as a Composing Process." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1984, Universit y of Louisville. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1985), 46(4 A):969-970-A.
Salas-Elorza, Jesus. "La narrativa de Sergio Pitol y el proyecto dialogico de Mijail Bajtin." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, University of Colorado at Boulder. Abstractin Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1993), 53(10A) :3544-3545- A.
Sanchez de la Calle, Eufemia. "La narrativa de Isaac Montero: Una reivindicacion." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, Michigan State University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1992), 52(7A):2 573-A.
Sayers, Kathleen Marie. "The Unreliable Narrator in Selected Works of Modern Spanish Fiction." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1981 University of Texas at Austin. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 198 2), 42(7A):3178-3179- A.
Sickles, Hollis David. "The Reader in Traditional and Postmodernist Fiction: A Study of `Tom Jones' and `The Sot- Weed Factor'." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1987, Vanderbilt University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (September 1988), 49(3A):506-A.
Siegelman, Stuart Marc." Poetics and Ambiguity in Selected Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, New York University. Ab stract in Dissertation Abstracts International (September 199 2), 53(3A):822-A.
Smetak, Jacqueline R. " Essays on the Fiction of Thomas Pynchon." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1986, University of Iowa. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1987), 47(7A):2587-A.
Sollner, Patricia Roberson. "The Role of the Reader and Translator of Mar in a Tsvetaeva's Lyrics, with a Translation of `Vyorstyii'." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1985, University of Massachusetts. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1986), 46(12A):3736-A.
Somerville, James Green. "The Reader's Role in the Realization of Luke's Purpose." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1991, Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November 19 91), 52(5A):1776-A.
Sotiriou, Peter Elias. "The Pedagogy of Reading and Writing: Pedagogical Responsesto Hans-Georg Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1991, University of Southern California. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1992)52(10A):3596-A.
Souris, Stephen. "Recent American Multiple Narrator Novels: A Bakhtinian/Iserian Analysis." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1993), 53(9 A):3216-A.
Sparling, Ronald Douglas. "The Thematics of Death in the Fiction of Timot hy F indley. "M.A. Thesis, 1991, University of Guelph. Abstract in Masters Abstracts ( Spring 1993), 31(1):87.
Spikes, Michael P. "Stability of Meaning in Literary Language." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1986, Indiana University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International ( February 1987), 47(8A):3029-A.
Sullivan, Patricia Ann. "A Rhetorical Approach to the Criticism of Autobiography." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1983, University of Iowa. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1984), 44(12A):3542-A.
Thornton, Sallywebb. "The Characterization of Three Female Protagonists in the Novels of Pio Baroja." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1988, University of Pittsburgh. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1990), 50(7 A):2079-A.
Torres, Luis A. "Aspectos de lo indeterminado en `El obsceno pajaro de la noche'." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, University of Toronto. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November 1993)54(5A):1818-A.
Touponce, William Ferd in and. "Ray Bradbury and the Poetics of Reverie: A Study of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and the Reading Progress." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1981, Univ ersity of Massachusetts. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1981), 41(12):5093-A.
Valente, Luiz Fern ando. "The Reader in the Work: Fabulation and Affective Response in Joao Guimaraes Rosa and William Faulkner." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1983, Brown University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts Intern ational ( January 1984), 44(7A):2142-A.
Waegner, Cathy Covell. "Recollection and Discovery: The Rhetoric of Cha racter in William Faulkner's Novels. " Ph. D. Dissertation, 1982, University of Virginia. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May 1983), 43(11 A):3599-A.
Warburton, Edna Eileen H and. "John Fowles and the Vision of the Dead Wo man: The Theme of Carnal Knowledge and the Technique of Inversion in John Fowles's Fiction." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1980 University of Pennsylvania. Ab stract in Dissertation Abstracts International (September 1980), 41(3A):1055-A.
Ward, Judith Stallings. "The Ultraist Poetry of Gerardo Diego: A Study of `Manual de espumas'." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1993, Yale University. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1994), 54(7A) :2604-A
Weber, Monica Ingrid. "Goethe's Conception of the Reader and its Implications for `Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre'." Ph. D. Dissertation, 1986, University of Waterloo. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1987), 47(10 A):3766-A.
Wheeler, Raymond Duke. "The Development of Repentance in Joel: A Reader-Response Approach. " Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International ( November 1992), 53(5A):1549-1550-A.