Kuenzli, Rudolf E. "Wolfgang Iser Interview." Diacritics (Summer [June] 1980), 10(2):57-74. Introduction by Ridolf E. Kuenzli. Written interview with Norman N. Holland, Wayne Booth and Stanley Fish as interviewers.
Reprinted in Prospecting ( 1989), pp. 42-69.
"Interview with Wolfgang Iser." Munhak Sasang [Korea] (August 1981):42-54. Interview conducted by Bonghi Cha. Published in Korean.
Reprinted in Bonghi Cha, ed., Reader-Response-Criticism: Inhaltsverzeichnis, pp. 32-46. Seoul: Koreaone Press, 1994.
Fusul-Journal of Literary Criticism (Cairo)
(1984), 1.
"Interview." Contemporary World Literature ( 1989), 19: 156-184. Published in Korean.
"An Interview with Wolfgang Iser." Tamkang Review (Autumn 1990), 21(1):93-109. Interview conducted and translated by Shan Te-hsing
"Interview." Logon (1991), 2:25-36. Published in Greek.
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