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Abbott, H. Porter. "A Poetics of Radical Displacement: Samuel Beckett Coming up to Seventy."
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Abbott, Scott. "`Des Dastehns grosser Anfangsbuchstab': Standing and Being in Rilke's Fifth Elegy." German Quarterly (Summer 1987), 60(3): 435, 445n6.
Abraham, David. "Big Business, Nazis and German Politics at the End of Weimar." Review of Henry Ashby Turner's German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler. European History Quarterly (April 1987), 17(2): 244-245n31.
Abrams, M.H. "Construing and Deconstructing." In Morris Eaves and Michael Fischer, eds., Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism, p. 128. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1986.
Abrams, M.H. Doing Things with Texts: Essays in Criticism and Critical Theory, p. 298. New York: Norton, 1989.
Abrams, M.H. Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature, pp. 390, 526n36. New York: Norton, 1971.
Ackland, Michael. "Charles Harpur's `The Bush Fire' and `A Storm in the Mountains': Sublimity, Cognition and Faith." Southerly (December 1983), 43(4): 472-473.
_____."Cognitive Man and Divinity in the Short Descriptive Verse of Charles Harpur." Southern Review (Adelaide) (1983), 16(3): 403n11.
_____."Innocence at Risk: Charles Harpur's Adaptation of a Romantic Archetype to the Australian Landscape." AUMLA (May 1988), 69: 258n9.
Adamowski, T.H. "The Disenchantment of the Word." Queen's Quarterly (Autumn 1981), 88(3): 442, 455-456.
_____."Intimacy and Distance: Sexuality and Orality in Sons and Lovers." Mosaic (1980), 13(2): 88n10.
Adams, Hazard. "Contemporary Ideas of Literature: Terrible Beauty or Rough Beast?" In Murray Krieger and L.S. Dembo, eds., Directions for Criticism: Structuralism and Its Alternatives, pp. 55n1 , 74. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1977.
Adams, Hazard and Leroy Searle. "Geoffrey H. Hartman." In Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle, eds., Critical Theory Since 1965, pp. 344-345. Tallahassee: University Pr esses of Florida/Florida State University press, 1986.
Adams, Vicki Millard. "The Concept of the Reader in Post World War II Anglo-American and French Criticism." Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1980. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International ( June 1981), 41(12A):5096-A.
Adelson, Leslie A. "There's No Place Like Home: Jeannette Lander and Ronnith Neumann's Utopian Quests for Jewish Identity in the Contemporary German Context." New German Critique (Spring-Summer 113n2.
Ahlstrom, Sydney E. "The Romantic Religious Revolution and the Dilemmas of Religious History." Church History (June 1977), 46(2): 161.
Aichele, George. "The Rabbis and the Post-Structuralists." Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, ed., Midrash and Literature. Cross Currents (Winter 1987-88), 37(4): 486-488.
Aiken, Susan Hardy. "The Uses of Duplicity: Isak Dinesen and Questions of Feminist Criticism."
Scandinavian Studies (Autumn 1985), 57(4): 405-406, 411n16.
Aizenberg, Edna. "Borges and the Hebraism of Contemporary Literary Theory." In Edna Aizenberg, ed., Borges and His Successors: The Borgesian Impact on Literature and the Arts, pp. 249, 250, 253 -255, 259, 260, 261, 262. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
_____."Introduction." In Edna Aizenberg, ed., Borges and His Successors: The Borgesian Impact on Literature and the Arts, p. 14. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
Albrecht, W.P. "To Autumn." (Letter) PMLA (January 1981), 96(1): 104.
_____."Tragedy and Wordsworth's Sublime." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1977), 8(1): 94n7.
Alexander, Meena. "Dorothy Wordsworth: The Grounds of Writing." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1988), 14(3): 206, 210n20.
Allen, James Smith. "History and the Novel: Mentalité in Modern Popular Fiction."
History and Theory (1983), 22(3): 240n29, 242n36, 243, 244, 244n49,
_____."Toward a History of Reading in Modern France, 1800-1940." French Historical Studies (Fall 1987), 15(2): 285n56.
Allen, Roger. "The Novella in Arabic: A Study of Fictional Genres." International Journal of Middle East Studies (November 1986), 18(4): 474, 482n9.
Almeida, Hermione de. "Byron, Joyce, and the Modern Epic." South Atlantic Quarterly (Autumn 1983), 82(4): 402n8.
Alonso, Carlos J. "Julio Cortázar: The Death of the Author." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (May 1987), 21(2): 70n4, 71.
Alpers, Paul. "Convening and Convention in Pastoral Poetry." New Literary History (Winter 1983), 14(2): 301, 304n40.
Alter, Robert. "Old Rabbis, New Critics." Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, ed., Midrash and Literature. New Republic (January 5, 1987), 196(1): 27 -33.
_____."Outside the Academy." Review of Patrick Parrinder, Authors and Authority: English and American Criticism 1750-1990, and René Wellek, A History of Modern Criticism 1750-1950. Vol. VII: German, Rusian and Ea stern European Criticism, 1900-1950. London Review of Books (February 13, 1992), 14(3): 15.
_____.The World of Biblical Literature, p. 199. New York: Basic Books, 1992.
Altieri, Charles. "The Qualities of Action: A Theory of Middles in Literature." Boundary 2 (Winter 1977), 5(2): 346n1.
Andersen, Lars Erslev and Hans Hauge, eds., Tekst og Trope: Dekonstruktion i Amerika. Aarhus: Modtryk, 1988.
Andermatt-Conley, Verena. "A Doll's Story." New Literary History (Autumn 1977), 9(1): 187n2.
Anderson, Perry. English Questions, p. 243. London: Verso, 1992.
Anderson, Perry. "Apocalyptic Imagination." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787- 1814. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (April 29, 1965), 3296: 332.
Aquila, Richard E. "The Cartesian and a Certain `Poetic' Notion of Consciousness." Journal of the History of Ideas (October-December 1988), 49(4): 557n45.
Arac, Jonathan. "Afterword." In Jonathan Arac, Wallace Martin, and Wlad Godzich, eds., The Yale Critics, pp. 190197. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983.
_____."Arnoldian Prophecy: Making Critical History." Boundary 2 (Spring-Fall 1984), 12(3) & 13(1): 143, 144145, 154n6.
_____."Bounding Lines: The Prelude and Critical Revision." Boundary 2 (Spring 1979), 7(3): 41, 46n15, 47n25.
_____."The Impasse of American New Literary History." In his Critical Genealogies: Historical Situations for Postmodern Literary Studies, pp. 11-56. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987.
_____."The Politics of The Scarlet Letter." In Sacvan Bercovitch and Myra Jehlen, eds., Ideology and Classic American Literature, pp. 249-250, 263nn5, 6. Cambridge: Cambr idge University Press, 1986.
Archer, John. "Authority in Shelley." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1987), 26(2): 261
Arensberg, Mary and Sara E. Schyfter. "Hairoglphics in Faulkner's `A Rose for Emily': Reading the Primal Trace." Boundary 2 (Fall 1986-Winter 1987), 15(1-2): 123, 125, 133n2 .
Argyros, Alexander J. A Blessed Rage for Order: Deconstruction, Evolution, and Chaos, pp. 23, 25, 49, 202, 204, 359. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1991.
_____."Learning from the Stock Market: Literature as Cultural Investment." Mosaic (Canada) (Summer 1989), 22(3): 113, 116.
Argyros, Alexander J. and Jerry Aline Flieger. "Hartman's Contagious Orbit: Reassessing Aesthetic Criticism." Diacritics (Spring 1987), 17(1): 52-69. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness, Deconstruction and Criticism, Psychoanalysis and the Question of the Text, and Saving the Text.
Arkans, Norman. "Hardy's Poetic Landscapes." Colby Library Quarterly (March 1979), 15(1): 29.
Arthur, Marylin B. "Classics and Psychoanalysis." Classical Journal (October- November 1977), 73(1): 58.
Ash, Beth Sharon. "Jewish Hermeneutics and Contemporary Theories of Textuality: Hartman, Bloom, and Derrida." Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature. Modern Phi lology (August 1987), 85(1): 65-80.
Asp, Carolyn. "Marvell's Nymph: Unravished Bride of Quiteness." Papers on Language and Literature (Fall 1978), 14(4): 396n4.
Assmann, Aleida and Anselm Haverkamp, eds.,
Stimme, Figur: Kritik und Restitution in der
Literaturwissenschaft. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift
für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, Sonderh
[Supplement], 68. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1994.
Festschrift for Geoffrey H. Hartman.
Atkins, G. Douglas. "A(fter) D(econctruction): The Relations of Literature and Religion in the Wake of Deconstruction." Studies in the Literary Imagination (Spring 1985), 18(1): 91.
_____."Afterword: On the Critical Character: Reading and Writing in the Post-Structural Age." New Orleans Review (Winter 1988), 15(4): 82, 83.
_____."`Count It All Joy': The Affirmative Nature of Deconstruction." University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1984), 16(1): 120, 121, 122, 123, 127nn2, 8, 9.
_____."Dehellenizing Literary Criticism." College English (March 1980), 41(7): 769-779. Reprinted in a slightly revised form in his Reading Deconstruction/Deconstructive Reading, pp . 34-48. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1983.
_____."Geoffrey H. Hartman." In Gregory S. Jay, ed., Modern American Critics Since 1955, pp. 134-150. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 67. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, A Bruccoli Layman Bo ok, 1988.
_____.Geoffrey Hartman: Criticism as Answerable Style. Critics of the Twentieth Century. London & New York: Routledge: 1990.
_____."In Other Words: Gardening for Love--The Work of the Essayist." Kenyon Review (Winter 1991), 13(1): 62-63, 69.
_____."Interpretation and Meaning in A Tale of a Tub." Essays in Literature (Fall 1981), 8(2): 238n3.
_____."A Matter of Difference: Deconstruction and Eighteenth-Century Studies." Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation (Fall 1987), 28(3): 268, 269n4.
_____."Partial Stories: Hebraic and Christian Thinking in the Wake of Deconstruction." Notre Dame English Journal (Summer 1983), 15(3): 13, 20n21.
_____."Pope's Poetry and the Reader's Responsibilities." College Literature (Spring 1982), 9(2): 85, 93, 95nn13, 14, 96nn36-40.
_____."Reader-Responsibility Criticism: The Recent Work of Geoffrey Hartman." In his Reading Deconstruction/Deconstructive Reading, pp. 49-63. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1983.
Averill, James H. Review of Lawrence Lipking, ed., High Romantic Argument: Essays for M.H. Abrams. Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1983), 22(4): 632.
_____."Suffering and Calm in Wordsworth's Early Poetry." PMLA (January 1976), 91(1): 233n9.
Avni, Abraham. "Wordsworth and Ecclesiastes--A `Skeptical' Affinity." Research Studies (March 1981), 49(1): 66, 68-69n8.
Bahti, Timothy. "Ambiguity and Indeterminacy: The Juncture." Comparative Literature (Summer 1986), 38(3): 209-223.
_____."Dialectic and Negativity: Readings in the Rhetoric of Romanticism." Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1980. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (May 1981), 41(11A):4703-A.
_____."Figures of Interpretation, The Interpretation of Figures: A Reading of Wordsworth's `Dream of the Arab'." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1979), 18(4): 601-606, 616n33, 624n46, 625.
Baldick, Chris. "Deconstruction." In The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, p. 52. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Baldo, Jonathan. "A Semiotic Approach to Prospection in Shelley." Semiotica (1987), 64(3-4): 281, 295.
Balfour, Ian. Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature.
Comparative Literature Studies (March 1990), 27(3): 255-258.
Bannet, Eve Tavor. Structuralism and the Logic of Dissent: Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, Lacan, pp. 229, 283. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989.
Bargad, Warren. "The Poetics of Allusion and the Hebrew Literary Tradition." Judaism (Fall 1977), 26(4): 481n1.
Barney, Richard A. "Paul de Man and the Legacy of Suspicion." In Joseph Natoli, ed., Literary Theory's Future, pp. 93, 112n25. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Pr ess, 1989.
Baron, Michael. "Speaking and Writing: Wordsworth's `Fit Audience'." English (Autumn 1983), 32(144): 230.
Bartlett, Brian. "`Inscrutable Workmanship': Music and Metaphors in The Prelude and The Excursion." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1986), 17(3): 178, 180n12.
Barzilai, Shuli and Morton Bloomfield. "New Criticism and Deconstructive Criticism, or What's New?" New Literary History (Autumn 1986), 18(1): 174, 189n2.
Bate, Jonathan. "Wordsworth and the Naming of Places." Essays in Criticism (July 1989), 39(3): 200-201, 214n7.
Bauman, Zygmunt. "Philosophical Affinities of Postmodern Sociology." Sociological Review (August 1990), 38(3): 443n14.
Baumlin, James S. and Tita French Baumlin. "Psyche/Logos: Mapping the Terrains of Mind and Rhetoric." College English (March 1989), 51(3): 245, 260.
Baumlin, Tita French. "The Birth of the Bard: Venus and Adonis and Poetic Apotheosis." Papers on Language and Literature (Spring 1990), 26(2): 210.
Bazerman, Charles. "What Written Knowledge Does." Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1981), 11: 364, 373377.
Beaugrande, Robert De. "Toward the Empirical Study of Literature: A Synoptic Sketch of a New `Society'." Poetics (April 1989), 18(1-2): 27.
Bedford, R.D. "Similes of Unlikeness in Paradise Lost." Essays in Criticism (April 1975), 25(2): 189, 195n12.
Beeker, Jon. "Symbolism of Ternary Structures in Paul Valéry's Charmes." Kentucky Romance Quarterly (1977), 24(4): 448n3.
Beer, John. "Coleridge and Wordsworth on Reflection." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1989), 20(1): 26, 29n19.
Bell, Michael J. "`No Borders to the Ballad Maker's Art': Francis James Child and the Politics of the People." Western Folklore (October 1988), 47(4): 302n14.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. "Criticism and the State (Political and Otherwise) of the Americas." In Gerald Graff and Reginald Gibbons, eds., Criticism in the University, pp. 129, 143n4. TriQuar terly Series on Criticism and Culture, No. 1. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1985.
Bellas, Ralph A. Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Hopkins: A Collection of Critical Essays. Thought (Spring 1967), 42(164): 131-132.
Bellamy, Elizabeth J. "The Vocative and the Vocational: The Unreadability of Elizabeth in The Faerie Queene." ELH (Spring 1987), 54(1): 12, 20, 25n4, 27n19, 28nn20, 23, 2 9nn26, 28, 29, 30n36.
Ben-Amos, Dan. "Jewish Folklore Studies." Modern Judaism (February 1991), 11(1): 23, 56.
Bender, Eileen T. "The Woman Who Came to Dinner: Dining and Divining a Feminst `Aesthetic'." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1986), 12: 316, 333n3.
Ben-Ehphraim, Gavriel. "The Imagination and its Vicissitudes in Great Expectations." Hebrew University Studies in Literature and the Arts (Spring 1985), 13(1): 45.
Bennett, Andrew J. "Enticing Conclusion: John Keats's `Ode on a Grecian Urn'." Word & Image (OctoberDecember 1989) 5(4): 310n31.
Bennett, James R. "National Power and Objectivity in the Classroom." College English (December 1989), 51(8): 810, 821.
Bennington, Geoffrey. "Deconstruction and the Philosophers (The Very Idea)." Oxford Literary Review (1988), 10(1-2): 117n8, 121n26.
_____.Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. French Studies (July 1982), 36(3): 365-366.
Benstock, Shari. "At the Margin of Discourse: Footnotes in the Fictional Text." PMLA (March 1983), 98(2): 220n2, 225.
Berg, Temma F. " La Carte Postale: Reading (Derrida) Reading." Criticism (Summer 1986), 28(3): 323, 338n1, 340n12.
Berg, Temma F. "Reading In/to Mark." Semeia (1989), 48: 205.
Berger, Harry. "Biography as Interpretation, Interpretation as Biography." College English (November 1966), 28(2): 116.
_____."Bodies and Texts." Representations (Winter 1987), 17: 157, 166n14.
_____."Text Against Performance in Shakespeare: The Example of Macbeth." Genre (Spring & Summer 1982), 15(1 & 2): 52, 78n7.
Bergonzi, Bernard. Exploding English: Criticism, Theory, Culture, pp. 133-134, 139, 233. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
_____.Gerard Manley Hopkins, pp. 176, 179, 193. New York: Macmillan, 1977.
_____."A Strange Disturbing World: The Conflicts in Criticism." Encounter (June-July 1982), 58(6) & 59(1): 62.
Berlin, Adele. Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature. Journal of the American Oriental Society (July- September 1987), 107(3): 548-549.
Berman, Art. From the New Criticism to Deconstruction: The Reception of Structuralism and Poststructuralism, pp. 5, 119, 134, 161, 190, 229, 251, 253-266, 272, 275, 280, 285, 294, 311. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988.
Berman, Jeffrey. Narcissism and the Novel, pp. 42, 45. New York: New York University Press, 1990.
Bernhardt-Kabisch, Ernest. "The Stone and the Shell: Wordsworth, Cataclysm, and the Myth of the Glaucus." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1984), 23(4): 471n30, 473n33.
_____."Wordsworth and the Simplon Revisited." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1979), 10(4): 384n8.
Bernbaum Ernest and Frank Jordan. "The Romantic Movement." In Frank Jordan, ed., The English Romantic Poets: A Review of Research and Criticism, pp. 21, 32, 55-56. 3rd, rev. ed. New York: MLA, 1972.
Bernbaum Ernest, James V. Logan, Jr., and Ford T. Swetnam, Jr. "Wordsworth." In Frank Jordan, ed., The English Romantic Poets: A Review of Research and Criticism, pp. 94-96, 100, 107, 108, 115, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 129, 130, 134. 3rd, rev. ed. New York: MLA, 1972.
Bernheimer, Charles. "Strucuralist Plots and Counterplots." Boundary 2 (Spring 1976), 4(3): 982, 984nn13, 14.
Bernstein, Gene M. "Lévi-Strauss's Totemism and Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1979), 18(3): 383n1, 3 85, 388, 395, 398, 400.
_____."The Mediated Vision: Eliade, Lévi-Strauss, and Romantic Mythopoesis." In Marjorie W. McCune, Tucker Orbison and Philip M. Withim, eds., The Binding of Proteus: Perspectives on Myth and the Literary Process, pp. 158-161. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1980.
_____."A Structuralist Reading of `Anecdote for Fathers' and `We are Seven'." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1979), 10(4): 340, 343nn1, 5.
Bersani, Leo. A Future for Astyanax: Character and Desire in Literature, p. x. Boston: Little, Brown, 1976.
Bessière, Jean. "Dire la mimesis aujourd'hui." Neohelicon (1986), 13(2): 77n29.
Bewell, Alan J. "The Political Implication of Keats's Classicist Aesthetics." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1986), 25(2): 220.
_____."A `Word Scarce Said': Hysteria and Witchcraft in Wordsworth's `Experimental' Poetry of 1797-1798." ELH (Summer 1986), 53(2): 390n53.
Bialostosky, Don H. "Narrative Irony and the Pleasure Principle in `Anecdote for Fathers' and `We Are Seven'." JEGP (April 1982), 81(2): 238n16.
_____."On First Looking into Norton's Wordsworth." CEA Critic (Spring 1990), 52(3): 55, 56, 60.
_____."Wordsworth, New Literary Histories, and the Constitution of Literature." In Kenneth R. Johnston, Gilbert Chaitin, Karen Hanson and Herbert Marks, eds., Romantic Revolutions: Criticism and Theory, p. 414. Bloo mington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990.
_____."Wordsworth's Dialogic Art." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1989), 20(3): 141, 142, 147.
Bidney, Martin. "Diminishing Epiphanies of Odin: Carlyle's Reveries of Primal Fire." Modern Language Quarterly (March 1983), 44(1): 63-64.
Bidney, Martin. "Radiant Geometry in Wordsworthian Epiphanies." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1985), 16(3): 114, 119n1.
_____."Solomon and Pharaoh's Daughter: Blake's Response to Wordsworth's Prospectus to The Recluse." JEGP (October 1986), 85(4): 533n5.
Birdsall, Eric R. "Nature and Society in Descriptive Sketches." Modern Philology (August 1986), 84(1): 39-41.
Birdsall, Eric R. "Wordsworth Scholarship: An Annual Register." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1975), 6(3): 196.
Birdsall, Eric R. "Wordsworth Scholarship: An Annual Register." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1976), 7(3): 189.
Birdsall, Eric R. "Wordsworth Scholarship: An Annual Register." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1978), 9(3): 237.
Birkett, Mary Ellen. " Pictura, Poesis and Landscape." Stanford French Review (Fall 1978), 2(2): 245n24.
Bishop, Lloyd. "`Le Lac' as Exemplar of the Greater Romantic Lyric." Romance Quarterly (November 1987), 34(4): 412, 413nn13, 14.
Bisztray, George. "The Historical Perspective of Contemporary Literary Scholarship." Neohelicon (1985), 12(2): 97n1.
Bivona, Daniel. "Disraeli's Political Trilogy and the Antinomic Structure of Imperial Desire." Novel (Spring 1989), 22(3): 309.
Black, Joel D. "Levana: Levitation in Jean Paul and Thomas De Quincey." Comparative Literature (Winter 1980), 32(1): 59n35.
Blake, Kathleen. "Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Wordsworth: The Romantic Poet as a Woman." Victorian Poetry (Winter 1986), 24(4): 393n6.
Blakemore, Steven. "Strange Tongues: Cooper's Fiction of Language in The Last of the Mohicans." Early American Literature (Spring 1984), 19(1): 40n8, 41.
Blanchard, Marc Eli. "The Future of Deconstruction." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. Semiotica (1984), 50(3-4): 301-315.
Blodgett, E.D. "Cold Pastorals: A Prolegomenon." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Litterature Comparée (Spring 1979), 6: 170-171n16.
Blondel, Jacques. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading and Other Essays. Etudes Anglaises (January-March 1978), 31(1): 70-71.
Bloom, Edward, ed. "Hermeneutic Hesitation: A Dialogue between Geoffrey Hartman and Julian Moynahan." Novel (Winter 1979), 12(2): 101-112.
Bloom, Harold. "Geoffrey Hartman." In Harold Bloom, ed., The Art of the Critic: Literary Theory and Criticism from the Greeks to the Present, pp. 541-542. New York & Philadelpha: Chelsea Ho use, 1990.
_____."Poetic Crossing, II: American Stances." Georgia Review (Winter 1976), 30(4): 787-788.
_____."Poetic Crossing: Rhetoric and Psychology." Georgia Review (Fall 1976), 30(3): 503-506, 520.
_____.Poetics of Influence, pp. 33, 141, 150, 151, 153, 250, 252. Edited by John Hollander. New Haven: Schwab, 1988.
_____.Wallace Stevens: The Poems of Our Climate, pp. 17, 19, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 402. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1977.
_____.Yeats, pp. 8, 10, 472nn3, 4. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
Bloom, Peter, "A Return to Berlioz's Retour à la vie." Musical Quarterly (July 1978), 64(3): 380.
Boegeman, Margaret Byrd. "Lives and Literacy: Autobiography in Freshman Composition." College English (February 1980), 41(6): 664.
Bogel, Fredric V. "Dulness Unbound: Rhetoric and Pope's Dunciad." PMLA (October 1982), 97(5): 845, 854.
Böhler, Michael. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Arcadia (1977), 12(2): 169-172. In German.
Bonney, William W. "Torpor and Tropology in Tennyson's `Merlin and Vivien'." Victorian Poetry (Winter 1985), 23(4): 361.
"Books of Interest." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Milton Quarterly (December 1976), 10(4): 129-130.
Booth, Wayne C. Critical Understanding: The Powers and Limits of Pluralism, pp. 367-368n18. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1979.
_____."`Preserving the Exemplar': or, How Not to Dig Our Own Graves." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1977), 3(3): 415n14, 416n22, 419.
Borklund, Elmer. "Hartman, Geoffrey H." In his Contemporary Literary Critics, 2d ed., pp. 262-268. London: Macmillan, 1982.
Bornstein, George. "Beyond Modernism." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Beyond Formalism. Michigan Quarterly Review (Summer 1973), 12(3): 278-284.
Bosch, James Vanden. "Moral Criticism: Promises and Prospects." In Clarence Walhout and Leland Ryken, eds., Contemporary Literary Theory: A Christian Appraisal, p. 25. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1991.
Boulgher, James D. "The Numinous in Poetry." Thought (June 1979), 54(213): 144n3, 152n13, 154, 160.
Bové, Paul A. "The Ineluctability of Difference: Scientific Pluralism and the Critical Intelligence." Boundary 2 (Fall-Winter 1982-83), 11(1-2): 173, 176n28. Reprinted as "The Ineluctability of Difference." In Jonathan Arac, ed., Postmodernism and Politics, pp. 23, 25n30. Theory and History of Literature, 28. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
_____."Mendacious Innocents, or, The Modern Genealogist as Conscientious Intellectual: Nietzsche, Foucault, Said." Boundary 2 (Spring 1981), 9(3) & (Fall 1981), 10(1): 360, 387.
Bowen, Barbara E. "The Sea Resists: Midrash and the (Psycho)Dynamics of Intertextuality." Poetics Today (Winter 1989), 10(4): 662-663, 676.
_____."Untroubled Voice: Call-and-Response in Cane." Black American Literature Forum (Spring 1982), 16(1): 12, 18n4. Reprinted in Henry Louis Gates, Jr., ed., Black Literature and Literary Theory, pp. 188, 202n4. New York and London: Routledge, 1984.
Boyarin, Daniel. "Inner Biblical Ambiguity, Intertextuality and the Dialectic of Midrash: The Waters of Marah." Prooftexts (January 1990), 10(1): 44-45, 48n34.
_____."Voices in the Text: Midrash and the Inner Tension of Biblical Literature." Revue Biblique (October 1986), 93(4): 589-590.
Boyle, James. "The Politics of Reason: Critical Legal Theory and Local Social Thought." University of Pennsylvania Law Review (April 1985), 133(4): 707n73.
Bracher, Mark. "Ideology and Audience Response to Death in Keats's `To Autumn'." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1990), 29(4): 633.
Bradbury, Malcolm. "Parody." Amerikastudien/American Studies (1985), 30(2): 222n7.
Brady, Kristin. "Continuity and Indeterminacy in Hawthorne's Unfinished Romances." English Studies in Canada (September 1985), 11(3): 333n50
Brand, Dana. "Milton's Presence in Wordsworth's London: A Discussion of the Structure of Book VII of The Prelude." CEA Critic (Summer 1986), 48(4) & (Fall < !-- YR-->1986), 49(1): 72, 75n4.
Breslin, James E.B. From Modern to Contemporary American Poetry 1945-1965, pp. 256-257, 259. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.
Briggs, Ward W., Jr. "Housman and Polar Errors." American Journal of Philology (Fall 1983), 104: 268
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Docherty, Thomas. Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Patricia Parker, eds., Shakespeare and the Question of Theory. Review of English Studies (November 1987), 38(152): 553-555.
Doherty, Gerald. "`The Waste Land' as Modernist Discourse." Orbis Litterarum (1985), 40(3): 249, 257n15.
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Dolby-Stahl, Sandra K. "A Literature of Folkloristic Methodology for the Study of Meaning in Personal Narrative." Journal of Folklore Research (April 1985), 22(1): 64n4.
Donnelly, Colleen. "The Syntactic Counterplot of the Devils' Debates and God's Council." Language and Style (Winter 1986), 19(1): 58, 73nn2, 4.
Donoghue, Denis. "The Constricted World of the Critic." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Times Higher Education Supplement (December 12, 1980), 423: 13.
Donoghue, Denis. "Deconstructing Deconstruction." Review of Deconstruction and Criticism. New York Review of Books (June 12, 1980), 27(10): 37-41.
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Donoghue, Denis.
"Reading about Writing." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness.
New York Times Book Review (November 9, 1980): 11, 32-33.
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Drew, Margaret A. In Margaret A. Drew, ed., Facing History and Ourselves: Holocaust and Human Behavior: An Annotated Bibliography, p. 22. New York: Walker, 1988.
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Duffy, Edward. "Where Shelley Wrote and What He Wrote for: The Example of `The Ode to the West Wind'." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1984), 23(3): 356n15.
Dunn, Allen. "Derrida at Work and Play: Morality and the Appropriation of Deconstruction." Boundary 2 (Fall 1985-Winter 1986), 14(1-2): 237, 238, 257, 259n22.
Dunn, Richard J. "Vision and Revision: In Memoriam XCV." Victorian Poetry (Summer 1980), 18(2): 135-136.
Durant, David. "The Vanity of Elevation in Mid-Eighteenth Century Poetry." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Winter 1986), 28(4): 406n42.
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Eckhard, Caroline D. "A Commonsensical Protest Against Deconstruction, or, How the Real World at last Became a Fable." Thought (September 1985), 60(238): 311, 314-315, 320.
Eco, Umberto. Interpretation and Overinterpretation, pp. 60-62, 63, 68-69-70. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
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Edwards, Gavin. "Mind--Forg'd Manacles: A Contribution to the Discussion of Blake's `London'."
Literature and History (Spring 1979), 5(1): 92, 103n12.
Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard. "Who's Kidding Whom? A Serious Reading of rabbinic Word Plays." Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Winter 1987), 55(4): 765n1, 786.
Eilenberg Susan. "`Michael', `Christabel', and the Poetry of Possession." Criticism (Spring 1988), 30(2): 222n14, 17.
Eilenberg Susan. "Mortal Pages: Wordsworth and the Reform of Copyright." ELH (Summer 1989), 56(2): 359, 371n16, 372n22, 373n41.
Eilenberg Susan. "Wordsworth's `Michael': The Poetry of Property." Essays in Literature (Spring 1988), 15(1): 25n15.
Elam, Helen Regueiro. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Unremarkable Wordsworth. Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1988), 19(4): 164-166.
Eldridge, Richard. "Form and Content: An Aesthetic Theory of Art." British Journal of Aesthetics (Autumn 1985), 25(4): 311, 317n18.
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Eley, Geoff. "Nazism, Politics and Public Memory: Thoughts on the West German Historikerstreit 1986-1987." Past & Present (November 1988), 21: 176n7, 198n62.
Eley, Geoff. Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective. Michigan Quarterly Review (Spring 1987), 26(2): 439-441.
Ellis, David. Wordsworth, Freud, and the Spots of Time: Interpretation in `The Prelude', pp. 5, 13, 43, 147, 148, 160, 164-166, 181n24, 184n15, 192nn20, 21. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. pp. 164-166 entitled "A Note on Hartman."
Ellis, John M. Against Deconstruction, pp. 140n2, 151n8, 156n3, 163. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1989.
Ellis, Reuben J. "Joan Durbeyfield Writes to Margaret Saville: An Intermediary Reader in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles." Colby Library Quarterly (March 1988), 24(1): 26.
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Ende, Stuart A. Keats and the Sublime, pp. 2, 6, 13, 17, 26, 113, 117, 142-143, 185nn1, 4, 186nn13, 22, 23, 187n40, 189n17, 190nn19, 28, 1, 191nn12-14. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1976.
England, A.B. "Wordsworth's Context for Bartholomew Fair: Intimations of Burke on the Force pf Material Objects." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1990), 30(4): 612, 6 16n13.
Engler, Balz. "`Yon' and the Pragmatics of Poetry." English Studies (December 1989), 70(6): 564.
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Esch, Deborah. "A Defence of Rhetoric/The Triumph of Reading: De Man, Shelley and The Rhetoric of Romanticism." University of Toronto Quarterly (Spring 1988), 57(3): 497 n10, 498n20.
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Evans, Richard J. "The New Nationalism and the Old History: Perspectives on the West German Historikerstreit." Journal of Modern History (December 1987), 59(4): 761.
Review article that cites Geoffrey
Hartman's Bitburg
in Moral and Political Perspective.
Fairbanks, A. Harris. "The Form of Coleridge's Dejection Ode." PMLA (October 1975), 90(5): 883-884n4.
Falck, Colin. "Structure and Intuition." Philosophy and Literature (October 1985), 9(2): 191, 196n13.
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Falk, David. "Beyond the Volcano: The Religious Vision of Malcolm Lowry's Late Fiction." Religion & Literature (Autumn 1984), 16(3): 29, 38.
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Farness, Jay. "Strange Contraries in Familiar Coleridge." Essays in Literature (Fall 1986), 13(2): 231, 243n1, 244nn15, 16.
Fekete, John. The Critical Twilight: Explorations in the Ideology of Anglo-American Literary Theory from Eliot to McLuhan, pp. 107, 112, 113, 114, 126, 246n1, 247nn19, 21, 279. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.
Felperin, Howard. Beyond Deconstruction: The Uses and Abuses of Literary Theory, pp. 108n2, 113, 120-122, 132, 132-133, 137, 139, 145. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985.
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Ferguson, Margaret W. "Sidney's A Defence of Poetry: A Retrial." Boundary 2 (Winter 1979), 7(2): 87n7.
Festa-McCormick, Diana. "Tchen and the Temptation of the Flesh." Twentieth Century Literature (Fall 1978), 24(3): 323n3.
Finch, Casey. "Immediacy in the Odes of William Collins." Eighteenth-Century Studies (Spring 1987), 20(3): 284, 286, 288.
Fine, Gary Alan and Sherryl Kleinman. "Interpreting the Sociological Classics: Can There be a `True' Mewaning of Mead?" Symbolic Interaction (Spring 1986), 9(1): 142n2, 144.
Fineman, Daniel D. "The Parodic and Production: Criticism and Labor." Minnesota Review (Spring 1982), 18: 66, 83n1.
Finholt, Richard. "Northrop Frye's Theory of Countervailing Tendencies: A New Look at the Mode and Myth Essays." Genre (Summer 1980), 13(2): 253n5.
Fioretos, Aris. "Prayer and Ignorance in Rilke's `Buch vom mönchischen Leben'." Germanic Review (Fall 1990), 65(4): 171, 174, 176nn3, 4, 27, 29.
Firmat, Gustavo Pérez. "Antonio Machado and the Poetry of Ruins." Hispanic Review (Winter 1988), 56(1): 14n10, 16.
Firmat, Gustavo Pérez. "The Novel as Genres." Genre (Fall 1979), 12(3): 271.
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Fischer, Michael. Does Deconstruction Make Any Difference? Poststructuralism and the Defense of Poetry in Modern Criticism, pp. xi, 1-2, 13, 60-61, 70, 76, 79, 85-86, 88-93, 102-103, 105-108, 109, 114, 119, 123-124, 137n31, 138n33. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985.
Fischer, Michael. "The Legacy of English Romanticism: Northrop Frye and William Blake." Blake (Spring 1978), 11(4): 283n4.
Fischer, Michael. "Why Realism Seems So Naive: Romanticism, Professionalism, and Contemporary Critical Theory." College English (March 1979), 40(7): 744, 745, 749.
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Fitzgerald, William. "Articulating the Unarticulated: Form, Death and Other in Keats and Rilke." MLA (December 1985), 100(5): 965n6, 966n14.
Fletcher, Angus. Colors of the Mind: Conjectures on Thinking in Literature, pp. 77, 88-89, 117, 120, 121, 124, 167, 184, 185, 291n8, 292nn2, 4, 6, 296n2, 297nn11, 14, 16. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.
Fletcher, Angus. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Beyond Formalism. College English (December 1972), 34(3): 414-425.
Flieger, Jerry Aline. The Purloined Punch Line: Freud's Comic Theory and the Postmodern Text, pp. 4-5, 262n21, 275. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.
Flora, J.M. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Studies in Short Fiction (Fall 1981), 18(4): 463-464.
Fogel, Stanley. "The Importance of Being Earnest: Literary Critics in America." Canadian Review of American Studies (Spring 1986), 17(1): 109, 110, 113. Reprinted in his The Postmodern University: Essays on the Deconstruction of the Humanities, pp. 75, 76, 81. Toronto: ECW Press, 1988.
Foley, Barbara. "The Politics of Deconstruction." Genre (Spring-Summer 1984), 17(1-2): 115-118, 128, 133n6.
Forrey, Robert. "Theodore Dreiser: Oedipus Redivivus." Modern Fiction Studies (Autumn 1977), 23(3): 342n2.
Foster, Mark. "`Tintern Abbey' and Wordsworth's Scene of Writing." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1986), 25(1): 79.
Fraade, Steven D. "Interpreting Midrash 1: Midrash and the History of Judaism." Review of Jacob Neusner, Judaism and Scripture. Prooftexts (May 1987), 7(2): 191n1.
Fraade, Steven D. "Interpreting Midrash 2: Midrash and Its Literary Contexts." Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature. Prooftexts (September 1987), 7(3): 290-300.
Fraden, Rena. "Response to Professor Carolyn Porter." New Literary History (Winter 1990), 21(2): 273, 277n1.
Frank, Lawrence. "Reading the Gravel Page: Lyell, Darwin, and Conan Doyle." Nineteenth-Century Literature (December 1989), 44(3): 384n20.
Frattali, Steven Vincent. "Across the Field: Nature and Selfhood in the Poetry of Robert Frost." Ph.D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Binghampton, 1988. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts Internat ional (November 1989), 50(5A):1305-A.
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Freedman, Ralph. "Intentionality and the Literary Object." In Murray Krieger and L.S. Dembo, eds., Directions for Criticism: Structuralism and Its Alternatives, p. 144. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1977.
Freeman, Barbara. " Frankenstein with Kant: A Theory of Monstrosity, or the Monstrosity of Theory." Sub-Stance (1987), 52: 28, 31n11.
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Freije, George F. "Grace in Hopkins's `Deutschland'." English Language Notes (September 1975), 13(1): 38.
Freund, Elizabeth. "Strategies of Inconclusiveness in Henry IV, Part I." In Maurice Charney, ed., Shakespearean Comedy, pp. 212, 216n9. New York Literary Forum, 5-6. New York: New Literary Forum, 1980.
Frey, Charles. "Interpreting The Winter's Tale." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Spring 1978), 18(2): 328n48.
Fried, Michael. "Painter into Painting: On Courbet's After Dinner at Ornans and Stonebreakers." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1982), 8(4): 649n38.
Friedman, Geraldine. "History in the Background of Wordsworth's `Blind Beggar'." ELH (Spring 1989), 56(1): 147n21, 148n25.
Frohock, W.M. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's André Malraux. Modern Philology (November 1962), 60(2): 149151.
Fromm, Harold. "Sparrows and Scholars: Literary Criticism and the Sanctification of Data." Georgia Review (Summer 1979), 33(2): 256-257, 271.
Frosch, Thomas R. "Wordsworth's `Beggars' and a Brief Instance of `Writer's Block'." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1982), 21(4): 625, 629.
Fry, Paul H. "The Absent Dead: Wordsworth, Byron, and the Epitaph." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1978), 17(4): 414n3, 415n8.
Fry, Paul H. "Made Men: A Review Article on Recent Shelley and Keats Studies." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1979), 21(3): 443-444.
Fry, Paul H. The Reach of Criticism: Method and Perception in Literary Theory, pp. 176, 200, 204, 231n17, 233n68. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1983.
Fujihira, Ikuko. "From Voice to Silence: Writing in Absalom, Absalom!" Studies in English Literature (Tokyo) (1984): 77.
Furst, Lilian and Michael Goldberg. "Interpretation of What? Hartman and Budick's Midrash and Literature." Journal of Religion (July 1987), 67(3): 348-352.
Galperin, William H. "Anti-Romanticism, Victorianism, and the Case of Wordsworth." Victorian Poetry (Winter 1986), 24(4): 358-359.
Galperin, William H. "Authority and Deconstruction in Book V of The Prelude." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1986), 26(4): 613, 614, 628n1.
Galperin, William H. "The Defeat of the Suitors: Homer and Joyce Once More." James Joyce Quarterly (Summer 1983), 20(4): 459.
Galperin, William H. "`Then...the Voice was Silent': `The Wanderer' vs. The Ruined Cottage." ELH (Summer 1984), 51(2): 362nn15, 16.
Galperin, William H. "`Turns and Counter-Turns': The Crisis of Sincerity in the Final Books of The Prelude." Modern Language Quarterly (September 1979), 40(3): 264n7, 273n11.
Garber, Frederick. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Comparative Literature (Spring 1978), 30(2): 172-178.
Wordsworth and the Poetry of Encounter, pp. x, 35, 152n2. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971.
Gardin, Jean-Claude. "Plural Readings and Singular Sciences of Literature." Diogenes (Summer 1982), 118: 11n13.
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Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism, pp. 25, 234, 262n34, 279n19. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
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Gillespie, Gerald. "New Apocalypse for Old: Kermode's Theory of Modernism." Boundary 2 (Winter 1975), 3(2): 322n19.
Gillespie, Gerald. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Beyond Formalism. Comparative Literature Studies (December 1972), 9(4): 455-458.
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Gleckner, Robert F. Blake's Prelude: `Poetical Sketches', pp. 29, 31-32, 39, 44-45, 60-61, 69, 73, 84, 88, 92, 121, 127, 165nn30, 34-36, 38, 165-166n1, 166n7, 171n20, 174nn51, 52, 175n58, 177n27, 178n39, 179nn47, 4 8, 185n18. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982.
Glickman, Susan. "Canadian Prospects: Abram's Plains in Context." University of Toronto Quarterly (Summer 1990), 59(4): 515n16.
Glickman, Susan. " The World as Will and Idea: A Comparative Study of An American Dream and Mr. Sammler's Planet." Modern Fiction Studies (Winter 1982-83), 28(4): 581.
Godden, Richard. "Edgar Allan Poe and the Detection of Riot." Literature and History (Autumn 1982), 8(2): 221, 272n40.
Gold, David. "Comprehending Indian Devotional Religion: Cow Love, Cowboys, and the Religohistorical Imagination." History of Religions (May 1987), 26(4): 419n29.
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Goldhill, Simon. "Two Notes on Telos and Related Words in the Oresteia." Journal of Hellenic Studies (1984), 104: 173.
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Gordon, David J. "The Critic as Co-Creator." Sewanee Review (Fall 1982), 90(4): 525-540. esp. 525-526.
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Goslee, Nancy M. "Plastic to Picturesque: Schlegel's Analogy and Keats's Hyperion Poems." Keats- Shelley Journal (1981), 30: 138n30, 140n36.
Gould, Eric. "Deconstruction and Its Discontents." Review of Paul de Man's Allegories of Reading; Geoffrey Hartman, et al., Deconstruction and Criticism; Glyph #6. Denver Quarterly (Summer 1980), 15(2): 90106.
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"The Pseudo-Politics of Interpretation." Critical Inquiry (March 1983), 9(3): 598.
Gratton, Johnnie. "Poetics of the Surrealist Image." Romanic Review (January- March 1978), 69(1-2): 104
Graver, Lawrence. "New Criticism to Structuralism." Partisan Review (1980), 47(3): 393.
Green, D.H. "The Reception of Hartman's Works: Listening, Reading, or Both?" Modern Language Review (April 1986), 81(2): 357-368.
Green, William Scott. "Romancing the Tome: Rabbinic Hermeneutics and the Theory of Literature." Semeia (1987), 40: 147-148, 150, 167.
Greenberg, Robert M. "Shooting the Gulf: Emerson's Sense of Experience." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance (1985), 31(4) [121]: 223, 227n27.
Greenstein, Edward L. "Deconstruction and Biblical Narrative." Prooftexts (January 1989), 9(1): 44, 54, 57, 65nn10, 16, 67nn67, 74, 68n87, 69n112, 71n150.
Greenwald, Elissa. "Casting Off From `The Castaway': To the Lighthouse as Prose Elegy." Genre (Spring 1986), 19(1): 55n9, 56.
_____."The Ruins of Empire: Reading the Monuments in Hawthorne and James." CEA Critic (Spring-Summer 1984), 46(3-4): 53, 58nn10, 11.
Gregerson, Linda. "The Limbs of Truth: Milton's Use of Simile in Paradise Lost." Milton Studies (1980), 14: 143, 149, 152nn16, 18.
Griffin, Andrew L. "Wordsworth and the Problem of Imaginative Story: The Case of `Simon Lee'." PMLA (May 1977), 92(3): 400, 408n8.
Griffin, Robert J. "Wordsworth's Pope: The Language of his Former Heart." ELH (Fall 1987), 54(3): 708, 714n26, 715n27.
Grigsby, John L. "Gadamer's Hermeneutics and Medieval French Literature (with an excursus on Les Voeux du paon)." Oeuvres & Critiques (1986), 11(1): 124n6.
Grob, Alan. The Philosophic Mind: A Study of Wordsworth's Poetry and Thought 1797- 1805, pp. 43, 44n12, 7273n26, 130n18. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1973.
_____."The Uses of Northrop Frye: `Sunday Morning' and the Romantic Topocosm." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1983), 22(4): 587, 588n3.
Gross, David. "`Mind-Forg'd Manacles': Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony in Blake." Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation (Winter 1986), 27(1): 18, 24n14.
_____."`Pardon Me, Mighty Poet': Versions of the Bard in Marvell's `On Mr. Milton's Paradise Lost." Milton Studies (1982), 16: 90, 95n19, 96n22.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Easy Pieces. World Literature Today (Winter 1986), 60(1): 184-185.
Gross, Kenneth. "`Each Heav'nly Close': Mythologies and Metrics in Spenser and the Early Poetry of Milton." PMLA (January 1983), 98(1): 25, 35.
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Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich. "Déconstruction Deconstructed. Transformationen französischer Logozentrismus-Kritik in der amerikanischen Literaturtheorie." Philosophische Rundschau (1986), 33(1-2): 1, 13n25, 18n30, 27-32, 35.
"(N)on (Literary) Interpretation." Poetics (October 1989), 18(4-5): 385, 386.
Gunew, Sneja. "Feminist Criticism: Positions and Questions." Southern Review (Adelaide) (March 1983), 16(1): 151-161.
Gunn, Giles. The Interpretation of Otherness: Literature, Religion, and the American Imagination, pp. 99, 206-207, 223, 234nn7, 8, 243nn1, 30. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Guth, Deborah. "`What a Lark! What a Plunge!': Fiction as Self-Evasion in Mrs Dalloway." Modern Language Review (January 1989), 84(1): 23n11.
Gutschera, Deborah A. "`A Shape of Brightness': The Role of Women in Romantic Epic." Philological Quarterly (Winter 1987), 66(1): 94, 106n12.
Gutteridge, J.D. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Unremarkable Wordsworth. Notes and Queries (March 1989), 36(1): 117.
Hagenbückle, Roland. "Sign and Process: The Concept
of Language in Emerson and Dickinson." Dickinson Studies (1986), 58: 82.
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Comments on Hartman's "Blessing the Torrent: On
Wordsworth's Later Style." PMLA (March 1978), 93(2): 196-204. For Hartman's reply see "Wordsworth's Later Style." [Letter] PMLA (January 1979), 94(1): 140-141.
Halperin, John. "The Return of the Author." AUMLA (May 1988), 69: 53.
Hamilton, Paul. "`A Shadow of a Magnitude': The Dialectic of Romantic Aesthetics." In Stephen Copley and John Whale, eds., Beyond Romanticism: New Approaches to Texts and Contexts 1780-1832, pp. New York: Routledge, 1992.
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Handelman, Susan A. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1981), 12(3): 202-206.
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Haney, David P. "Catachresis and the Romantic Will: The Imagination's Usurpation in Wordsworth's Prelude, Book 6." Style (Spring 1989), 23(1): 18, 29n3, 31.
_____."The Emergence of the Autobiographical Figure in The Prelude, Book I." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1981), 20(1): 33n1, 59.
_____."Incarnation and the Autobiographical Exit: Wordsworth's The Prelude, Books IX-XIII (1805)." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1990), 29(4): 531n14, 538n22, 541, 542, 5 44-545, 551n33.
Haney, Janice L. "`Shadow-Hunting': Romantic Irony, Sartor Resartus, and Victorian Romanticism." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1978), 17(3): 332n24.
Hardin, Richard F. "`Ritual' in Recent Criticism: The Elusive Sense of Community." PMLA (October 1983), 98(5): 846, 851, 858, 861.
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Harlan, David. "Intellectual History and the Return of Literature." American History Review (June 1989), 94(3): 597n72.
Harman, Barbara Leah. "George Herbert's `Affliction (I)': The Limits of Representation." ELH (Summer 1977), 44(2): 267, 277, 279, 283n1, 284nn24, 30.
_____."Herbert, Coleridge and the Vexed Work of Narration." MLN (December 1978), 93(5): 908n7, 909-910n13.
Harmer, J.B. Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Hopkins: A Collection of Critical Essays. Victorian Studies (March 1968), 11(3): 418-420.
Harpham, Geoffrey Galt. "The Fertile Word: Augustine's Ascetics of Interpretation." Criticism (Summer 1986), 28(3): 241, 253n8.
Harris, Wendell V. "Adam Naming the Animals: Language, Contexts, and Meaning." Kenyon Review (Winter 1986), 8(1): 4.
_____."Toward an Ecological Criticism: Contextual versus Unconditioned Literary Theory." College English (February 1986), 48(2): 116, 131.
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Hauck, Richard Boyd. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Modern Fiction Studies (Summer 1981), 27(2): 388-389.
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Hawkins, Peter S. "Geoffrey Hartman and the Promise of Criticism: A Review Essay." Southern Humanities Review (Summer 1983), 17(3): 265-271.
Hay, Samuel H. "Wordsworth's Solitary: The Struggle with Despondency." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1983), 14(4): 244.
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Hilton, Nelson. "Blake and the Apocalypse of the Canon." Modern Language Studies (Winter 1988), 18(1): 141, 148.
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Hobsbaum, Philip. "Late Leavis and Earlier." Salmagundi (Spring- Summer 1981), 52-53: 224, 225.
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Hodgson, John A. "Poems of Imagination, Allegories of Imagination: Wordsworth's Preface of 1815 and the Redundancy of Imaginative Poetry." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1988), 27(2): Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1978), 9(4): 364n2.
_____."Wordsworth's Dialectical Transcendentalism, 1798" `Tintern Abbey'." Criticism (Fall 1976), 18(4)::367n2, 376n15.
Hoeppner, Edward Haworth. "A Nest of Bones: Transcendence, Topology, and the Theory of the Word in W.S. Merwin's Poetry." Modern Language Quarterly (September 1988), 49(3): 281.
Hoffman, Anne Golomb. "Agnon for All Seasons: Recent Trends in the Criticism." Prooftexts (January 1991), 11(1): 94n5.
Hogle, Jerrold E. "Shelley's Poetics: The Power as Metaphor." Keats-Shelley Journal (1982), 31: 183n26.
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ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance (1987), 33(3) [128]: 145n18.
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led Measure." Daedalus (Summer 1982), 111(3): 148n3.
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Hull, Richard. "`I Have no Heavenly Father': Foucauldian Epistemes in The Scarlet Letter." American Transcendental Quarterly (December 1989), 3(4): 311, 323.
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Hulse, S. Clark. "Samuel Daniel: The Poet as Literary Historian." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Winter 1979), 19(1): 69.
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Hurley, Ann. "The Elided Self: Witty Dis-Locations in Velásquez and Donne." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Summer 1986), 44(4): 360, 369n10.
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Ireys, Virginia. "The Death of the Muse: Wordsworth's Lucy as Pastoral Heroine." Papers on Language and Literature (Fall 1988), 24(4): 391.
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Jay, Gregory S. "Freud: The Death of Autobiography." Genre (Summer 1986), 19(2): 126nn10, 17, 128.
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Jay, Martin. "The Descent of de Man." Salmagundi (Spring- Summer 1988), 78-79: 21, 26.
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Jay, Paul. "Modernism, Postmodernism, and Critical Style: The Case of Burke and Derrida."
Genre (Fall 1988), 21(3): 356n2, 357.
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Jemielity, Thomas. "Prophetic Voices and Satiric Echoes." Cithara (St. Bonaventure University) (November 1989), 29(1): 44n13.
Jewett, William. "Action in The Borderers." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1988), 27(3): 402n6.
Johnsen, William A. "The Sparagmos of Myth is the Naked Lunch of Mode: Modern Literature as the Age of Frye and Borges." Boundary 2 (Winter 1980), 8(2): 301, 310n7.
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Joseph, Gerhard. "The Echo and the Mirror en abîme in Victorian Poetry." Victorian Poetry (Winter 1985), 23(4): 409-410.
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Jump, Harriet Devine. "High Sentiments of Liberty: Coleridge's Unacknowledged Debt to Akenside."
Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1989), 28(2): 210n8.
Jung, Hwa Yol. "Martin Heidegger and the Homecoming of Oral Poetry." Philosophy Today (Summer 1982), 26(2): 170n79.
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Kantra, Robert A. "Practical Wisdom and Satiric Humor in Philosophic Fictions." Mosaic (Canada) (Summer 1989), 22(3): 89, 97, 100.
Kaplan, Edward K. "The Atheistic Theology of Edmond Jabès." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature (Fall 1987), 12(1): 62n1.
Kappel, Andrew J. "The Immortality of the Natural: Keats's `Ode to a Nightingale'." ELH (Summer 1978), 45(2): 282, 284n10.
Karpen, Jim. "Literature and the Triune Brain: A Speculative Essay." Journal of Literary Semantics (August 1984), 13(2): 141, 146.
Kastely, James L. "Revolution and Isolation in La Condition humaine. Twentieth Century Literature (Winter 1989), 35(4): 474, 478n29, 479n32.
Kauffmann, R. Lane. "The Skewed Path: Essaying as Un- methodical Method." Diogenes (Fall 1988), 143: 87, 92.
Kavros, Harry E. " Swefan æfter symble: The Feast-Sleep Theme in Beowulf." Neophilologus (January 1981), 65(1): 128n8.
Keach, William. "Obstinate Questionings: The Immortality Ode and Alastor." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1981), 12(1): 37, 43n5, 44n8.
Keane, Patrick J. "Revolutions French and Russian: Burke, Wordsworth, and the Genesis of Yeats's `The Second Coming'." Bulletin of Research in the Humanities (Spring 1979), 82(1): 51.
Kelley, Theresa M. "Poetics and the Politics of Reception: Keats's `La Belle Dame sans Merci'." ELH (Summer 1987), 54(2): 356n4.
"Proteus and Romantic Allegory." ELH (Fall 1982), 49(3): 643, 644, 651nn67, 69.
_____."Spirit and Geometric Form: The Stone and the Shell in Wordsworth's Arab Dream." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1982), 22(4): 564n5, 569n20.
Kellner, Hans. "Disorderly Conduct: Braudel's Mediterranean Satire." History and Theory (1979), 18(2): 221.
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Kendrick, Walter. "Literary Criticism: The State of the Art." Thought (December 1984), 59(235): 517, 517n2, 519, 520-521.
Kennard, Jean E. "Convention Coverage or How to Read Your Own Life." New Literary History (Autumn 1981), 13(1): 70, 86nn4, 6.
Kennedy, Deborah Fay. "Motion and Stillness in Wordsworth's Prelude." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 1987. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1988), 48(12A):3117-A.
Kennedy, William J. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. German Quarterly (May 1982), 55(3): 387388.
Kenny, Anthony. "A Wreath Ill Laid." Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective. TLS [The Times Literary Supplement] (September 12, 1986), 4354: 1001.
Kerrigan, John. "`Knowing The Dead...': for Peter Laver 1947-83." Essays in Criticism (January 1987), 37(1): 16, 40n16.
_____."`Knowing the Dead...': The Pete Laver Lecture 1986." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1987), 18(3): 89, 97n11.
Kimball, Roger. "Professor Hartman Reconstructs Paul de Ma
n." New Criterion (May 1988), 6(9): 36-43. Reprinted in his Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has
Corrupted Our Higher Education, pp. 104-115. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. HarperPerennial paperback, 1991.
_____.Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Our Higher Education, pp. 16, 21, 26-27, 104-115, 153, 210. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. HarperPerennial paperback, 1 991.
King, Everhard H. "Beattie's The Minstrel and Wordsworth's The Excursion: What the Critics Overlook." Bulletin of Research in the Humanities (Autumn 339, 356-359.
Kishel, Joseph F. "The `Analogy Passage' from Wordsworth's Five-Book Prelude." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1979), 18(2): 277-280.
Kissane, James. "The Authorization of John Keats." Keats-Shelley Journal (1988), 37: 58.
Klieneberger, H.R. "Rilke's `Elendsfiguren' and the Romantic Tradition." Colloquia Germanica (1988), 21(4): 291, 304n5.
Kliman, Bernice W. "The Spiral of Influence: `One Defect' in Hamlet." Literature/Film Quarterly (1983), 11(3): 159, 165n3.
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Knapp, Jeffrey. "Error as a Means of Empire in The Faerie Queene 1." ELH (Winter 1987), 54(4): 803, 826n9.
Knapp, Steven. "The Sublime, Self-Reference, and Wordsworth's Resolution and Independence." MLN (December 1984), 99(5): 1018-1019, 1021.
Kneale, J. Douglas. "Milton, Wordsworth, and the `Joint Labourers' of The Prelude." English Studies in Canada (March 1986), 12(1): 37, 50, 52n1, 53n4, 54n23.
"The Rhetoric of Imagination in `The Prelude'." Ariel (October 1984), 15(4): 122, 126-127n17.
_____."Romantic Aversions: Apostrophe Reconsidered." ELH (Spring 1991), 58(1): 161n32, 162nn36, 37, 164n45.
_____."Wordsworth's Images of Language: Voice and Letter in The Prelude." PMLA (May 1986), 101(3): 359, 361.
Koerner, Joseph Leo. "Borrowed Sight: The Halted Traveller in Caspar David Friedrich and William Wordsworth." Word & Image (April- June 1985), 1(2): 153, 154, 159, 160, 162nn13, 1 4, 16, 17, 26, 28.
Komar, Kathleen L. "The Issue of Transcendence in Rilke's Duineser Elegien and Stevens' Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction." Neophilologus (July 1986), 70(3): 440n1.
Kramer, Lawrence. "Gender and Sexuality in The Prelude: The Question of Book Seven." ELH (Fall 1987), 54(3): 636n8.
"The `Intimations' Ode and Victorian Romanticism." Victorian Poetry (Winter 1980), 18(4): 327.
_____."Ocean and Vision: Imaginative Dilemma in Wordsworth, Whitman, and Stevens." JEGP (April 1980), 79(2): 214-216, 217.
"The Return of the Gods: Keats to Rilke." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1978), 17(4): 496, 497n17.
_____."That Other Will: The Daemonic in Coleridge and Wordsworth." Philological Quarterly (Summer 1979), 58(3): 315, 320n18.
Kraus, Sidney and Dennis Giles. Review of Murray Edelman's Constructing the Political Spectacle. Political Psychology (September 1989), 10(3): 520, 525.
Krause, David. "Faulkner's Blues." Studies in the Novel (Spring 1985), 17(1): 84, 94n10.
Krieger, Murray. Ekphrasis: The Illusion of the Natural Sign, pp. 224n33, 279n17. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
_____."Geoffrey Hartman." Review of Beyond Formalism. Contemporary Literature (Winter 1974), 15(1): 141144.
_____."Literary Analysis and Evaluation--and the Ambidextrous Critic." In L.S. Dembo, ed., Criticism: Speculative and Analytical Essays, p. 24. Madison, Milwaukee and London: University of Wiscon sin Press, 1968.
_____."Literature vs. Ecriture: Constructions and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory." Studies in the Literary Imagination (Spring 1979), 12(1): 17.
_____."A Matter of Distinction: An Interview." (Interview conducted by Richard Berg) In Bruce Henricksen, ed., Murray Krieger and Contemporary Critical Theory, pp. 201, 212. Irvine Studies in the Humanit ies. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
_____."Mediation, Language, and Vision in Literature." In Charles S. Singleton, ed., Interpretation: Theory and Practice, pp. 212, 216, 220. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.
_____.The Play and Place of Criticism, pp. 120n17, 221n2, 222, 223n3, 227. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1967.
_____.Poetic Presence and Illusion: Essays in Critical History and Theory, pp. 113, 186, 187n15, 271, 272, 276, 279, 311. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.
_____.Theory of Criticism: A Tradition and Its System, pp. 128n34, 222n20. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976.
Kronik, John W. "Galdosian Reflections: Feijoo and the Fabrication of Fortunata." MLN (March 1982), 97(2): 274.
Krupnick, Mark. "The Two Worlds of Cultural Criticism." In Gerald Graff and Reginald Gibbons, eds., Criticism in the University, pp. 162-163, 169nn1, 3. TriQuarterly Series on Crit icism and Culture, No. 1. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1985.
Kuberski, Philip. "The Joycean Gaze: Lucia in the I of the Father." Sub-Stance (1985), 46: 65n4.
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Kuin, Roger. "Sir Philip Sidney: The Courtier and the Text." English Literary Renaissance (Autumn 1989), 19(3): 257n32.
Kumbier, William A. "Sound and Signification in Christopher Smart's Jubilate Agno." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1982), 24(3): 294, 303, 309nn 5, 7, 9, 10, 310nn24-26, 311n33.
Kurtzman, Howard S. "Deconstruction and Psychology: An Introduction." New Ideas in Psychology (1987), 5(1): 38n, 70.
Kuspit, Donald B. "Conflicting Logics: Twentieth-Century Studies at the Crossroads." Art Bulletin (March 1987), 69(1): 132.
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LaCapra, Dominick. "Is Everyone a Mentalité Case? Transference and the `Culture' Concept." History and Theory (1984), 23(3): 306n11.
Laird, Holly. "Arnold among the Contentions of Criticism." Victorian Newsletter (1987), 71: 1, 4.
Lambropoulos, Vassilis. "Dianysios Solomos and the Fictions of Criticism: Polya's `Prolegomena' as Künstlerroman." Journal of Modern Greek (May 1985), 3(1): 41, 43n.
_____."Modern Greek Studies at the Crossroads: The Paradigm Shift from Empiricism to Skepticism." Journal of Modern Greek (May 1989), 7(1): 31.
Land, Mary G. "Whatever Happened to `The Ooze at the Bottom of the Mass Mind'." Journal of Popular Culture (Fall 1975), 9(2): 424, 430, 431n11, 432n31.
Lang, Berel. "Towards a Poetics of Philosophical Discourse." Monist (October 1980), 63(4): 462n1.
Langbaum, Robert. "Magnifying Wordsworth." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787- 1814. ELH (June 1966), 33(2): 271-278.
Langston, David J. "Time and Space as the Lenses of Reading." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Summer 1982), 40(4): 411n1.
Lanser, Susan S. "(Feminist) Criticism in the Garden: Inferring Genesis 2-3." Semeia (1988), 41: 67-68.
Larkin, Peter. "Wordsworth's `After-Sojourn': Revision and Un
self-Rivalry in the Later Poetry." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1981), 20(4): 413-414, 415, 417n9,
419n13, 424n15.
"Wordsworth's Cloud of Texture." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1987), 18(3): 121, 122, 124, 126n2.
Latimer, Dan. "The Politics of Literary Theory: An Evanston Memoir." Southern Humanities Review (Spring 1984), 18(2): 135, 146n18.
_____."Real Culture and Unreal Nature: Wordsworth's Kingdom of Dissimilitude." New Orleans Review (Spring 1987), 14(1): 46n4, 53n21.
Laurence, David. "William Bradford's American Sublime." PMLA (January 1987), 102(1): 59, 65
Lauter, Paul. "Society and the Profession, 1958-83." PMLA (May 1984), 99(3): 421, 425-426nn5-7.
Law, Graham. "`Il s'agissait peut-être d'un roman policier': Leblanc, Macdonald, and Robbe-Grillet." Comparative Literature (Fall 1988), 40(4): 335n1, 341n6, 356.
Law, Jules David. "Eruption and Containment: The Satanic Predicament in Paradise Lost." Milton Studies (1982), 16: 59n28.
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Lawrence, Karen R. Penelope Voyages: Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition, pp. 81, 202, 204, 249. Reading Women Writing. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1994.
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Lea, Sydney. "Wordsworth and His `Michael': The Pastor Passes." ELH (Spring 1978), 45(1): 59, 67, 68nn3, 5.
Leavey, John P., Jr. "Jacques Derrida's Glas: A Translated Selection and Some Comments on an Absent Colossus." Clio (Summer 1982), 11(4): 335, 337n9.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. Clio (Spring 1983), 12(3): 297-300.
Lechay, Daniel. "Instincts and their Vicissitudes: A Reading of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Gradiva (1982), 2(4): 29nn12, 13.
Lehman, David. Signs of the Times: Deconstruction and the Fall of Paul de Man, pp. 28, 29-30, 51, 118, 145-148, 150, 151, 154-155, 160, 161, 182-183, 222, 223, 225-226, 227, 274n28, 275n30, 276n51, 284nn146, 151, 2 85n161, 287n183, 291nn222, 225, 297. New York: Poseidon Press, 1991.
Lehmann, James H. " The Vicar of Wakefield: Goldsmith's Sublime, Oriental Job." ELH (Spring 1979), 46(1): 97, 115n5, 117n17.
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Leitch, Vincent B. American Literary Criticism from the Thirties to the Eighties, pp. 58-59, 154, 155, 159, 160166, 168, 176, 177, 179, 181, 196, 203, 208, 213, 224, 267, 270, 276, 280, 281-282, 289, 291, 293-294, 299, 300, 303, 304, 416n32, 421nn9, 10, 427nn13- 15, 428nn29, 30. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
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Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction. New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
Lentricchia, Frank. After the New Criticism, pp. 5, 16, 29, 64, 121, 159, 160, 162, 169, 174, 179, 180, 181, 185, 187, 201, 209, 283, 284, 327, 329, 340, 353n4, 354n42, 358n2, 367n3, 369n81. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
"The Historicity of Frye's Anatomy." Salmagundi (Winter 1978), 40: 98.
Leo, John Robert. "Landscape, Consumption, Redemption: Thomas Moran's `Mountain of the Holy Cross' and the Signifying of Representation." Sub-Stance (1984), 42: 50-51, 69n16.
Leonard, John. "More Fact Than Fiction." New York Times Book Review (December 28, 1980): 3, 18.
Lessa, Richard. "Wordsworth's Michael and the Pastoral Tradition." University of Toronto Quarterly (Winter 198384), 53(2): 193n3.
Levin, Richard. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Modern Philology (February 1982) 79(3): 340-346.
Levine, George. "Matthew Arnold: The Artist in the Wilderness." Critical Inquiry (March 1983), 9(3): 469, 472, 474.
Li, Victor P.H. "Philology and Power: Ezra Pound and the Regulation of Language." Boundary 2 (Fall-Winter 1987), 15(1-2): 207, 210n41.
Liao, Ping Hui. "Intersection and Juxtaposition of Wor(l)ds." Tamkang Review (Autumn 1983-Summer 1984), 14(1,2,3,4): 410n36, 411nn38, 51, 52.
Librach, Ronald S. "Narration and the Life-World." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Fall 1982), 41(1): 86.
Liebman, Sheldon W. "The Turning Point: Eliot's The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism." Boundary 2 (Winter 1981), 9(2): 217n29, 218n51.
Lim, Paulino M., Jr. "Zen and Wordsworth." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1976), 7(2): 132, 132n9.
Lindenberger, Herbert. "The Idyllic Moment: On Pastoral and Romanticism." College English (December 1972), 34(3): 343n18.
_____."On Commentary, Romanticism, and Critical Method: Reflections on Three Recent Books." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787- 1814. Modern Language Quarterly (June 1966), 27(2): 212220.
_____.Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness and Saving the Text. Modern Language Quarterly (June 1982), 43(2): 194-196.
Lindsay, Cecile. "Bataille Today: The Battle for History." New Orleans Review (Winter 1983), 10(4): 21.
_____."Textual Intercourse: Reader Theory and the New Novel." Structuralist Review (Spring 1984), 2(3): 99, 106, 107, 109, 122n12, 123n37.
Lindstrom, Naomi. "Ezra Pound: Creation and Play in Critical Discourse." Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (1981), 35(4): 291-303.
Linker, Kate. "On the Trail of Jean Le Gac." Artforum (Summer 1986), 24(10): 105n3.
Lipking, Lawrence. "Competitive Reading." New Republic (October 21, 1989), 201(14) [3898]: 30.
Litz, A. Walton. "Literary Criticism." In Daniel Hoffman, ed., Harvard Guide to Contemporary American Writing, pp. 70-71, 73-74, 75. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harv ard University Press, 1979.
Liu, Alan. "Christopher Smart's `Uncommunicated Letters': Translation and the Ethics of Literary History." Boundary 2 (Fall 1985-Winter 1986), 14(1-2): 115-117, 121n2.
_____."Local Transcendence: Cultural Criticism, Postmodernism, and the Romanticism of Detail."
Representations (Fall 1990), 32: 76, 87, 99n3, 105n43.
_____."`Shapeless Eagerness': The Genre of Revolution in Books 9-10 of The Prelude." Modern Language Quarterly (March 1982), 43(1): 5n6.
"Wordsworth: The History in `Imagination'." ELH (Fall 1984), 51(3): 506-509, 543nn4-11, 544n15.
Livingston, Beverly. "Fiction by and under Interrogation: Pinget's L'Inquisitoire." Romanic Review (May 1981), 72(3): 330n17.
Lloyd, Tom. "Society and Chaos: Schiller's Impact on Carlyle's Ideas about Revolution." Clio (Fall 1987), 17(1): 64n21.
_____."Towards Natural Supernaturalism: Carlyle and Dual Vision, 1823-29." Philological Quarterly (Fall 1986), 65(4): 492n6.
Lodge, David. "Deconstruction for the Masses." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Easy Pieces. New York Times Book Review (May 12, 1985): 32.
Loesberg, Jonathan. Aestheticism and Deconstruction: Pater, Derrida, and de Man, pp. 192, 219n1. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1991.
_____."Self-Consciousness and Meditation in Victorian Autobiography." University of Toronto Quarterly (Winter 1980-81), 50(2): 217-218n1.
Logan, Marie-Rose. "Rhetorical Analysis:
Towards a Tropology of Reading." New Literary History (Spring 1978), 9(3): 623-624, 625n14.
Longxi, Zhang. "The Critical Legacy of Oscar Wilde." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Spring 1988), 30(1): 99, 103nn44-47.
Lopez, Michael. "De-Transcendentalizing Emerson." ESQ: Journal of the American Renaissance (1988), 34(1 & 2) [130 & 131]: 114, 134n78.
Lucente, Gregory L. "Le maggiori corrente della teoria letteraria contemporanea negli stati uniti. Rassegna." (Translated by Tiziano G. Vanola) Lettere Italiane (April-June 1989), 41(2): 274. p>
Ludwig, Hans-Werner. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787- 1814. Anglia (1966), 84(34): 476-479. In German.
Luke, Hugh. "Critics and Romantics." Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., New Perspectives on Coleridge and Wordsworth. Prairie Schooner (Winter 1972-73), 46(4): 368-369.
Lukits, Steven. "Wordsworth Unawares: The Boy of Winander, the Poet, and the Mariner." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1988), 19(3): 160nn1, 2.
Lundin, Roger. "Emerson and the Spirit of Theory." Religion & Literature (Autumn 1989), 21(3): 40n10, 41.
Luther, Susan. "Wordsworth's Prelude, VI. 592-616 (1850)." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1981), 12(4): 260nn1, 9.
Lynn, Steven. "Response." College English (January 1991), 53(1): 100.
MacAdam, Alfred J. "Origins and Narratives." MLN (March 1980), 95(2): 429.
McCallum, Pamela. "Indeterminacy, Irreducibility and Authority in Modern Literary Theory." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Ariel (January 1982), 13(1): 73-84.
Title of article on cover: "Hartman, Lacan and Derrida."
McClain, William H. "Criticism as Institution: 100 Years of German Studies in MLN." MLN (April 1987), 102(3): 435.
McCombie, Frank. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Easy Pieces. Notes and Queries (September 1987), 34(3) [232]: 437-438.
Macdonell, Diane C. "The Place of the Device of Expectation, or `Seeing through a Medium,' in Book I of The Excursion." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1979), 18(3): 438.
McFarland, Thomas. "Creative Fantasy and Matter-of-Fact Reality in Wordsworth's Poetry." JEGP (January-April 1976), 75(1-2): 1.
_____."Literature and Philosophy." In Jean-Pierre Barricelli and Joseph Gibaldi, eds., Interrelations of Literature, pp. 40, 41, 42n11. New York: Modern Language Association of Americ a, 1982.
McGann, Jerome J. "Keats and the Historical Method in Literary Criticism." MLN (December 1979), 94(5): 10141015, 1022, 1031n47, 1032n67.
"Some Forms of Critical Discourse." Critical Inquiry (March 1985), 11(3): 415, 416n14, 416-417n15.
McGillis, Roderick. "`He Lies Like a Little Devil': Wordsworth's `Anecdote for Fathers,' 1798 to 1845."
English Studies in Canada (March 1984), 10(1): 55, 61n12.
_____."Westering of the Spirit: Wordsworth Out West." Journal of Popular Culture (Fall 1984), 18(2): 94nn2, 3, 7.
McGowan, James. "The Integrity of the Poetical Sketches: A New Approach to Blake's Earliest Poems." Blake Studies (1979), 8(2): 121n1, 126-127.
Mackey, Louis. "Anatomical Curiosities: Northrop Frye's Theory of Criticism." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1981), 23(3): 455, 469n16.
McKee, Patricia. "Corresponding Freedoms: Language and the Self in Pamela." ELH (Fall 1985), 52(3): 631, 635, 648nn14, 19, 20.
McKenna, Andrew J. "Biblioclasm: Joycing Jesus and Borges." Diacritics (Fall 1978), 8(3): 16-17, 28n5.
Macksey, Richard. "The Consciousness of the Critic: Georges Poulet and the Reader's Share." In Richard Macksey, ed., Velocities of Change: Critical Essays from MLN, p. 337. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.
"Keats and the Poetics of Extremity." MLN (September 1984), 99(4): 865n38.
McLaughlin, Thomas M. "Fiction and Interpretation in Virginia Woolf." Essays in Literature (Fall 1981), 8(2): 187n6.
_____."Virginia Woolf's Criticism: Interpretation as Theory and as Discourse." Southern Humanities Review (Summer 1983), 17(3): 246, 253n8.
McNew, Janet. "Mary Oliver and the Tradition of Romantic Nature Poetry." Contemporary Literature (Spring 1989), 30(1): 59, 63, 76.
Maertz, Gregory George. "England's `Goethezeit': Romantic and Early Victorian." Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1988. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (April 1989), 49(10 A):3034-A.
Machin, Richard. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. Language and Style (Spring 1983), 16(2): 238243.
Magnarelli, Sharon. "The Diseases of Love and Discourse: La tía Julia y el escribidor and María." Hispanic Review (Spring 1986), 54(2): 202.
Mahar, Margaret. "Hardy's Poetry of Renunciation." ELH (Summer 1978), 45(2): 323n24.
Mall, James P. " Glas: What is Derrida Doing?" In Authors and Philosophers, pp. 95, 99n1. French Literature Series, 6. Columbia: University of South Carolina, College of Humanitie s and Social Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, 1979.
_____.Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness and Saving the Text. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Winter 1981), 40(2): 227-229.
Manganyi, Noel Chabani. "Psychobiography and the Truth of the Subject." Biography (Winter 1983), 6(1): 40, 51n21.
Manheimer, Joan. "Edwin Arlington Robinson's `Eros Turannos': Narrative Reconsidered." Literary Review (Spring 1977), 20(3): 253, 268n1.
Manley, Lawrence. "Concepts of Convention and Models of Critical Discourse." New Literary History (Autumn 1981), 13(1): 44, 52nn70, 73.
Mann, Karen B. "George Eliot and Wordsworth: The Power of Sound and the Power of Mind." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1980), 20(4): 677.
Manning, Greg. "Conditioning Critics: John Docker's In a Critical Condition." Meanjin (Australia) (September 1984), 43(3): 422.
Manning, Peter J. "`Michael', Luke, and Wordsworth." Criticism (Summer 1977), 19(3): 210n16.
_____."`My former thoughts returned': Wordsworth's Resolution and Independence." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1978), 9(4): 405n1.
"Wordsworth, Margaret, and The Pedlar." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1976), 15(2): 196-197.
_____."Wordsworth's and Gray's Sonnnet on the Death of the West." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Summer 1982), 22(3): 511n13.
"Wordsworth's Intimations Mode and Its Epigraphs." JEGP (October 1983), 82(4): 531n10.
Marcus, Jane. "Still Practice, A/Wrested Alphabet: Toward a Feminist Aesthetic." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (Spring-Fall 1984), 3(1-2): 87, 96n16.
"Storming the Toolshed." Signs (Spring 1982), 7(3): 624.
Margolis, Harriet. "`Not enough fun': Criticism in the University and Literary Studies." Semiotica (1987), 64(34): 362, 369.
Margolis, Joseph. "The Threads of Literary Theory." Poetics Today (1986), 7(1): 98-99, 109.
Marino, James A.G. "An Annotated Bibliography of Play and Literature." Canadian Review Of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (June 1985), 12(2): 327.
Markos, Louis A. "William Wordsworth and the Powers of Imagination." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1991. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (January 1992), 52(7A):256
Marotta, Kenny. " Adam Bede as a Pastoral." Genre (Spring 1976),
9(1): 68.
Marshall, David. "The Eye-Witnesses of The Borderers." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1988), 27(3): 395.
Marshall, Donald G.. "Beyond Formalism." Review of Harold Bloom's A Map of Misreading and Kabbalah and Criticism, and Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Par tisan Review (1977), 44(1): 131-134.
_____."Criticism and Creativity." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Yale Review (Autumn 1981), 71(1): 129-131.
_____."History, Theory, and Influence: Yale Critics as Readers of Murice Blanchot." In Jonathan Arac, Wlad Godzich and Wallace Martin, eds., The Yale Critics: Deconstruction in America, pp. 135-155. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983.
_____."Secondary Literature: Geoffrey Hartman, Wordsworth, and the Interpretation of Modernity." In Kenneth R. Johnston, Gilbert Chaitlin, Karen Hanson and Herbert Marks, eds., Romantic Revolutions: Criticism and Theory, pp. 78-97. Essays selected from papers presented at an International Symposium held in Bloomington, Indiana in 1988. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990.
Martin, Wallace. "Critical Truth as Necessary Error." In Paul Hernadi, ed., What Is Criticism?, pp. 84, 95n2. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.
"The Epoch of Critical Theory." Comparative Literature (Fall 1979), 31(4): 341.
_____."Literary Critics and their Discontents: A Response to Geoffrey Hartman." Critical Inquiry (Winter 1977), 4: 397-406.
"Literary Theory in/vs. the Classroom." College Literature (Fall 1982), 9(3): 178, 182, 190n5.
Martinson, Steven D. "Filling the Gaps: `The Problem of World- Order' in Friedrich Schiller's Essay on Universal History." Eighteenth-Century Studies (Fall 1988), 22(1): 31-32.
Martz, Louis L. Poet of Exile: A Study of Milton's Poetry, pp. 321n7, 329n4. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1980.
Massey, Irving. "The Effortless in Art and Ethics: Meditations on `The Frog King, or Iron Henry'." Georgia Review (Fall 1983), 37(3): 654-655.
"Escape from Fiction: Literature and Didacticism." Georgia Review (Fall 1978), 32(3): 621n8.
Masuzawa, Tomoko. "Tracing the Figure of Redemption: Walter Benjamin's Physiognomy of Modernity." MLN (April 1985), 100(3): 515.
Matlak, Richard E. "Classical Argument and Romantic Persuasion in `Tintern Abbey'." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1986), 25(1): 109n25.
Meese, Elizabeth A. Crossing the Dou
ble-Cross: The Practice of Feminist Criticism, pp. ix, 142, 143, 162n25. Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, 1986.
Melaver, Martin. Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature. Poetics Today (1987), 8(3-4): 751.
Mellown, Muriel J. "Images of Fancy and Imagination: A Reading of The Prelude, Book III." Durham University Journal (June 1979), 71(2): 245.
Melville, Stephen. "The Situation of Writing." Chicago Review (Autumn 1977), 29(2): 103, 107, 114nn 12, 14.
Menand, Louis. "T.S. Eliot after His Time." Raritan (Fall 1988), 8(2): 100.
Merrell, Floyd. Deconstruction Reframed, pp. 62, 213-214n22, 217n1, 246. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 1985.
Meserole, Harrison T. "Shakespeare: Annotated World Bibliography for 1984." Shakespeare Quarterly (1985), 36(6): 700.
_____."Shakespeare: Annotated World Bibliography for 1985." Shakespeare Quarterly (1986), 37(5): 569, 571, 709, 797, 800.
Metzger, Lore. "Wordsworth's Pastoral Covenant." Modern Language Quarterly (December 1976), 37(4): 311n11.
Meyer, Kinereth. "Speaking and Writing the Lyric `I'." Genre (Spring & Summer 1989), 22(1 & 2): 138n15, 148.
_____."Visionary Poetry and the Breaking of the Tablets." Religion & Literature (Autumn 1987), 19(3): 3-4, 7, 14.
Michaels, Walter Benn. "Against Formalism: The Autonomous Text in Legal and Literary Interpretation." Poetics Today (Autumn 1979), 1(1-2): 23, 33.
Miklitsch, Robert. "Beginnings and Endings: Mark Strand's `The Untelling'." Literary Review (Spring 1978), 21(3): 366, 373n8.
Miller, Dan. "Blake's Allusions: Jersualem 86." New Orleans Review (Fall 1986), 13(3): 30-31.
Miller, David L. "The Question of the Book: Religion as Texture." Semeia (1987), 40: 60, 61, 64.
Miller, J. Hillis. Ariadne's Thread: Story Lines, pp, 75, 264n26. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992.
_____.Fiction and Repetition: Seven English Novels, pp. 212, 213, 215, 216, 219, 241nn6, 11. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.
_____."Interview with J. H
illis Miller, Yale, Fall, 1979." Criticism (Spring 1982), 24(2): 100-102, 104, 109n. Robert
Moynihan interviews J. Hillis Miller.
_____."Marxism and Deconstruction: Symposium at the Conference on Contemporary Genre Theory and the Yale School, 1 June 1984." Genre (Spring-Summer 1984), 17(1-2): 94.
"On Literary Criticism." New Republic (November 29, 1975), 173(22) [3177]: 33.
"Stevens' Rock and Criticism as Cure, II." Georgia Review (Summer 1976), 30(2): 336, 340-341.
_____.Theory Now and Then, pp. 109, 114-115, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127, 131, 376. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991.
_____."Williams' Spring and All and the Progress of Poetry." Daedalus (Spring 1970), 99(2): 411-412, 414, 432nn13-23, 27.
Miller, Nan. "A Bout with Duty: Wordsworth's Transient Ode." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1980), 1194): 224, 227n1.
Mishra, Vijay. "Critical Practice and Literary Theory: An Interview with Geoffrey Hartman." Southern Review (Adelaide) (July 1985), 18(2): 189-200.
Mitchell, W.J.T. "Visible Language: Blake's Wond'rous Art of Writing." In Morris Eaves and Michael Fischer, eds., Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism, p. 91. Ithaca and London: Corn ell University Press, 1986.
Mizrahi, Irene. "Gustavo Adolfo Becquer: La Trascendencia de la Poesia." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Connecticut, 1991. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (October 1991), 52( 4A):1353-A.
Mohan, Devinder. "Geoffrey Hartman's Critical Theory and His Concept of `Genius Loci'." Panjab University Research Bulletin (October 1987), 18(2): 23-38.
Monegal, Emir Rodríguez. "Borges and Derrida: Apothecaries." In Edna Aizenberg, ed., Borges and His Successors: The Borgesian Impact on Literature and the Arts, pp. 137-138. Columbia: Un iversity of Missouri Press, 1990.
Montfort, Bruno. "Washington Irving et le pittoresque post- romantique." Révue Française d'Études Américaines (November 1989), 42: 453nn17, 18.
Moore, Leslie E. and Linda H. Peterson. "Convention as Connection: Linking the Composition Course to the English and College Curriculum." College Composition and Communication (December 1986), 37(4): 476, 506n15.
Moran, Dermot. "Teaching Literature in Ireland Today." The Crane Bag (1982), 6: 134, 135n.
Morita, Hiroko. " Kokoro and Dynamis: A Comparative View of Traditional Japanese Poetics." Comparative Literature Studies (September 1977), 14(3): 296, 305n4.
Morris, Wesley A. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Georgia Review (Fall 1976), 30(3): 736744.
Morrison, Paul. "Paul de Man: Resistance and Collaboration." Representations (Fall 1990), 32: 53, 73n5.
Morse, Jonathan. "Themes, Topics, Criticism." In J. Albert Robbins, ed., American Literary Scholarship: An Annual/1980, pp. 499-500. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 198 2.
Morton, Lionel. "Books and Drowned Men: Unconscious Mourning in Book V of The Prelude." English Studies in Canada (March 1982), 8(1): 29, 36n4, 37n13.
"Hölderlin and the Poetry of History." Germanic Review (Fall 1986), 61(4): 157, 165n27.
Most, Glenn W. "Wordsworth's `Dream of the Arab' and Cervantes." English Language Notes (March 1985), 22(3): 53
Most, Glenn W. and William W. Stowe. The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory, pp. 13, 230. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983.
Moynahan, Julian. "Hermeneutic Hesitation." Novel (Winter 1979), 12(2): 107-112.
Moynihan, Robert. "Interview with Geoffrey Hartman, Yale University, March 19, 1979." Boundary 2 (Fall 1980), 9(1): 191-215.
_____.Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Arizona Quarterly (Summer 1981), 37(2): 187190.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. Criticism (Summer 1982), 24(3): 277-282.
Mudge, Bradford K. "Song of Himself: Crisis and Selection in The Prelude, Books 1 and 7." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Spring 1985), 27(1): 14, 23n12, 23-24n 14, 24nn17, 19.
Munk, Linda. "Recycling Language: Emily Dickinson's Religious Wordplay." ESQ: Journal of the American Renaissance (1986), 32(4) [125]: 249n20.
Murray, Heather. "Close Reading, Closed Writing." College English (February 1991), 53(2): 204, 206, 208.
Murray, Michael. "The Conflict between Poetry and Literature." Philosophy and Literature (April 1985), 9(1): 77n15.
Murtaugh, Daniel M. "`Figurando il paradiso': The Signs That Render Dante's Heaven." PMLA (March 1975), 90(2): 283n2.
Mutter, John. Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective. Publishers Weekly (April 11, 1986), 229(15): 83.
Nassar, Eugene Paul. "An Age of Criticism?" Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Easy Pieces. Modern Age (Spring 1986), 30(2): 170-173.
_____."Symbols and Texts: A Personal Sketch of Literary Criticism since the Fifties." Virginia Quarterly Review (Winter 1991), 67(1): 33.
Nehamas, Alexander. "The Postulated Author: Critical Monism as a Regulative Ideal." Critical Inquiry (Autumn 1981), 8(1): 135-136.
Neiman, Fraser. "Another Note on Arnold Scholarship: Winter-Spring 1981 -- Winter 1982." Arnoldian (Spring 1982), 9(2): 40-41.
_____."A Note on Arnold Scholarship: Spring 1985 - Spring 1986." Arnoldian (Summer 1986), 13(2): 44-45, 50.
Nelson, Cary. "On Whether Criticism Is Literature." In Paul Hernadi, ed., What Is Criticism?, pp. 266-267nn1, 2. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.
"Reading Criticism." PMLA (October 1976), 91(5): 810-811, 815n23.
Nelson, Robert J. "Unhesitant Hermeneutics: A Review Article." French Forum (September 1981), 6(3): 226-227, 234nn1, 2.
Nemoianu, Virgil. "The Dialectics of Movement in Keats's `To Autumn'." PMLA (March 1978), 93(2): 214n34.
_____."Is There an English Biedermeier?" Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (Winter 1979), 6: 29, 34n18.
New, Elisa. "Difficult Writing, Difficult God: Emily Dickinson's Poems beyond Circumference." Religion & Literature (Fall 1986), 18(3): 25n4.
"Pharaoh's Birthstool: Deconstruction and Midrash." Sub-Stance (1988), 57: 26, 27, 30-32, 36n8.
Newcomb, John Timberman. Wallace Stevens and Literary Canons, pp. 218-219, 267n26, 276. Jackson & London: University Press of Mississippi, 1992.
Newman, Karen. "Writing the `Talking Cure': Psychoanalysis and Literature." Poetics Today (Spring 1982), 3(2): 174, 182.
Newton, K.M. Interpreting the Text: A Critical Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Literary Interpretation, pp. 25-26, 88, 90, 182n19, 184n22, 192. New York and London: Harveste r Wheatsheaf, 1990.
_____."Poststructuralism and the Question of Interpretation." English (Summer 1989), 38(161): 128-129, 131, 140nn20, 21.
Newton, Nancy A. "Structures of Cognition: Antonio Machado and the Via Negativa." MLN (March 1975), 90(2): 234.
Nichols, Stephen G., Jr. "The Light of the
Word: Narrative, Image, and Truth." New Literary History (Spring 1980), 11(3): 535, 544n1.
Nieraad, Jürgen. "Du sollst nicht deuten. Neo-Avantgarde, dekonstruktivismus und Interpretation im Rückblick." Poetica (1988), 20(1-2): 141, 142, 144-145.
Nixon, Jude V. "Gerard Manley Hopkins and Henry Parry Liddon: An Unacknowledged Influence." Renascence (Fall 1989-Winter 1990), 42(1-2): 93.
Nord, Deborah Epstein. "The City as Theater: from Georgian to Early Victorian London." Victorian Studies (Winter 1988), 31(2): 161.
Norris, Christopher. The Contest of Faculties: Philosophy and Theory After Deconstruction, pp. 71-76, 162, 234n2, 239n33. London and New York: Methuen, 1985.
"Deconstruction Against Itself: Derrida and Nietzsche." Diacritics (Winter 1986), 16(4): 62, 69.
_____."Deconstruction, Naming and Necessity: Some Logical Options." Journal of Literary Semantics (November 1984), 13(3): 179.
_____.Deconstruction: Theory and Practice, pp. 12-14, 22, 91-92, 84-95, 100, 105, 114, 121, 124, 138, 161, 168, 171. Revised edition. London: Routledge, 1991.
_____.The Deconstructive Turn: Essays in the Rhetoric of Philosophy, pp. 128-131, 188n10. London: Routledge, 1983.
_____."Derrida at Yale: The `Deconstructive Moment' in Modern Poetics." Philosophy and Literature (Fall 1980), 4(2): 242, 253-254, 255, 256nn27, 30-32.
_____."The Ethics of Reading and the Limits of Irony: Kierkegaard among the Postmodernists." Southern Humanities Review (Winter 1989), 23(1): 7-8, 33nn13, 14.
_____."On Paul de Man's The Rhetoric of Romanticism: A Review Essay." Southern Humanities Review (Winter 1986), 20(1): 53-54, 63, 68n3, 69n19.
_____."The Politics of Style and the Fate of Reading: A Review Essay." Southern Humanities Review (Winter 1987), 21(1): 49-64. Reprinted as "The Politics of Style and the Fate of Reading: On Geo ffrey Hartman." In his Deconstruction and the Interests of Theory, pp. 199-212. London: Pinter, 1988; Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. Additional references: pp. 105-108, 124, 162, 165, 185, 198, 213, 216-217, 222, 225-226.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Language and Style (Fall 1978), 11(4): 261-264.
_____."Some Versions of Rhetoric: Empson and de Man." Genre (Spring-Summer 1984), 17(1-2): 192, 195, 196, 213nn1, 2.
_____.Spinoza & the Origins of Modern Critical Theory, pp. 2, 206, 220, 270. The Buckwell Lectures in Literary Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
North, Michael. "The Architecture of Memory: Pound and the Tempio Malatestiano." American Literature (October 1983), 55(3): 371n13.
Noyes, Russell. "An Unpublished Letter by Wordsworth on Epitaphs." Notes and Queries (January 1975), 22(1): 60n2.
Nuttall, A.D. Openings: Narrative Beginnings from the Epic to the Novel, pp. 123-126, 133, 140, 145, 147n40, 228. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
_____.Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Modern Language Review (April 1982), 77(2): 439-440.
_____.Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Psychoanalysis and the Question of the Text. Review of English Studies (February 1981), 32(125): 113-114.
Ogden, John T. "The Structure of
Imaginative Experience in The Prelude." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1975), 6(4): 290, 298nn2,
O'Hara, Daniel T. "Afterwords: Geoffrey Hartman on the Critic's Desire for Representation." In his The Romance of Interpretation: Visionary Criticism from Pater to de Man, pp. 93-145. New York : Columbia University Press, 1985.
_____."The Ideology of Romance: Two Recent Critical Cases." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text and Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious. Contemporary Literature (Summer 1982), 23(3): 381389.
_____."Revisionary Madness: The Prospects of American Literary Theory at the Present Time." Critical Inquiry (June 1983), 9(4): 731n10.
O'Hara, J.D. "Reflections on Recent Prose." New England Review (1981), 3(3): 450, 465.
Olivares, Jorge. "García Márquez's Crónica de une muerte anunciada as Metafiction." Contemporary Literature (Winter 1987), 28(4): 492n19. p>
Olkowski, Dorothea. "Art and the Orientation of Thought." Research Phenomenology (1986), 16: 172, 173, 183nn4, 5.
Olson, Kathryn M. "The Controversy over President Reagan's Visit to Bitburg: Strategies of Definition and Redefinition." Quarterly Journal of Speech (May 1989), 75(2): 148n11, 149n43, 150n69.
O'Neal, Michael J. "The Syntactic Style of Arthur Symons." Language and Style (Summer 1982), 15(3): 209, 217n6.
Ong, Walter J. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. Philosophy and Rhetoric (Fall 1982), 15(4): 274277.
"The Writer's Audience is Always a Fiction." PMLA (January 1975), 90(1): 21n3.
Oram, William A. "Arnold's `Scholar-Gipsy' and the Crisis of the 1852 Poems." Modern Language Quarterly (June 1984), 45(2): 147n7.
O'Rourke, James. "Person
a and Voice in the `Ode on a Grecian Urn'." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1987), 26(1): 45.
Orr, Linda. "Tocqueville et l'histoire incompréhensible: L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution." Poétique (February 1982), 49: 57n9.
Orr, Leonard. "The Canon of Criticism and the Hierarchy of Genres." Massachusetts Studies in English (1984), 9(3): 18, 21, 20, 22, 23n12, 24nn15, 17, 19, 21, 22.
"A Derrida Checklist." Sub-Stance (1979), 22: 109-110.
O'Shaughnessy, Elise. "In Short." Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective. New York Times Book Review (August 31, 1986): 13.
Owen, W.J.B. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787- 1814. Modern Language Review (October 1966), 61(4): 685-686.
"`The Thorn' and the Poet's Intention." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1977), 8(1): 14, 17n13.
Wordsworth as Critic, p. 142n. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969.
Owusu, Kofi. "Interpreting The Interpreters: The Fictionality of Wole Soyinka's Critical Fiction." WLWE: World Literature Written in English (Spring 1987), 27(1): 195n12 .
Oxenhandler, Neal. "Malraux and the Inference to Despair." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's André Malraux. Chicago Review (Winter-Spring 1962), 15(3): 72-74.
Page, Judith W. "`A History/Homely and Rude': Genre and Style in Wordsworth's 'Michael'." Studies English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1989), 29(4): 635n1.
Page, Philip. "Unity and Subordination in `Carrion Comfort'." Victorian Poetry (Spring 1976), 14(1): 28n5.
Paglia, Camille. "Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art." Western Humanities Review (Spring 1988), 42(1): 36, 43n4. A condensed version of the first chapter of Sexual Personae.
Palmer, Christopher. "Ecosystems: The Name of the Rose and Semiosis." Southern Review (Adelaide) (March 1988), 21(1): 84n24.
Palmer, R. Barton. "The Metafictional Hitchcock: The Experience of Viewing and the Viewing Experience of Rear Window and Psycho." Cinema Journal (Winter 1986), 25(2): 16, 19n17.
Palmer, Richard E. "Hermeneutics." In Guttorm Floistad, ed., Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, Vol. 2: Philosophy of Science, pp. 472, 473, 483, 492, 503. The Hague: N ijhoff, 1982.
_____."Postmodern Hermeneutics and the Act of Reading." Notre Dame English Journal (Summer 1983), 15(3): 55, 83.
_____."The Scope of Hermeneutics, the Problem of Critique and the Crisis of Modernity." Texte (1984), 3: 226.
Parker, Patricia. "Dilation and Delay: Renaissance Matrices." Poetics Today (1984), 5(3): 519, 535.
_____."Eve, Evening, and the Labor of Reading in Paradise Lost." English Literary Renaissance (Spring 1979), 9(2): 329.
Patterson, Annabel. " L'Allegro, Il Penseroso and Comus: The Logic of Recombination." Milton Quarterly (October 1975), 9(3): 79n5.
_____."`The Very Age and Body of the Time His Form and Pressure': Rehistoricizing Shakespeare's Theater." New Literary History (Autumn 1988), 20(1): 83, 101, 102n1, 104n33.
Patterson, Charles I., Jr. "Prophecy and the Prophetic Poet in The Prelude." Southern Humanities Review (Fall 1977), 11(4): 386, 396n5.
Patterson, Lee W. "`Rapt With Pleasaunce': Vision and Narration in the Epic." ELH (Fall 1981), 48(3): 475n31.
Payne, Michael. "Recent Studies in Biblical Literature." Papers on Language and Literature (Winter 1987), 23(1): 100-102, 103.
"Taking Poets Seriously." College Literature (Spring 1976), 3(2): 92n7.
Pease, Donald. "Blake, Crane, Whitman, and Modernism: A Poetics of Pure Possibility." PMLA (January 1981), 96(1): 85n28.
"Emerson, Nature, and the Sovereignty of Influence." Boundary 2 (Spring 1980), 8(3): 53, 71n15.
Peczenik, F. "Fit Help: The Egalitarian Marriage in Paradise Lost." Mosaic (Canada) (Winter 1984), 17(1): 47n9.
Pedersen, Bertel. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Beyond Formalism. Arcadia (1973), 8(1): 116-120.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1976), 7(3): 201-207.
Pedrick, Victoria and Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz. "Introduction" to "Audience-Oriented Criticism and the Classics" issue of Arethusa (Fall 1986), 19(2): 112.
Pels, Dick. "Treason of the Intellectuals: Paul de Man and Hendrik de Man." Theory, Culture & Society (February 1991), 8(1): 51n1, 55.
Peltason, Timothy. "Supposed Confessions, Uttered Thoughts: The First-Person Singular in Tennyson's Poetry." Victorian Newsletter (Fall 1983), 64: 15.
Penuel, Arnold M. "Form, Function, and Freud in Benavente's Los intereses creados. Hispanofila (May 1985), 84: 72, 80n3.
Perkins, Judith. "Literary History: H.-G. Gadamer, T.S. Eliot and Virgil." Arethusa (Fall 1981), 14(2): 241, 248n4.
Perloff, Marjorie. "Ca(n)non to the Right of us, Can(n)non to the Left of Us: A Plea for Difference." New Literary History (Spring 1987), 18(3): 638, 655n5.
"Literary History: H.-G. Gadamer, T.S. Eliot and Virgil." Arethusa (Fall 1981), 14(2): 241, 248n4.
"Pound/Stevens: Whose Era?" New Literary History (Spring 1982), 13(3): 487, 507n10.
"Response to Jacques Derrida." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1989), 15(4): 768n1, 776.
Perry, John Oliver. "Current Shiftings in Aims and Relationships among Indo-English Poets." World Literature Today (Winter 1986), 60(1): 51n3.
Peterfreund, Stuart. " The Prelude: Wordsworth's Metamorphic Epic." Genre (Winter 1981), 14(4): 469nn2, 5.
"The Problem of Originality and Blake's Poetical Sketches." ELH (Fall 1985), 52(3): 705n45.
Review of Leslie Brisman's Romantic Origins. Poetics Today (Autumn 1980), 2(1a):218, 219, 224, 225.
_____."Structural Anthropology and the Teaching of Wordsworth." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1978), 9(4): 388.
Peucker, Brigitte. "The Poem as Place: Three Modes of Scenic Rendering in the Lyric." PMLA (October 1981), 96(5): 913n10.
Pfau, Thomas. "Rhetoric and the Existential: Romantic Studies and the Question of the Subject." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1987), 26(4): 494-498, 503, 504.
Phinney, A.W. "Wordsworth's Winander Boy and Romantic Theories of Language." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1987), 18(2): 71n.
Phillips, William. "New Criticism to Structuralism." Partisan Review (1980), 47(3): 372, 392.
A Partisan View: Five Decades of the Literary Life, p. 100. New York: Stein and Day, 1983.
Piper, William Bowman. "Samuel Johnson as an Exemplary Critic." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1978), 20(3): 457.
Plank, Jeffrey. "Literary Criticism as an Autobiographical Form." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1982), 13(4): 168174.
Platzner, Robert. Review of Geffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature. Studia Mystica (Fall 1988), 11(3): 75-77.
Poirier, Richard. Poetry & Pragmatism, pp. 59, 196n10. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992.
_____."A Star Trek in the Theory of Poetics." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. New York Times Book Review (April 20, 1975): 21-26.
Polan, Dana B. Review of Annette Lavers' Roland Barthes: Structuralism and After. American Journal of Semiotics (1983), 2(3): 146n1.
Pollard, W. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's André Malraux. AUMLA (November 1960), 14: 83-84.
Ponder, Melinda M. "Echoing Poetry with History: Wordsworth's Duddon Sonnets and Their Notes." Genre (Summer 1988), 21(2): 176n5, 177.
Poole, Roger. "The Yale School as a Theological Enterprise." Renaissance and Modern Studies (1983), 27: 1-29.
Poreé, Marc. "Le Visage de Moneta: Un autre regard sur la poésie de Keats." Etudes Anglaises (October- December 1988), 41(4): 402, 404.
Porter, Laurence M. "Mourning and Melancholia in Nerval's Aurélia." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1976), 15(2): 305.
_____."The Present Directions of French Romantic Studies, 1960-1975." Nineteenth-Century French Studies (Fall-Winter 1977-78), 6(1-2): 20.
"The Sublimity of Hugo's Early Odes." L'Esprit Créateur (Fall 1976), 16(3): 174n10.
Pradl, Gordon M. "The Experience of Myth and Myth-making in English Education." English Education (May 1986), 18(2): 101, 106.
Pratt, Mary. "Art without Critics and Critics without Readers or Pentagruel versus The Incredible Hulk." In Paul Hernadi, ed., What Is Criticism?, pp. 184, 188n4. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.
Pritchard, William H. "Creative Criticism." [Letter] New York Times Book Review (April 26, 1981): 39.
On Hartman's "How Creative Should Literary Criticism Be?" New York Times Book Rev
iew (April 5, 1981): 11, 24-25.
_____."The Hermeneutical Mafia or, After Strange Gods at Yale." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Hudson Review (Winter 1975-76), 28(4): 601-606.
"Randall Jarrell: Poet-Critic." American Scholar (Winter 1982-83), 52: 68.
Proffitt, Edward. "Samson and the Intimations Ode: Further Evidence of Milton's Influence." Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1980), 11(4): 197.
"Science and Romanticism." Georgia Review (Spring 1980), 34(1): 77n41.
Quint, David. "Representation and Ideology in The Triumph of Life." Studies in English L
iterature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1878), 18(4): 653n17.
Rabkin, Gerald. "Shakespeare Our Ideologist." Modern Language Studies (Spring 1988), 18(2): 5, 7, 15, 21nn9, 18.
Rackin, Donald. "`God's Grandeur': Hopkins' Sermon to Wordsworth." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1980), 11(2): 72n1, 73n15.
Radcliffe, Evan. "`In Dreams Begins Responsibility': Wordsworth's Ruined Cottage Story." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1984), 23(1): 101n3, 108.
Ragussis, Michael. "Language and Metamorphosis in Wordsworth's Arab Dream." Modern Language Quarterly (June 1975), 36(2): 157n9.
Rajan, B. "Osiris and Urania." Milton Studies (1979), 13: 235n15.
Rajan, Tilottama. "Displacing Post-Structuralism: Romantic Studies after Paul de Man." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1985), 24(4): 452n3, 455n9.
_____."The Erasure of Narrative in Post- Structuralist Representations of Wordsworth." In Kenneth R. Johnston, Gilbert Chaitin, Karen Hanson and Herbert Marks, eds., Romantic Revolutions: Criticism and Theory, pp. 351, 355-356. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. South Atlantic Quarterly (Autumn 1982), 81(4): 465-467.
_____.The Supplement of Reading: Figures of Understanding in Romantic Theory and Practice, pp. 138-139, 278, 300. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1990.
Ramalho de Sousa Santos, Maria Irene. "Poetas e pássaros: sobre a consciência poética em Pessoa e Stevens." Collóquio Letras (November 1985), 88: 96, 100nn1 3, 14.
Ramazani, R. Jahan. "Yeats: Tragic Joy and the Sublime." PMLA (January 1989), 104(1): 170, 176.
Ramsey, Jonathan. "The Prelusive Sounds of `Descriptive Sketches'." Criticism (Winter 1978), 20(1): 32, 36n9, 38n12.
_____."Seeing and Perceiving in Wordsworth's An Evening Walk." Modern Language Quarterly (December 1975), 36(4): 381.
"Wordsworth's Silent Poet." Modern Language Quarterly (September 1976), 37(3): 269.
Randel, Fred V. "The Mountaintops of English Romanticism." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1981), 23(3): 304, 320n1, 321n12.
Rapaport, Herman. "Borges, De Man, and the Deconstruction of Reading." In Edna Aizenberg, ed., Borges and His Successors: The Borgesian Impact on Literature and the Arts, pp. 146-147. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
_____."Geoffrey Hartman and the Spell of Sounds." Genre (1984), 17(1-2): 159-177. Reprinted in Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, eds., Rhetoric and Form: Deconstruction at Yale , pp. 159-177. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.
Rapf, Joanna E. "`Visionaries of Dereliction': Wordsworth and Tennyson." Victorian Poetry (Winter 1986), 24(4): 378.
Raval, Suresh "Philosophy and the Crisis of Contemporary Literary Theory." Monist (January 1986), 69(1): 120, 131nn8, 9, 11.
_____."Rational Inquiry in Literary Criticism." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (March 1980), 40(3): 363n26, 365n32.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. Arizona Quarterly (Autumn 1982), 38(3): 263-264.
Ray, Paul C. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Western Humanities Review (Winter 1981), 35(4): 367-369.
Ray, William E. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Southern Humanities Review (Summer 1977), 11(3): 317-318.
Re, Lucia. "Gabrielle D'Annunzio's Novel Le vergini delle rocce: `Una cosa naturale vista in un grande specchio'." Stanford Italian Review (Fall 1983), 3(2): 266, 267.
Reed, John R. "Inherited Characteristics: Romantic to Victorian Will." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1978), 17(3): 355.
Reeves, Charles Eric. "`Conveniency to Nature': Literary Art and Arbitrariness." PMLA (October 1986), 101(5): 808n4, 809.
_____."Deconstruction and Skepticism: The Abortive Search." Review of Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, eds., Rhetoric and Form: Deconstruction at Yale. Poetics Today (1988), 9(4): 844, 8 49, 850, 851.
_____."Deconstruction, Language, Motive: Rortian Pragmatism and the Uses of `Literature'." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Summer 1986), 44(4): 355n2.
_____."Symbol and Sign: The Romantic Articulation of Convention." Review of Tzvetan Todorov's Theories of the Symbol. Poetics Today (1986), 7(2): 348, 349.
Regier, W.G. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness and Saving the Text. Sub-Stance (1981), 32: 86-90.
Reid, Ian. "`A Naked Guide-Post's Double Head': The Wordsworthian Sense of Direction." ELH (Winter 1976), 43(4): 549nn2, 8, 9.
Reiman, Donald H. "Coleridge and the Art of Equivocation." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1986), 25(3): 329n7.
Reinhold, Meyer. "Robert Lowell's Uses of Classical Myths." Helios (Winter-Spring 1979-80), 7(1): 18n61.
Reiss, Timothy J. "Critical Environments: Cultural Wilderness or Cultural History?" Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness and Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious . Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (June 1983), 10(2): 192-209.
_____."Pour en finir avec des Crises? Une polémique." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (March 1986), 13(1): 6, 7, 8.
Rendall, Steven. "In Disjointed Parts/Par article decousus." In Lawrence D. Kritzman, ed., Fragments: Incompletion & Discontinuity, pp. 74, 83n4. New York Literary Forum, 8-9. New York: New York Literary Forum, 1981.
" Mus in Pice: Montaigne and Interpretation." MLN (December 1979), 94(5): 1071n21.
Renza, Louis A. "Influence." In Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin, eds., Critical Terms for Literary Study, pp. 201, 202. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Pre ss, 1990.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Saving the Text. Virginia Quarterly Review (Autumn 1981), 57(4): 126, 128.
Rhode, Eric. "The Self as Double Agent: Psychology & the Imagination." Encounter (December 1979), 53(6): 63n6.
Richards, Bernard. "Wordsworth's `I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud', ll. 13-18." Explicator (Fall 1989), 48(1): 14-15.
Richards, Kent Harold. "From Scripture to Textuality." Semeia (1987), 40: 122, 123.
Richter, David H. "From Babel to Pentecost." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Language and Style (Summer 1981), 14(3): 232-245.
Ricks, Christopher. "In Theory." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. London Review of Books (April 16-May 6, 1981), 3(7): 3-6. Reprinted in Karl Mil ler, ed., London Review of Books, Anthology One, pp. 218-229. London: Junction Books, 1981.
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Robertson, Mary F. "Deconstructive `Contortion' and Women's Historical Practice." Poetics Today (1986), 7(4): 705n1, 727.
Robinson, Douglas. "Poe's Mini-Apocalypse: `The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion'." Studies in Short Fiction (Fall 1982), 19(4): 330n3.
Robinson, Jeffrey C. "Criticism as Literature." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Fate of Reading. Denver Quarterly (Winter 1976), 10(4): 119-124.
_____."The Structure of Wordsworth's Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1803." Papers on Language & Literature (Winter 1977), 13(1): 59n10, 65.
Rogers, Robert. "Amazing Reader in the Labyrinth of Literature." Poetics Today (Spring 1982), 3(2): 31, 46.
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Rosenmeyer, Thomas G. "The Nouvelle Critique and the Classicist." Comparative Literature Studies (September 1981), 18(3): 221, 228n27.
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Rudy, John G. "Beyond Vocation and Ego: Self- displacement in Wordsworth's 1803 Memorials." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1989), 29(4): 651n3, 652n9. p>
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Sampson, David. "Wordsworth and the Poor: The Poetry of Survival." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1984), 23(1): 48n34, 50.
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Schwartz, Murray M. "D.H. Lawrence and Psychoanalysis: An Introduction." D.H. Lawrence Review (Fall 1977), 10(3): 221.
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Schweizer, Harold. "Canonicity and Blasphemy in the Book of Job." CEA Critic (Fall 1988), 51(1): 49, 51n24.
Scott, Nathan A., Jr. "Santayana's Poetics of Belief." Boundary 2 (Spring 1979), 7(3): 219, 223n37.
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Searle, John. "The World Turned Upside Down." Review of Jonathan Culler's On Deconstruction. New York Review of Books (October 27, 1983), 30(16): 79.
Searle, Leroy. "Tradition and Intelligibility: A Model for Critical Theory." New Literary History (Winter 1976), 7(2): 410n3.
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Seib, Kenneth. "Hopkins's Secret Watchers." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Spring 1989), 31(1): 52, 64n2.
Seifrid, Thomas. "Writing against Matter: On the Language of Andrej Platonov's Kotlovan." Slavic and East European Journal (Fall 1987), 31(3): 371, 386.
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Selz, Dorothy B. "Structuralism for the Non-Specialist: A Glossary and a Bibliography." College English (October 1975), 37(2): 165.
Sertori, D. Carpi. Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature. Lingua e Stile (December 1987), 22(4): 595-598. In Italian.
Seyan, Azade. Representation and Its Discontents: The Critical Legacy of German Romanticism, pp. 16, 21, 180. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
Shapiro, Gary. "From the Sublime to the Political: Some Historical Notes." New Literary History (Winter 1985), 16(2): 234n22.
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Sharpe, William. "Urban Theory and Cultural Blight: Accomodating the Unreal City." New Orleans Review (Spring 1983), 10(1): 87, 88.
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Sheats, Paul D. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Unremarkable Wordsworth. Nineteenth-Century Literature (March 1991), 45(4): 508-512.
Shell, Marc. "`What is Truth?': Lessing's Numismatics and Heidegger's Alchemy." MLN (April 1977), 92(3): 550n5.
Sherry, Charles. "Wordsworth's Metaphors for Eternity: Appearance and Representation." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1978), 17(2): 193n1.
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Shusterman, Richard. "Analytic Aesthetics, Literary Theory, and Deconstruction." Monist (January 1986), 69(1): 22, 24, 35n1, 36nn7, 9.
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_____."Deconstruction and Analysis: Confrontation and Convergence." British Journal of Aesthetics (Autumn 1986), 26(4): 311-312, 324n2, 325nn4, 22.
_____."Organic Unity: Analysis and Deconstrcution." In Reed Way Dasenbrock, ed., Redrawing the Lines: Analytic Philosophy, Deconstruction, and Literary Theory, p. 104. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989.
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Sicher, Efraim. "By Underground to Crystal Palace: The Dystopian Eden." Comparative Literature Studies (Fall 1985), 22(3): 378, 391n2.
Siebers, Tobin. "Language, Violence, and the Sacred: A Polemical Survey of Critical Theories." Stanford French Review (1986), 10(1-3): 216n13.
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uiry (September 1984), 11(1): 69-70, 72, 79n5, 80n24.
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Sims-Gunzenhauser, William D. "The Treacherous Forest of Symbols: Duality and Anti-Self-Consciousness in Eichendorff and Baudelaire." Comparative Literature Studies (Septemner 1980), 17(3): 312, 315n17.
Sinfield, Alan. "Against Appropriation." Essays in Criticism (July 1981), 31(3): 182.
Singer, Alan. "The Methods of Form: On Narrativity and Social Consciousness." Sub-Stance (1983), 12(4) [41]: 64, 68, 70, 71, 72, 77nn8, 11.
Siskin, Clifford. "Personification and Community: Literary Change in the Mid and Late Eighteenth Century." Eighteenth-Century Studies (Summer 1982), 15(4): 390n33.
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Sitter, Deborah Ayer. "The Debate of The Waves." Durham University Journal (June 1976), 68(2): 125.
Sitterson, Joseph C., Jr. "The Genre and the Place of the Intimations Ode." PMLA (January 1986), 101(1): 36n8, 37.
_____."Oedipus in the Stolen Boat: Psychoanalysis and Subjectivity in The Prelude." Studies in Philology (Winter 1989), 86(1): 97n2.
_____."Psychoanalytic Models and Literary Theory." University of Toronto Quarterly (Fall 1981), 51(1): 89, 92n33.
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Slinn, E. Warwick. "Deconstruction and Meaning: The Textuality Game." Philosophy and Literature (April 1988), 12(1): 84, 87n8.
Slouka, Mark Z. "Demonic History: Geography and Genealogy in Melville's Pierre." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance (1989), 35(2) [135]: 160n17.
Smith, John H. "U-Topian Hegel: Dialectic and Its Other in Poststructuralism." German Quarterly (Spring 1987), 60(2): 259n6, 260n20, 261n34.
Smith, Lyle H., Jr. "Beyond the Romantic Sublime: Gerard Manley Hopkins." Renascence (Spring 1982), 34(3): 176, 184nn9, 10.
Snare, Gerald. "Dissociation of Sensibility
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Snead, James A. "On Repetition in Black Culture." Black American Literature Forum (Winter 1981), 15(4): 153n11.
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Spacks, Patricia Meyer. "The Eighteenth-Century Collins." Modern Language Quarterly (March 1983), 44(1): 3, 5n7, 7-8.
Sparshott, Francis. "Frye in Place." Canadian Literature (Winter 1979), 83: 153n26.
Spector, Stephen J. "Wordsworth's Mirror Imagery and the Picturesque Tradition." ELH (Spring 1977), 44(1): 86, 105nn5, 8.
Sperry, Stuart M. "Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1981), 21(4): 702.
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Spillers, Hortense J. "Formalism Comes to Harlem." Black American Literature Forum (Summer 1982), 16(2): 60, 63n7.
Spinrad, Phoebe S. "Death, Loss, and Marvell's Nymph." PMLA (January 1982), 97(1): 52, 59n6.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1981), 23(3): 358n5.
Springer, Carolyn. "Far from the Madding Crowd: Wordsworth and the News of Robespierre's Death."
Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1981), 12(4): 244.
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"Textual Politics: Foucault and Derrida." Boundary 2 (Spring 1980), 8(3): 95n17.
Stackelberg, Roderick. "1986 vs. 1968: The Turn to the Right in German Historiography." Radical History Review (1988), 40: 62n1.
Stamelman, Richard. "The Shroud of Allegory: Death, Mourning, and Melancholy in Baudelaire's Work." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1983), 25(3): 405n6, 407n14.
Staten Henry. "Newman on Self and Society." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1979), 18(1): 72.
Staudt, Kathleen Henderson. "Incarnation Reconsidered: The Poem as Sacramental Act in The Anathemata of David Jones." Contemporary Literature (Spring 1985), 26(1): 12.
Stavely, Keith W.F. "Satan and Arminianism in Paradise Lost." Milton Studies (1989), 25: 126, 138n3.
Steiner, Peter. "`Formalism' and `Structuralism': An Exercise in Metahistory." Russian Literature (October 1982), 12(3): 311, 328n41.
Steiner, T.R. "The Mind of the Hardboiled: Ross Macdonald and the Roles of Criticism." South Dakota Review (Spring 1986), 24(1): 29, 53.
Steinmetz, Horst. "Verstehen, Missverstehen, Nichtverstehen. Zum Problem der Interpretation, vornehmlich am Beispiel von Lessings `Emilia Galotti'." Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift (1987), 37(4): 397, 398n15.
Stern, David. "Midrash and Indeterminacy." Critical Inquiry (Autumn 1988), 15(10: 135n3, 141.
_____."Moses-cide: Midrash and Contemporary Literary Criticism." Review of Susan A. Handelman's The Slayers of Moses: The Emergence of Rabbinic Interpretation in Modern Literary Theory. Prooftexts (May 1984), 4(2): 201-202.
Stevenson, Warren. "Cosmic Irony in Wordsworth's `A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal'." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1976), 7(2): 93, 94n2.
Stewart, Garrett. " Lamia and the Language of Metamorphosis." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1976), 15(1): 15n11.
Stewart, Garrett. "The New Mortality of Bleak House." ELH (Fall 1978), 45(3): 444, 485n4, 486nn5-7.
Stillinger, Jack. "Emma Willard and Wordsworth's `Spots of Time'." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1990), 21(2): 72.
Stimme, Figur: Kritik und Restitution in der
Edited by Aleida Assmann and Anselm Haverkamp.
Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift
für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, Sonderh
[Supplement], 68. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1994.
Festschrift for Geoffrey H. Hartman.
Stoddard, Eve Walsh. "`All Freaks of Nature': The Human Grotesque in Wordsworth's City." Philological Quarterly (Winter 1988), 67(1): 58n23.
_____."Flashes of the Invisible World: Reading The Prelude in the Context of the Kantian Sublime." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1985), 16(1): 36, 37n15.
Stone, Donald D. "Arnold, Nietzsche, and the `Revaluation of Values'." Nineteenth-Century Literature (December 1988), 43(3): 290n2.
_____."Meredith and Bakhtin: Polyphony and Bildung." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1988), 28(4): 7-7, 712n35.
Stone, Les. "Hartman, Geoffrey H." In Hal May and Susan M. Trosky, eds., Contemporary Authors, Volume 125, pp. 173-176. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, 1989. Also "Brief Entry" in < CITE>Contemporary Authors, Volume 117, p. 191. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, 1986.
Straus, Nina Pelikan. "Erasing History and Deconstructing the Text: Milan Kundera's The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction (Winter 1987), 28(2): 77, 78, 85n12.
_____."The Exclusion of the Intended from Secret Sharing in Conrad's Heart of Darkness."
Novel (Winter 1987), 20(2): 126, 136.
Strickland, Edward. "Approaching `A Vision'." Victorian Poetry (Autumn 1984), 22(3): 244.
_____."Metamorphoses of the Muse in Romantic Poesis: Christabel." ELH (Winter 1977), 44(4): 642, 645, 655n6, 656n19.
Strier, Richard. "Shakespeare and the Question of Theory." Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Patricia Parker, eds., Shakespeare and the Question of Theory. Modern Philology (August 19 88), 86(1): 56-76.
Stuart, Colin Christopher and John Scoggan. "The Orientation of the Parasols: Saussure, Derrida, and Spicer." Boundary 2 (Fall 1977), 6(1): 191, 197, 251n3, 252n13.
Stubbs, Andrew. "The Politics of Art: Eli Mandel's `Journals'." Canadian Literature (Autumn-Winter 1989) 122123: 24-25n14.
Stull, William L. "Is There a Text in This Book?" Review of Steven Mailloux' Interpretive Conventions. University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1982), 14(3): 130, 131n6.
Sturrock, J. "Wordsworth's `Phantom of Delight' and the Development of the Imagination." Colby Library Quarterly (December 1978), 14(4): 220.
Subotnik, Rose Rosengard. "The Role of Ideology in the Study of Western Music." Journal of Musicology (Winter 1983), 2(1): 8n4.
Suleiman, Susan Rubin. "Introduction: Varieties of Audience- Oriented Criticism." In Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Crosman, eds., The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation, pp. 1980.
_____."What Can Structuralism Do for Us?" In Paul Hernadi, ed., What Is Criticism?, pp. 77, 82n18. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.
Sullivan, Alvin. " The Memoirs of a Survivor: Lessing's Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1980), 26(1): 160.
Summers, Claude J. "Herrick's Political Counterplots." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Winter 1985), 25(1): 167n6.
_____."`Or one could weep because another wept': The Counterplot of Auden's `The Shield of Achilles'." JEGP (April 1984), 83(2): 215n3.
Sundquist, Eric J. " In Country Heaven: Dylan Thomas and Rilke." Comparative Literature (Winter 1979), 31(1): 69.
Swaab, Peter. "Vanishings." Review of Geoffrey Harman's The Unremarkable Wordsworth. London Review of Books (April 20, 1980), 11(8): 18-19.
Swaim, Kathleen M. "The Mimesis of Accomodation in Book 3 of Paradise Lost." Philological Quarterly (Fall 1984), 63(4): 463, 474n7.
Swan, Jim. "At Play in the Garden of Ambivalence: Andrew Marvell and the Green World." Criticism (Fall 1975), 17(4): 299.
Swann, Karen. "Public Transport: Adventuring on Wordsworth's Salisbury Plain." ELH (Winter 1988), 55(4): 832n13.
"Suffering and Sensation in The Ruined Cottage." PMLA (January 1991), 106(1): 87, 95.
Swingle, L.J. Review of James Engell's The Creative Imagination: Enlightenment to Romanticism. Modern Language Quarterly (March 1982), 43(1): 96.
"Romantic Unity and English Romantic Poetry." JEGP (July 1975), 74(3): 361n1.
_____."Wordsworth's Contrarieties: A Prelude to Wordsworthian Complexity." ELH (Summer 1977), 44(2): 339, 353n5, 354n15.
Sage, Lorna. "From Our Spot of Time." Review of Geoffrey H
artman's The Unremarkable Wordsworth.
TLS [The Times Literary Supplement] (December 9-15, 1988), 4471: 1377.
Said, Edward W. "The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1978), 4(4): 691n22.
_____.The World, the Text, and the Critic, pp., 149, 228-229, 263, 306nn2-5. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Saldívar, Ramón. "Bloom's Metaphors and the Language of Flowers." James Joyce Quarterly (Summer 1983), 20(4): 408n1.
"Metaphors of Consciousness in Mallarmé." Comparative Literature (Winter 1984), 36(1): 69n24.
Salmon, Rachel. "Basic Hermeneutic Structures and Readings of Gerard Manley Hopkins' `The Wreck of the Deutschland'." Hebrew University Studies in Literature and the Arts (Spring 1984), 12(1): 52n10.
Sampson, David. "Wordsworth and the Poor: The Poetry of Survival." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1984), 23(1): 48n34, 50.
Sánchez-Eppler, Karen. "Decomposing: Wordsworth's Poetry of Epitaph and English Burial Reform."
Nineteenth-Century Literature (March 1988), 42(4): 418n9.
Sangari, Kum Kum. "The Politics of the Possible." Cultural Critique (Fall 1987), 7: 157.
Savory, Jerold J. "Matthew Arnold." Victorian Poetry (Autumn 1981), 19(3): 253.
Scanlan, Margaret. "Memory and Continuity in the Series Novel: The Example of Children of Violence." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1980), 26(1): 76.
Schell, Richard. "Wordsworth's Revisions of the Ascent of Snowdon." Philological Quarterly (Summer 1975), 54(3): 592-593, 602, 602n6, 603n19.
Schenck, Celeste M. "`Every Poem an Epitaph': Sea-Changes in Whitman's `Out of the Cradle...' and Crane's `Voyages'." Ariel (January 1985), 16(1): 24, 24n15.
_____."The Funeral Elegy as Pastoral Initiation: Plato, Theocritus, Virgil." Mosaic (Canada) (Winter 1988), 21(1): 93, 112.
_____."When the Moderns Write Elegy: Crane, Kinsella, Nemerov." Classical and Modern Literature (Winter 1986), 6(2): 99n5.
Schiffer, Reinhold. Review of Hugh Kenner's A Homemade World: American Modernist Writers. Poetica (1977), 9(1): 131.
Schippers, J.G. "On Persuading (Some Notes on the Implied Author in Critical Discourse)." Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo- American Letters (1981), 11(1): 34-54.
Schlaeger, Jürgen. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Beyond Formalism and The Fate of Reading. Anglia (1979), 97(1-2): 266-271. In German.
Schleifer, Ronald. "George Moore's Turning Mind: Digression and Autobiographical Art in Hail and Farewell." Genre (Winter 1979), 12(4): 480.
_____."Language, Semiotics, and Criticism." Review of A.J. Greimas' and J. Courtés' Semiotics and Language. Criticism (Summer 1983), 25(3): 274, 276n12.
"Narrative in Yeats's In The Seven Woods." Journal of Narrative Technique (Fall 1976), 6(3): 156, 170n4.
_____."The Poison of Ink: Modernism and Post- War Literary Criticism." New Orleans Review (1981), 8(4): 242, 243n12, 249n31.
_____.Rhetoric and Death: The Language of Modernism and Postmodern Discourse Theory, pp. 81, 96-97, 218, 237. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1990.
_____."The Space and Dialogue of Desire: Lacan, Greimas, and Narrative Temporality." MLN (December 1983), 98(5): 873, 881, 889n4, 890n21.
_____."Wordsworth's Yarrow and the Poetics of Repetition." Modern Language Quarterly (December 1977), 38(4): 351, 356.
Schliefer, Ronald and Robert Con Davis. "Introduction: The Ends of Deconstruction." Genre (Spring-Summer 1984), 17(1-2): 1-16 passim.
Schneider, Hans. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787- 1814. English Studies (June 1970), 51(3): 263-265.
Schneider, Ulrich. "Mediatization in `Aeolus' and `Oxen of the Sun'." Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo- American Letters (1988), 18(2): 98-99, 102, 103.
Scholes, Robert. Textual Power: Literary Theory and the Teaching of English, p. 135. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1985.
Schopf, Sue Weaver. "Wordsworth's Exploration of Geriatric Psychology: Another Look at the Narrator of `The Thorn'." English Language Notes (September 1981), 19(1): 33n1, 38 n5.
Schulman, Samuel E. "The Spenser of the Intimations Ode." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1981), 12(1): 31, 35n2.
_____."The Spenserian Enchantments of Wordsworth's `Resolution and Independence'." Modern Philology (August 1981), 79(1): 27n11.
Schulz, Dieter. "Emerson's Visionary Moments: The Disintegration of the Sublime." Amerikastudien/American Studies (1983), 28(1): 27n13.
Schwanitz, Dietrich. Review of F.C. McGrath's The Sensible Spirit: Walter Pater and the Modernist Paradigm. Anglia (1989), 107(1-2): 250. In German.
Schwartz, Murray M. "D.H. Lawrence and Psychoanalysis: An Introduction." D.H. Lawrence Review (Fall 1977), 10(3): 221.
Schwartz, Murray M. and David Willbern. "Literature and Psychology." In Jean-Pieree Barricelli and Joseph Gibaldi, eds., Interrelations of Literature, pp. 206, 215, 221, 222. New Yor k: Modern Language Association of America, 1982.
Schwartz, Regina M. "Free Will and Character Autonomy in the Bible." Notre Dame English Journal (Winter 1983), 15(1): 73n41.
_____."Joseph's Bones and the Resurrection of the Text: Remembering in the Bible." PMLA (March 1988), 103(2): 122n1, 124.
Schwarz, Daniel R. "Progressive Dubiety: The Discontinuity of Disraeli's Political Trilogy." Victorian Newsletter (Spring 1975), 47: 17, 18.
_____."`Tell Us in Plain Words': An Introduction to Reading Joyce's Ulysses." Journal of Narrative Techique (Winter 1987), 17(1): 37, 38n6.
Schweik, Susan. "Writing War Poetry Like a Woman." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1987), 13(3): 541.
Schweizer, Harold. "Canonicity and Blasphemy in the Book of Job." CEA Critic (Fall 1988), 51(1): 49, 51n24.
Scott, Nathan A., Jr. "Santayana's Poetics of Belief." Boundary 2 (Spring 1979), 7(3): 219, 223n37.
Scott, Patrick. "Genre and Perspective in the Study of Victorian Women Writers: The Case of Elizabeth Missing Sewell." Victorian Newsletter (Fall 1984), 66: 6n2.
Searle, John. "The World Turned Upside Down." Review of Jonathan Culler's On Deconstruction. New York Review of Books (October 27, 1983), 30(16): 79.
Searle, Leroy. "Tradition and Intelligibility: A Model for Critical Theory." New Literary History (Winter 1976), 7(2): 410n3.
Segal, Charles. "The Music of the Sphinx: The Problem of Language in Oedipus Tyrannus." In Stephanus Kresic, ed., Contemporary Literary Hermeneutics and Interpretation of Classical Texts, p. 156. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1981.
Segal, Eliezer. "Law as Allegory? An Unnoticed Literary Device in Talmudic Narratives." Prooftexts (May 1988), 8(2): 252n2.
Segal, Naomi. "Midrash and Feminism." Paragraph (November 1990), 13(3): 251, 252, 264n1, 265n2.
Seib, Kenneth. "Hopkins's Secret Watchers." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Spring 1989), 31(1): 52, 64n2.
Seifrid, Thomas. "Writing against Matter: On the Language of Andrej Platonov's Kotlovan." Slavic and East European Journal (Fall 1987), 31(3): 371, 386.
Selinger, Bernie. " Gulliver's Travels: Swift's Version of Identity Formation." Mosaic (Canada) (Summer 1984), 17(3): 15n15.
Selz, Dorothy B. "Structuralism for the Non-Specialist: A Glossary and a Bibliography." College English (October 1975), 37(2): 165.
Sertori, D. Carpi. Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Midrash and Literature. Lingua e Stile (December 1987), 22(4): 595-598. In Italian.
Seyan, Azade. Representation and Its Discontents: The Critical Legacy of German Romanticism, pp. 16, 21, 180. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
Shapiro, Gary. "From the Sublime to the Political: Some Historical Notes." New Literary History (Winter 1985), 16(2): 234n22.
_____."The Owl of Minerva and the Colors of the Night." Philosophy and Literature (Fall 1977), 1(3): 292, 294n20.
Sharpe, William. "Urban Theory and Cultural Blight: Accomodating the Unreal City." New Orleans Review (Spring 1983), 10(1): 87, 88.
Shaw, William David. "Consolation and Catharsis in In Memoriam." Modern Language Quarterly (March 1976), 37(1): 61n16.
_____."Mill on Poetic Truth: Are Intuitive Inferences Valid?" Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Spring 1981), 23(1): 47, 51n25.
"Philosophy and Genre in Victorian Poetics: The Idealist Legacy." ELH (Summer 1985), 52(2): 501n31.
_____.Victorians and Mystery: Crises of Representation, pp. 132, 196, 218, 350. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990.
Sheats, Paul D. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Unremarkable Wordsworth. Nineteenth-Century Literature (March 1991), 45(4): 508-512.
Shell, Marc. "`What is Truth?': Lessing's Numismatics and Heidegger's Alchemy." MLN (April 1977), 92(3): 550n5.
Sherry, Charles. "Wordsworth's Metaphors for Eternity: Appearance and Representation." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1978), 17(2): 193n1.
Sherry, Peggy Meyer. "`Vom armen B.B.' as Signature: Between Text and Speaking Subject." MLN (April 1979), 94(3): 474n26.
Sherry, Vincent B., Jr. "`Unmistakable marks': Symbols and Voices in David Jones's In Parenthesis." Critical Quarterly (Winter 1983), 25(4): 63, 72n3.
Sherwin, Paul. "Dying into Life: Keats's Struggle with Milton in Hyperion." PMLA (May 1978), 93(3): 395n19.
" Frankenstein: Creation as Catastrophe." PMLA (October 1981), 96(5): 900, 903n15.
Showalter, Elaine. "Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness." Critical Inquiry (Winter 1981), 8(2): 180.
"Looking Forward: American Feminists, Victorian Sages." Victorian Newsletter (Spring 1984), 65: 7.
_____."Women's Time, Women's Space: Writing the History of Feminist Criticism." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (Spring-Fall 1984), 3(1-2): 41, 43n36.
Shusterman, Richard. "Analytic Aesthetics, Literary Theory, and Deconstruction." Monist (January 1986), 69(1): 22, 24, 35n1, 36nn7, 9.
_____."Blindness and Anxiety: I.A. Richards and Some Current Trends of Criticism." Etudes Anglaises (OctoberDecember 1986), 39(4): 420-421, 422.
_____."Deconstruction and Analysis: Confrontation and Convergence." British Journal of Aesthetics (Autumn 1986), 26(4): 311-312, 324n2, 325nn4, 22.
_____."Organic Unity: Analysis and Deconstrcution." In Reed Way Dasenbrock, ed., Redrawing the Lines: Analytic Philosophy, Deconstruction, and Literary Theory, p. 104. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989.
"Poetics and Current Analytic Aesthetics." Poetics Today (1986), 7(2): 323, 329.
Sicher, Efraim. "By Underground to Crystal Palace: The Dystopian Eden." Comparative Literature Studies (Fall 1985), 22(3): 378, 391n2.
Siebers, Tobin. "Language, Violence, and the Sacred: A Polemical Survey of Critical Theories." Stanford French Review (1986), 10(1-3): 216n13.
Silver, Brenda R. "Periphrasis, Power, and Rape in A Passage to India." Novel (Fall 1988), 22(1): 86n1, 90n16, 105n42.
Silverman, Hugh J. "Dufrenne's Phenomenology of Poetry." Philosophy Today (Spring 1976), 20(1): 24n16.
_____."Prolegomena to a Theory of Literature." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (January 1981), 12(1): 31, 40n16.
Sim, Stuart. "De-composing in Bad Faith: Its Cause and Cure." Critical Quarterly (Winter 1982), 24(4): 25-26, 2728, 29, 33, 36nn3, 4, 11-13, 18, 19, 22
"Deconstructing the Pun." British Journal of Aesthetics (Autumn 1987), 27(4): 326-334.
Simpson, David. "Criticism, Politics, and Style in Wordsworth's Poetry." Critical Inquiry (September 1984), 11(1): 69-70, 72, 79n5, 80n24.
_____."Going on about the War without Mentioning the War: The Other Histories of the Paul de Man Affair." Critical Quarterly (Winter 1989), 31(4): 60, 66, 68n6.
Sims-Gunzenhauser, William D. "The Treacherous Forest of Symbols: Duality and Anti-Self-Consciousness in Eichendorff and Baudelaire." Comparative Literature Studies (Septemner 1980), 17(3): 312, 315n17.
Sinfield, Alan. "Against Appropriation." Essays in Criticism (July 1981), 31(3): 182.
Singer, Alan. "The Methods of Form: On Narrativity and Social Consciousness." Sub-Stance (1983), 12(4) [41]: 64, 68, 70, 71, 72, 77nn8, 11.
Siskin, Clifford. "Personification and Community: Literary Change in the Mid and Late Eighteenth Century." Eighteenth-Century Studies (Summer 1982), 15(4): 390n33.
"A Preface to Creative Criticism." Kenyon Review (Spring 1983), 5(2): 85-97.
Sitter, Deborah Ayer. "The Debate of The Waves." Durham University Journal (June 1976), 68(2): 125.
Sitterson, Joseph C., Jr. "The Genre and the Place of the Intimations Ode." PMLA (January 1986), 101(1): 36n8, 37.
_____."Oedipus in the Stolen Boat: Psychoanalysis and Subjectivity in The Prelude." Studies in Philology (Winter 1989), 86(1): 97n2.
_____."Psychoanalytic Models and Literary Theory." University of Toronto Quarterly (Fall 1981), 51(1): 89, 92n33.
Skura, Meredith Anne. The Literary Use of the Psychoanalytic Process, pp. vii, 30. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981.
Slavin, Arthur J. "Telling the Story: G.R. Elton and the Tudor Age." Sixteenth-Century Journal (Summer 1990), 21(2): 157n25.
Slinn, E. Warwick. "Deconstruction and Meaning: The Textuality Game." Philosophy and Literature (April 1988), 12(1): 84, 87n8.
Slouka, Mark Z. "Demonic History: Geography and Genealogy in Melville's Pierre." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance (1989), 35(2) [135]: 160n17.
Smith, John H. "U-Topian Hegel: Dialectic and Its Other in Poststructuralism." German Quarterly (Spring 1987), 60(2): 259n6, 260n20, 261n34.
Smith, Lyle H., Jr. "Beyond the Romantic Sublime: Gerard Manley Hopkins." Renascence (Spring 1982), 34(3): 176, 184nn9, 10.
Snare, Gerald. "Dissociation of Sensibility and the Apology for Poetry in the Twentieth Century." Studies in the Literary Imagination (Spring 1982), 15(1): 127n18.
Snead, James A. "On Repetition in Black Culture." Black American Literature Forum (Winter 1981), 15(4): 153n11.
Snow, Edward A. "Head of a Young Girl." Salmagundi (Spring-Summer 1979), 44-45: 128.
Sokoloff, Naomi B. "Hopkins' `Windhover' and Tchernichovsky's `Eagle! Eagle!'." Prooftexts (May 1983), 3(2): 193, 202n5, 203n12.
Solomon, J. Fisher. "The Concept of the Humanities." Semiotica (1987), 64(1-2): 141-156.
_____."Realism, Rhetoric, and Reification: Or, the Case of the Missing Detective in Our Mutual Friend." Modern Philology (August 1988), 86(1): 40.
Solotorevsky, Myrna. "'La Muerte y la brújula', parodia irónica de una convención genérica." Neophilologus (October 1986), 70(4): 553n5.
Soufas, C. Christopher, Jr. "On the Discrimination of Contemporary Criticisms: An Annotated Introductory Bibliography." College Literature (Fall 1982), 9(3): 239, 244, 245, 246.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer. "The Eighteenth-Century Collins." Modern Language Quarterly (March 1983), 44(1): 3, 5n7, 7-8.
Sparshott, Francis. "Frye in Place." Canadian Literature (Winter 1979), 83: 153n26.
Spector, Stephen J. "Wordsworth's Mirror Imagery and the Picturesque Tradition." ELH (Spring 1977), 44(1): 86, 105nn5, 8.
Sperry, Stuart M. "Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1981), 21(4): 702.
"Some Versions of Keats." Modern Language Quarterly (June 1977), 38(2): 180-181.
Spillers, Hortense J. "Formalism Comes to Harlem." Black American Literature Forum (Summer 1982), 16(2): 60, 63n7.
Spinrad, Phoebe S. "Death, Loss, and Marvell's Nymph." PMLA (January 1982), 97(1): 52, 59n6.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1981), 23(3): 358n5.
Springer, Carolyn. "Far from the Madding Crowd: Wordsworth and the News of Robespierre's Death."
Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1981), 12(4): 244.
Sprinker, Michael. "Aesthetic Criticism: Geoffrey Hartman." In Jonathan Arac, Wlad Godzich and Wallace Martin, eds., The Yale Critics: Deconstruction in America, pp. 43-65. Theory and History o f Literature, 6. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983.
_____."Hermeneutic Hesitation: The Stuttering Text." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Boundary 2 (Fall 1980), 9(1): 217-232.
"Ruskin on the Imagination." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1979), 18(1): 117n6.
"Textual Politics: Foucault and Derrida." Boundary 2 (Spring 1980), 8(3): 95n17.
Stackelberg, Roderick. "1986 vs. 1968: The Turn to the Right in German Historiography." Radical History Review (1988), 40: 62n1.
Stamelman, Richard. "The Shroud of Allegory: Death, Mourning, and Melancholy in Baudelaire's Work." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1983), 25(3): 405n6, 407n14.
Staten Henry. "Newman on Self and Society." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1979), 18(1): 72.
Staudt, Kathleen Henderson. "Incarnation Reconsidered: The Poem as Sacramental Act in The Anathemata of David Jones." Contemporary Literature (Spring 1985), 26(1): 12.
Stavely, Keith W.F. "Satan and Arminianism in Paradise Lost." Milton Studies (1989), 25: 126, 138n3.
Steiner, Peter. "`Formalism' and `Structuralism': An Exercise in Metahistory." Russian Literature (October 1982), 12(3): 311, 328n41.
Steiner, T.R. "The Mind of the Hardboiled: Ross Macdonald and the Roles of Criticism." South Dakota Review (Spring 1986), 24(1): 29, 53.
Steinmetz, Horst. "Verstehen, Missverstehen, Nichtverstehen. Zum Problem der Interpretation, vornehmlich am Beispiel von Lessings `Emilia Galotti'." Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift (1987), 37(4): 397, 398n15.
Stern, David. "Midrash and Indeterminacy." Critical Inquiry (Autumn 1988), 15(10: 135n3, 141.
_____."Moses-cide: Midrash and Contemporary Literary Criticism." Review of Susan A. Handelman's The Slayers of Moses: The Emergence of Rabbinic Interpretation in Modern Literary Theory. Prooftexts (May 1984), 4(2): 201-202.
Stevenson, Warren. "Cosmic Irony in Wordsworth's `A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal'." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1976), 7(2): 93, 94n2.
Stewart, Garrett. " Lamia and the Language of Metamorphosis." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1976), 15(1): 15n11.
"The New Mortality of Bleak House." ELH (Fall 1978), 45(3): 444, 485n4, 486nn5-7.
Stillinger, Jack. "Emma Willard and Wordsworth's `Spots of Time'." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1990), 21(2): 72.
Stoddard, Eve Walsh. "`All Freaks of Nature': The Human Grotesque in Wordsworth's City." Philological Quarterly (Winter 1988), 67(1): 58n23.
_____."Flashes of the Invisible World: Reading The Prelude in the Context of the Kantian Sublime." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1985), 16(1): 36, 37n15.
Stone, Donald D. "Arnold, Nietzsche, and the `Revaluation of Values'." Nineteenth-Century Literature (December 1988), 43(3): 290n2.
_____."Meredith and Bakhtin: Polyphony and Bildung." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1988), 28(4): 7-7, 712n35.
Stone, Les. "Hartman, Geoffrey H." In Hal May and Susan M. Trosky, eds., Contemporary Authors, Volume 125, pp. 173-176. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, 1989. Also "Brief Entry" in < CITE>Contemporary Authors, Volume 117, p. 191. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, 1986.
Straus, Nina Pelikan. "Erasing History and Deconstructing the Text: Milan Kundera's The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction (Winter 1987), 28(2): 77, 78, 85n12.
_____."The Exclusion of the Intended from Secret Sharing in Conrad's Heart of Darkness."
Novel (Winter 1987), 20(2): 126, 136.
Strickland, Edward. "Approaching `A Vision'." Victorian Poetry (Autumn 1984), 22(3): 244.
_____."Metamorphoses of the Muse in Romantic Poesis: Christabel." ELH (Winter 1977), 44(4): 642, 645, 655n6, 656n19.
Strier, Richard. "Shakespeare and the Question of Theory." Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Patricia Parker, eds., Shakespeare and the Question of Theory. Modern Philology (August 19 88), 86(1): 56-76.
Stuart, Colin Christopher and John Scoggan. "The Orientation of the Parasols: Saussure, Derrida, and Spicer." Boundary 2 (Fall 1977), 6(1): 191, 197, 251n3, 252n13.
Stubbs, Andrew. "The Politics of Art: Eli Mandel's `Journals'." Canadian Literature (Autumn-Winter 1989) 122123: 24-25n14.
Stull, William L. "Is There a Text in This Book?" Review of Steven Mailloux' Interpretive Conventions. University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1982), 14(3): 130, 131n6.
Sturrock, J. "Wordsworth's `Phantom of Delight' and the Development of the Imagination." Colby Library Quarterly (December 1978), 14(4): 220.
Subotnik, Rose Rosengard. "The Role of Ideology in the Study of Western Music." Journal of Musicology (Winter 1983), 2(1): 8n4.
Suleiman, Susan Rubin. "Introduction: Varieties of Audience- Oriented Criticism." In Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Crosman, eds., The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation, pp. 1980.
_____."What Can Structuralism Do for Us?" In Paul Hernadi, ed., What Is Criticism?, pp. 77, 82n18. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.
Sullivan, Alvin. " The Memoirs of a Survivor: Lessing's Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1980), 26(1): 160.
Summers, Claude J. "Herrick's Political Counterplots." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Winter 1985), 25(1): 167n6.
_____."`Or one could weep because another wept': The Counterplot of Auden's `The Shield of Achilles'." JEGP (April 1984), 83(2): 215n3.
Sundquist, Eric J. " In Country Heaven: Dylan Thomas and Rilke." Comparative Literature (Winter 1979), 31(1): 69.
Swaab, Peter. "Vanishings." Review of Geoffrey Harman's The Unremarkable Wordsworth. London Review of Books (April 20, 1980), 11(8): 18-19.
Swaim, Kathleen M. "The Mimesis of Accomodation in Book 3 of Paradise Lost." Philological Quarterly (Fall 1984), 63(4): 463, 474n7.
Swan, Jim. "At Play in the Garden of Ambivalence: Andrew Marvell and the Green World." Criticism (Fall 1975), 17(4): 299.
Swann, Karen. "Public Transport: Adventuring on Wordsworth's Salisbury Plain." ELH (Winter 1988), 55(4): 832n13.
"Suffering and Sensation in The Ruined Cottage." PMLA (January 1991), 106(1): 87, 95.
Swingle, L.J. Review of James Engell's The Creative Imagination: Enlightenment to Romanticism. Modern Language Quarterly (March 1982), 43(1): 96.
"Romantic Unity and English Romantic Poetry." JEGP (July 1975), 74(3): 361n1.
_____."Wordsworth's Contrarieties: A Prelude to Wordsworthian Complexity." ELH (Summer 1977), 44(2): 339, 353n5, 354n15.
Taylor, Anya. "The Occult and Romanticism."
_____."Superhuman Silence: Language in Hyperion." Studies in English Literature 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1979), 19(4): 680-681n6.
Taylor, Benjamin. "Refusing to Refuse Perplexity: Keats and the Tragic." New England Review (1980), 2(3): 437.
Taylor, William R. "Repossessing America." Review of Library of America editions of Francis Parkman's France and England in North America. New York Review of Books (October 13, 1983 ), 30(15): 36.
Teets, Bruce E. "Ruminations on Joseph Conrad and Post- Structuralism: A Common Ground." Conradian (Winter 1983), 8(1): 10-21.
Teich, Nathaniel. "Marxist Dialectics in Content, Form, Point of View: Structures in Jack London's The Iron Heel." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1976), 22(1): 86.
_____."Myth into Film: Pasolini's Medea and its Dramatic Heritage." Western Humanities Review (Winter 1976), 30(1): 62.
_____."The Ode in English Literary History: Transformations from the Mid-Eighteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century." Papers on Language & Literature (Winter 1985), 21(1): 94.
Teunissen, John J. and Evelyn J. Hinz. "What is the Nymph Complaining for?" ELH (Fall 1978), 45(3): 427nn3, 4.
Thomas, Gilbert. Review of Geoffrey Hartman, ed., New Perspectives on Coleridge and Wordsworth. English (Autumn 1973), 22(114): 118-119.
Thomas, M. Wynn. "Whitman's Achievement in the Personal Style in Calamus." Walt Whitman Quarterly (December 1983), 1(30): 46n11.
Thomason, T. Katharine. "The Stoic Ground of Marvell's 'Garden'." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Summer 1982), 24(2): 238n2.
Thomassen, Don Roy. "Two Comments on `Smooth Things: The Rockefeller Commission's Report on the Humanities'." College English (March 1982), 44(3): 321.
Thomson, Douglass H. "Rhetoric Meets Philosophy: The Place of Description in Literary Criticism."
Philosophy and Rhetoric (1988), 21(2): 102n23.
_____."`Sport of Transmutations': The Evolution of Wordsworth's `To Lycoris'."
Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Autumn 1987), 27(4): 593n8.
"Wordsworth's Lucy of `Nutting'." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1979), 18(2): 296.
Thurston, Norman. "Author, Narrator, and Hero in Shelley's Alastor." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1975), 14(2): 124n15.
Tiefenbrun, Susan W. "The State of Literary Semiotics: 1983." Semiotica (1984), 51(1-3): 30, 36.
Timko, Michael. "The Victorianism of Victorian Literature." New Literary History (Spring 1975), 6(3): 613-614.
Todorov, Tzvetan. "NB." TLS [The Times Literary Suppliment] (June 17-23, 1988), 4446: 684.
On the Heidegger/de Man debates.
Toker, Leona. "Ted Hughes's `Thrushes' and the Devils of Hieronymus Bosch." Hebrew University Studies in Literature and the Arts (Autumn 1987), 15: 163.
Toles, George E. "Mark Twain and Pudd'nhead Wilson: A House Divided." Novel (Fall 1982), 16(1): 59n6.
Tomlinson, Peter. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Beyond Formalism. Essays in Criticism (April 1972), 22(2): 206-215.
Touponce, William F. "The Existential Fabulous: A Reading of Ray Bradbury's `The Golden Apples of the Sun'." Mosaic (Canada) (1980), 13(3-4): 204, 217n6.
Townsend, Francis G. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's The Unmediated Vision. JEGP (January 1956), 55(1): 166168.
Trombetta, James. "Versions of Dying in Measure for Measure." English Literary Renaissance (Winter 1976), 6(1): 63, 64.
Truchlar, Leo. "`Critifiction' und `Pla(y)giarism': Zum Literaturentwurf Raymond Federmans." Poetica (1983), 15(3-4): 337n21.
Tucker, Herbert F., Jr. "Gravity and Milton's Moral Physics." Milton Quarterly (October 1978), 12(3): 96, 98, 100nn3, 8.
Turner, J.F. "A Stride into Another Region: Wordsworth's `Salisbury Plain' (Ms. i, 1793-4)." Durham University Journal (June 1987), 79(2): 257, 261.
Tyler, Luther. "Losing 'A Letter': The Contexts of Coleridge's 'Dejection'." ELH (Summer 1985), 52(2): 444n36.
Uhlig, Claus. "Conceptual Architecture in Nineteenth- Century Writing." Comparative Literature Studies (Fall 1986), 23(3): 233n89.
"Current Models and Theories of Literary Historiography." Arcadia (1987), 22(1): 11n62.
_____."Forms of Time and Varieties of Change in Literary Texts." Comparative Literature (Fall 1985), 37(4): 294n19.
_____."Literature as Textual Palingenesis: On Some Principles of Literary History." New Literary History (Spring 1985), 16(3): 495, 510n79, 512n107.
Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Poetica (1982), 14(1-2): 178-185.
Ulmer, William A. "The Human Seasons: Arnold, Keats, and `The Scholar-Gipsy'." Victorian Poetry (Autumn 1984), 22(3): 250-251.
_____."Some Hidden Want: Aspiration in `To a Sky-Lark'." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1984), 23(2): 245.
"`Thyrsis' and the Consolation of Natural Magic." Arnoldian (Fall 1984), 12(1): 43n6.
Ungar, Steven. "Maurice Blanchot: A Bibliographical Checklist." Sub-Stance (1976), 14: 155.
_____."Night Moves: Spatial Perception and the Place of Blanchot's Early Fiction." Yale French Studies 1979), 57: 131.
Roland Barthes: Professor of Desire, p. 139. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983.
Urnov, Dmitrii Mikhailovich. "V kriticheskom klimate." Voprosy Literatury (October 1982), 10: 129.
Valis, Noël M. "The Novel as Feminine Entrapment: Valle- Inclán's Sonata de otoño." MLN (March 1989), 104(2): 362n22.
Van Boheemen-Saaf, C. "Contemporary American Literary Criticism: A Reconnaisance of its Continental Connections." Neophilologus (January 1980), 64(1): 4, 12, 13, 14, 16nn10, 11, 12, 1 7.
Van Den Berg, Sara. "Evil, Sin, and Witchcraft in Paradise Lost." Modern Language Quarterly (December 1986), 47(4): 352n11.
"A Jonsonian Crux: The Identity of `Elizabeth, L.H.'" Studies in Philology (Winter 1981), 78(1): 45.
Van De Veire, Heidi. "The Ordering of Vision in Collins's 'Ode on the Poetical Character'." Essays in Literature (Fall 1988), 15(2): 174nn3, 5.
Vechini, Hugo Rodríguez. "Presentación de Geoffrey H. Hartman." In Lisa Block de Behar, ed., Diseminario: La Desconstruccion otro descubrimiento de America, pp. 227-232. Montevideo, Uruguay: XYZ Editores, 1987.
Vendler, Helen "Critical Models." Review of Geoffrey Hartman, Criticism in the Wilderness. New Yorker (May 3, 1982), 58(11): 158,161,162- 164.Reprinted as "Critical Models: On Geoffrey Hartm an" in her The Music of What Happens: Poems, Poets, Critics, pp. 42- 48. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988.
_____. Review of Paul H. Fry's The Poet's Calling in the English Ode. Modern Language Quarterly (march 1981), 42(1): 87-88.
Virtanen, R. "The Specter of Solipsism in Western Literature." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (1986), 19(1): 59-76.
Vlasopolos, Anca. "Shelley's Triumph of Death in Virginia Woolf's Voyage Out." Modern Language Quarterly (June 1986), 47(2): 133n8.
Vogler, Thomas A. Review of Cary Nelson's The Incarnate Word: Literature as Verbal Space. Blake Newsletter (Spring 1975), 8(4) [32]: 110.
Von Staden, Heinrich. "Nietzsche and Marx on Greek Art and Literature: Case Studies in Reception." Daedalus (Winter 1976), 105(1): 96n41.
Wade, Gerald E. "The `Commedia's' Plurality of Worlds: Some Observations." Hispania (September 1982), 65(3): 343n1,344n12,345n17.
Waldoff, Leon. "The Quest for Father and Identity in `The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'." Psychoanalytic Review (Fall 1971), 58(3): 453n17.
. "Romantic Recognitions." American Imago (Fall-Winter 1990), 47(3-4): 362n6,363.
Walker, Eric C. "Wordsworth as Prose Biographer." JEGP (July 1990), 89(3): 331n3.
_____. "Wordsworth's `Haunted Tree and `Yew-Trees' Criticism." Philological Quarterly (Winter 1988), 67(1): 63,64,66,80nn3,4,5,9.
Walker, Jeanne Murray. "Science Fiction: A Commentary on Itself as Lies." Modern Language Studies (Fall 1978), 8(3): 36n3.
Waller, Gary F. "Author, Text, Reading, Ideology: Toward a Revisionist Literary History of the Renaissance." Dalhousie Review (Autumn 1981), 61(3): 407,408,417,424nn7,11,425n34.
Walling, William. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787-1814. Commonweal (January 22, 1965), 81(17): 549-550.
Walsh, Marcus. "The Uses of Literary Evidence: Christopher Smart's `Knowledge' of Hebrew." English Studies (August 1990), 71(4): 353,354.
Ward, Patricia A. "`Tristesse d'Olympio' and the Romantic Nature Experience." Nineteenth-Century French Studies (Fall-Winter 1978-79), 7(1-2): 6.
Warminski, Andrzej. "Facing Language: Wordsworth's First Poetic Spirits." Diacritics (Winter 1987), 17(4): 18,20,21,31.
_____. "Facing Language: Wordsworth's First Poetic Spirits." In Kenneth R. Johnston, Gilbert Chaitin, Karen Hanson and Herbert Marks, eds., Romantic Revolutions, pp. 28- 29,30. Bloomington & Indianapolis: India na University Press, 1990.
_____. "Missed Crossing: Wordsworth's Apocalypses." MLN (December 1984), 99(5): 984,991,1103-1104.
Warrick, Patricia. "The Circuitous Journey of Consciousness in Barth's Chimera." Critique (1976), 18(2): 85n4.
Waters,Lindsay."Introduction"toPauldeMan'sCritical Writings,1953- 1978,pp.xi,li,liii,liv,lxvin7.,lxxiin94.TheoryandHistoryofLiter ature,66.EditedbyLindsayWaters.Minneapolis:UniversityofMinnesotaP ress,1989.
Watkins,Evan.TheCriticalAct:CriticismandCommun ity,p.97.NewHavenandLondon;YaleUniversityPress,1978.
Watson, J.R. "Lucy and the Earth-Mother." Essays in Criticism (July 1977), 27(3): 193,196,202n10.
_____. Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth's Poetry 1787-1814. Review of English Studies (February 1966), 17(65): 94-97.
Watts, Ann Chalmers. "Pearl, Inexpressibility, and Poems of Human Loss." PMLA (January 1984), 99(1): 38n6,39.
Waugh, Joanne B. "Analytic Aesthetics and Feminist Aesthetics: Neither/Nor?" Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Fall 1990), 48(4): 326n23.
Webster, Grant. "American Literary Criticism: A Bibliographical Essay." American Studies International (Autumn 1981), 20(1): 31-32,37.
_____. The Republic of Letters: A History of Postwar American Literary Opinion, pp.3, 8, 35, 91, 201, 204, 223, 293n2. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.
Webster, Sarah McKim. "Circumpspriction and the Female in the Early Romantics." Philological Quarterly (Winter 1982), 61(1): 58,59-60,69nn12,13,14,17,19.
Weele, Michael Vander. "History, Irony and the Heavenly Phoenix of Interpretation." Religion & Literature (Spring 1985), 17(1): 25-45.
Weimann, Robert. "Mimesis und die Bürde der Repräsentation. Der Poststrukturalismus und das Produktionsproblem in fiktiven Texten." Weimarer Beiträge (1985), 31(7): 1094n3.
Weinsheimer, Joel. "Writing about Literature, and Through It." Boundary 2 (Spring 1982), 10(3): 74,90n6.
Weisberg, Richard H. "Entering with a Vengeance: Posner on Law and Literature." Stanford Law Review (July 1989), 41(6): 1606n36.
Wellbery, Caroline. "From Mirrors to Images: The Transformation of Sentimental Paradigms in Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1986), 25(2): 237n8.
Wellek, René.TheAttackonLiteratureandOthe rEssays,pp.43,58,76,84,98-99,113- 114,166n53,168n25,169nn19,20.ChapelHill:UniversityofNorthCarolin aPress,1982.
_____. Concepts of Criticism, pp. 215, 220, 340, 363. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1963.
-----. "Criticism in the University." Partisan Review (1986), 53(4): 529-530.
_____. "The Fall of Literary History." In Reinhart Koselleck and Wolf-Dieter Stempel, eds., Geschichte- Ereignis und Erzählung, p. 438. Poetik und Hermeneutik. Munich: Fink, 1973.
_____.A History of Modern Criticism 1750- 1950, Volume 5: English Criticism, 1900- 1950, p. 17. New Haven and London:Yale University Press, 1986.< /p>
_____. A History of Modern Criticism 1750- 1950, Volume 6: American Criticism,1900- 1950, pp. 154, 295. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1986.
-----. "The New Criticism: Pro and Contra." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1978), 4(4): 620-621.
Wendorf, Richard. "Collins's Elusive Nature." Modern Philology (February 1979), 76(3): 239.
Wenzel, Peter. "`Dekonstruktion, Danke!' Eine Stellungnahme zur Debatte um den amerikanischen Poststrukturalismus." Kodikas/Code Ars Semeiotica (1987), 10(3-4): 222n1,226n48.
_____. Review of Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Crosman, eds., The Reader in the Text. Poetica (1982), 14(12): 186n1.
Werner, Bette Charlene. "Romantic Lyrics in Landscape: Constable and Wordsworth." Comparative Literature (Spring 1984), 36(2): 120n35.
West, Cornel. "Ethics and Action in Fredric Jameson's Marxist Hermeneutics." In Jonathan Arac, ed., _____. "Fredric Jameson's Marxist Hermeneutics." Boundary 2 (Fall-Winter 1982-83), 11(1-2): 188,198nn19,20.
Whitaker, Thomas R. "Reading the Unreadable, Acting the Unactable." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1988), 27(3): 358,361,363-364.
White, Hayden. "The Absurdist Moment in Contemporary Literary Theory." Contemporary Literature (Summer 1976), 17(3): 378n1, 385-386. Reprinted in Murray Krieger and L.S. Dembo, eds., Directions f or Criticism: Structuralism and Its Alternatives, pp. 85n1, 92- 93. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1977. Also reprinted in Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism, pp. 94, 267- 268. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1978.
_____. "A Critical Garden." Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness. Partisan Review (1981), 48(4): 646-649.
_____. "The Limits of Relativism in the Arts." In Betty Jean Craige, ed., Relativism in the Arts, pp. 58, 73n12. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1983.
White, Hugh C. "The Value of Speech Act Theory for Old Testament Hermeneutics." Semeia (1988), 41: 59n3,61.
Wiener, David. "Wordsworth, Books, and the Growth of a Poet's Mind." JEGP (April 1975), 74(2): 209.
Wiesel, Elie. "An Interview with Elie Wiesel." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1987), 28(3): 293.
Wilcox, John C. "`Naked' versus `Pure' Poetry in Juan Ramón Jiménez, with Remarks on the Impact of W.B. Yeats." Hispania (December 1983), 66(4): 517,520n25.
Willbern, David. "Paranoia, Criticism, and Malvolio." University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1979), 11(1): 8,20n10.
Williams, Michael V. "Tolstoy's `The Death of Iván Ilych': After the Fall." Studies in Short Fiction (Summer 1984), 21(3): 229n3.
Wilmore, S.J. "Scepticism and Deconstruction." Man and World (October 1987), 20(4): 445,455n10.
Wilner, Joshua. "Romanticism and the Internalization of Scripture." In Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds., Wilson, Fred. "Wordsworth and the Culture of Science." Centennial Review (Fall 1989), 33(4): 390n25.
Wilson, Robert Rawdon. "In Palamedes' Shadow: Game and Play Concepts Today." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (June 1985), 12(2): 193.
_____. "Play, Transgression and Carnival: Bakhtin and Derrida on Scriptor Ludens." Mosaic (Winter 1986), 19(1): 82,88nn28,29.
_____. "This is Not a Meta-Review of Three Books on Metafiction. (But what Account should be given to a SelfReferential Title?) Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Compar&eacu te;e (June 1985), 12(2): 298.
Wilson, Rob. "Lexical Scapegoating: The Pure and Impure of American Poetry." Poetics Today (1987), 8(1): 44n1,63.
Wimsatt,W.K.Day of the Leopards: Essays in Defense of Poems, pp.4- 5, 43n10, 198n22. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1976.
_____. "Introduction." In W.K. Wimsatt, ed.,Wolf, Bryan J. "Washington Allston and the Aesthetics of Parody." Georgia Review (Summer 1980), 34(2): 356n20.
Wolfe, Cary. "Symbol Plural: The Later Long Poems of A.R. Ammons." Contemporary Literature (Spring 1989), 30(1): 79n3,86,93.
Wolfson, Susan J. "The Illusion of Mastery: Wordsworth's Revisions of `The Drowned Man of Esthwaite', 1799, 1805, 1850." PMLA (October 1984), 99(5): 933n10,934.
_____. "Keats's Isabella and the `Digressions' of `Romance'." Criticism (Summer 1985), 27(3): 259n8.
_____. "Questioning `The Romantic Ideology': Wordsworth." Revue Internationale de Philosophie (1990), 44(174): 439n3,443n4,446.
-----. "The Speaker as Questioner in Lyrical Ballads." JEGP (October 1978), 77(4): 557n7,558n9.
Wollaeger, Mark A. "Apocryphal Narration: Milton, Raphael, and the Book of Tobit." Milton Studies (1986), 21: 153n3.
Woodman, Ross. "Milton's Satan in Wordsworth's `Vale of Soul-making'." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1984), 23(1): 12n7,28-30.
_____. "Shaman, Poet,and Failed Initiate: Reflections on Romanticism and Jungian Psychology."
Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1980), 19(1): 79n13.
_____. "Shelley's `Void Circumference': The Aesthetics of Nihilism." English Studies in Canada (September 1983), 9(3): 292-293n3.
_____. "Wordsworth's Crazed Bedouin: The Prelude and the Fate of Madness." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1988), 27(1): 21.
Wordsworth, Jonathan. "The Dark Interpreters: Wordsworth and De Quincey." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1986), 17(2): 46,50n14.
Wright, Elizabeth. "The New Psychoanalysis and Literary Criticism: A Reading of Hawthorne and Melville." Poetics Today (Spring 1982), 3(2): 89.
Wright, George T. "Eliot Written in a Country Churchyard: The Elegy and Four Quartets." ELH (Summer 1976), 43(2): 236,242n11.
Wright, Jay. "Love's Emblem Lost: LeRoi Jones's `Hymn for Lanie Poo'." Boundary 2 (Winter 1978), 6(2): 428,433n19.
Wyschogrod, Edith. Review of Geoffrey Hartman and Sanford Budick, eds. Midrash and Literature. Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Winter 1987), 55(4): 835-837.
Yarbrough, Stephen R.Deliberate Criticism: Toward a Postmodern Humanism, pp.17,59,187n6. Athens & London: University of Georgia Press, 1992.
Yarrow, Ralph. "Reading about Thinking about Reading." Journal of European Studies (December 1984), 14(4): 285-293.Review of Geoffrey Hartman's Criticism in the Wilderness, and other authors' works.
Yeager, Patricia S. "Honey-Mad Women: Charlotte Brontë's Bilingual Heroines." Browning Institute Studies (1986), 14: 34n5,35.
Yetman, Michael G. "Exorcising Shelley Out of Browning: Sordello and the Problem of Poetic Identity." Victorian Poetry (Summer 1975), 13(2): 88n14
Yip, Wai-Lim. "Aesthetic Consciousness and Landscape in Chinese and Anglo-American Poetry." Comparartive Literature Studies (June 1978), 15(2): 214,224,239nn5,8,240n15.
Young, Robert. "The Politics of 'The Politics of Literary Theory'." Oxford Literary Review (1988), 10(12): 157n23.
Zeitlin, Froma I. "The Closet of Masks: Role-Playing and Myth-Making in the Orestes of Euripides." Ramus (1980), 9(1): 57,73nn16,17.
Zhang, Longxi. "The Critical Legacy of Oscar Wilde." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Spring 1988), 30(1): 99,103nn44-47.