Eddie Yeghiayan
"The Fullness and Nothingness of Literature." Yale French Studies (Winter 1955-56), 16: 63-78. On Blanchot.
"The Taming of History: A Comparison of Poetry with Painting Based on Malraux's The Voices of Silence." Yale French Studies (Winter 1957), 18: 114-128.
"Milton's Counterplot." ELH (March 1958), 25(1): 1-12.
Reprinted in Arthur Barker, ed., Milton: Modern Essays in Criticism, pp. 386-397. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965.
Reprinted in Louis L. Martz, ed., Milton: A Collection of Critical Essays, pp. 100-108. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966.
Reprinted in Critical Essays on Milton from ELH, pp. 151-162. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkibs Press, 1969.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp., 113- 123.
Reprinted in Harold Bloom, ed., John Milton, pp. 117-126. Modern Critical Views. New Haven and Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1986.
"Camus and Malraux: The Common Ground." Yale French Studies (Spring 1960), 25: 104-110.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 85-92.
Notes to "Marianne Moore reads from her own works sound recording." (Yale series of recorded poets) Carillon Records, 1961. Carillon: YP 312 2 s.: 33 1/3 rpm, microgroove; 12 in. New York: Decca, 1
965. 1 sound disc (38 min.): analog 33 1/3 rpm, mono; 12 in. Decca Records: Decca DL9135. Critical notes by Geoffrey Hartman on slipcase.
"Six Women Poets" in Easy Pieces, pp. 108-110.
"Virginia's Web." Chicago Review (Spring 1961), 14(4): 20-32.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 71-84.
"Methods and the Man." Poetry (August 1961), 98: 332-336. Verse.
"Romanticism and `Anti-Self- Consciousness'." Centennial Review (Autumn 1962), 6(4): 553-565.
Reprinted in a revised and expanded form in Harold Bloom, ed., Romanticism and Consciousness: Essays in Criticism, pp. 46-56. New York: Norton, 1970.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 298-310.
Reprinted in Robert F. Gleckner and Gerald E. Enscoe, eds., Romanticism: Points of View, pp. 287-297. 2d ed. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1975.
"Maurice Blanchot: Philosopher-Novelist." Chicago Review (Autumn 1961), 15(2): 1-18. See "Maurice Blanchot" in John Cruickshank, ed., The Novelist as Philosopher, pp. 147-165. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 93-110.
"Wordsworth's Descriptive Sketches and the Growth of the Poet's Mind." PMLA (December 1961), 76(5): 519-527.
"A Poet's Progress: Wordsworth and the Via Naturaliter Negativa." Modern Philology (February 1962), 59(3): 214-224.
Reprinted in Jonathan Wordsworth, M.H. Abrams, and Stephen Gill, eds., William Wordsworth, The Prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850: Authoritative Texts, Context and Reception, Recent Critical Essays, pp. 598-613. A Norton Critical Edition. New York: Norton, 1979.
"A Short History Of." Chicago Review (Summer- Autumn 1962), 15(4): 122-123. Verse.
" Tanges Tamen Aethra You Will Touch the Upper Air Nevertheless." Chicago Review (Summer- Autumn 1962), 15(4): 124. Verse.
"Who Gives Food to All Flesh..." Chicago Review (Summer- Autumn 1962), 15(4): 125. Verse.
"The Journey." Chicago Review (Summer- Autumn 1962), 15(4): 126. Verse.
"Aubade." Chicago Review (Summer- Autumn 1962), 15(4): 126. Verse.
"The Heroics of Realism." Yale Review (Autumn 1963), 53(1): 26-35.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 61-70.
"Wordsworth, The Borderers, and `Intellectual Murder'." JEGP (October 1963), 62(4): 761-768.
"Marvell, St. Paul, and the Body of Hope." ELH (June 1964), 31(2): 175-194.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 151-172.
"Beyond Formalism." MLN (December 1966), 81(5): 542-556.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 42-57.
Reprinted in Gregory T. Polletta, ed., Issues in Contemporary Literary Criticism, pp. 161-172, 183-184. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973.
Reprinted in Richard Macksey, ed., Velocities of Change: Critical Essays from MLN, pp. 103117. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.
"Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century." Studies in English Literature, 1500- 1900 (Autumn 1966), 6(4): 753-782.
"Structuralism: The Anglo-American Adventure." Yale French Studies (1966), 36-37: 148-168. Special issue on "Structuralism."
See "Structuralism: The Anglo-American Adventure" in Beyond Formalism, pp. 3-23.
Reprinted in Jacques Ehrmann, ed., Structuralism, pp. 137-158. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1970.
"False Themes and Gentle Minds."
Philological Quarterly (January 1968),
47(1): 55-68.
This paper was one of a series on the
topic "The Revival of Romance' read in the general session of the
Midwest Modern Language Association, November 3, 1967.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 283-297.
"`The Nymph Complaining for the Death of Her Fawn': A Brief Allegory." Essays in Criticism (April 1968), 18(2): 113-135.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 173-192.
"Instructions To A Movie-Maker (After Seeing Ulysses and Hearing Lady Dartmouth)." New Republic (December 21, 1968), 159(25-26) [2818]: 38-39. Verse.
"Adam on the Grass with Balsamum." ELH (March 1969), 36(1):168-192.
Reprinted in William Zunder, ed., Paradise Lost, pp. 145-159. New York: St. Martin's, 1999.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 124-150.
"The Voice of the Shuttle: Language from the Point of
of Literature." Review of Metaphysics (December 1969), 23(2) [90]: 240-258.
This paper is based on a lecture
delivered at Haverford College, May 1969.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 337-355.
Translated by Jacques Carré into French as "La Voix de la navette, ou le langage considéré du point de vue de la littérature." Poétique (1976), 28: 398-412.
"Wordsworth." Yale Review (Summer 1969), 58(4): 507-525.
"Sicilian Sketch." New Republic (November 29, 1969), 161(22) [2866]: 33. Verse.
"Reflections on Romanticism in France." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1970), 9(4): 233-248.
Reprinted in David Thorburn and Geoffrey Hartman, eds., Romanticism: Vistas, Instances, Continuities, pp. 38-61. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1973.
"Toward Literary History." Daedalus (Spring 1970), 99(2): 355-383.
Reprinted in Beyond Formalism, pp. 356-386.
Reprinted in Morton W. Bloomfield, ed., In Search of Literary Theory, pp. 195-235. Studies in the Humanities. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1972.
Reprinted in Gregory T. Polletta, ed., Issues in Contemporary Literary Criticism, pp.753-775, 820-823. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973.
"History-Writing as Answerable Style." New Literary History (Autumn 1970), 2(1): 73-83.
Reprinted in The Fate of Reading, pp. 101-113.\
Reprinted in Ralph Cohen, ed., New Directions in Literary History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.
"Theories on the Theory of Romanticism." Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1971), 2(2): 51-56.
"Spring Offensive." Poetry (September 1972), 120(6): 330-331. Verse.
"Mariner's Song." Yale Review (Winter 1972), 61(2): 253. Verse.
"Sicilian Sketches." Poetry (February 1973), 121(5): 251-253. Verse.
"A Winter Afternoon in New Haven." Poetry (February 1973), 121(5): 253-254. Verse.
"Passage to Ithaca (1965)." Epoch (Winter 1973), 22(2): 202. Verse.
"The Interpreter: A Self-Analysis." New Literary History (Winter 1973), 4(2): 213-227.
Reprinted in Ralph Cohen, ed., New Directions in Literary History, pp. 95-105. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 1974.
Reprinted in The Fate of Reading, pp. 3-19.
"Spectral Symbolism and the Authorial Self: An Approach to
Keats's Hyperion."
Essays in Criticism (January 1974),
An earler version of this paper was
given as a Harry Camp lecture at Stanford University.
Reprinted in The Fate of Reading, pp. 57-73.
"The Aesthetics of Complicity." Georgia Review (Fall 1974), 28(3): 384-388.
"Christopher Smart's Magnificat: Toward a Theory of Representation." ELH (Fall 1974), 41(3): 429-454.
Reprinted in The Fate of Reading, pp. 74-98.
Reprinted in Ronald Paulson and Arnold Stein, eds., E.L.H. Essays for Earl R. Wasserman, pp. 139-164. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976.
"To Maia." Georgia Review (Winter 1974), 28(4): 640. Verse.
"The Middle of the Garden." Georgia Review (Winter 1974), 28(4): 640-641. Verse.
"The Use and Abuse of Structural Analysis: Riffaterre's Interpretation of Wordsworth 'Yew-Trees'." New Literary History (Autumn 1975), 7(1): 165-189.
Response to Michael Riffaterre's "Interpretation and Descriptive Poetry: A Reading of Wordsworth's `Yew-Trees'." New Literary History (Winter 1973), 4(2): 229-256.
"The Garden." Poetry (October 1975), 127(1): 33-34. Verse.
"Monsieur Texte: On Jacques Derrida, His Glas." Georgia Review (Winter 1975), 29(4): 759-797.
Reprinted in Saving the Text, pp. 1-32.
Reprinted under the heading "Jacques Derrida" in Sharon R. Gunton, ed., Contemporary Literary Criticism, Volume 24, pp. 153-155. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, 1983.
"Wordsworth and Goethe in Literary History." New Literary History (Winter 1975), 6(2): 393-413.
"Monsieur Texte II: Epiphony in Echoland." Georgia Review (Spring 1976), 30(1): 168-204.
"Crossing Over: Literary Commentary as Literature." Comparative Literature (Summer 1976), 28(3): 257276.
"Introduction" to Maurice Blanchot, "Arret de mort: Death Sentence." (Translated by Lydia Davis) Georgia Review (1976), 30(2): 379-403.
"Humanistic Study and the Social Sciences."
College English (November 1976), 38(3):
Delivered at a Conference on Humanities
and the Social Sciences, sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute in New York,
January 31, 1975.
"Literary Criticism and Its Discontents."
Critical Inquiry (Winter 1976), 3(2):
See in "Works about Geoffrey
Hartman" below Wallace Martin's "Literary
Critics and Their Discontents: A Response to Geoffrey Hartman."
Reprinted in Saving the Text, pp. 33-66.
"Nerval's Peristyle." Nineteenth-Century French Studies (Fall-Winter 1976-77), 5(1-2): 71-78.
Excerpts reprinted under the heading "Gérard de Nerval" in Laurie Lanzen Harris, ed., NineteenthCentury Literature Criticism, Volume 1, pp. 487-488. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, 1981.
"The Malraux Mystery." New Republic (January 29, 1977), 176(5) [3238]: 27-30.
"The Concept of Character in D.H. Lawrence's First Play." Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Spring 1977), 10(1): 38-43.
"Between the Acts: Jeanne Moreau's Lumière." Georgia Review (Spring 1977), 31(1): 237-242.
Reprinted in Easy Pieces, pp. 8-12.
"Reading Criticism." (Letter) PMLA (March 1977), 92(2): 307-308.
Refers to Gary Nelson's "Reading Criticism." PMLA (October 1976), 91(5): 801-815.
"A Touching Compulsion: Wordsworth and the Problem of Literary Representation." Georgia Review (Summer 1977), 31(2): 345-361.
"The Recognition Scene of Criticism."
Critical Inquiry (Winter 1977), 4(2):
Reply to Wallace Martin's "Literary
Critics and Their Discontents: A Response to Geoffrey Hartman,"
in the same issue, pp. 397-406, which
commented on Hartman's "Literary Criticism and Its Discontents."
"Genius Loci." Poetry (December 1977), 131(3): 138-140. Verse.
"Blessing the Torrent: On Wordsworth's Later Style." PMLA (March 1978), 93(2): 196-204.
Excerpted in Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1981), 11: 386-387.
"Wordsworth's Later Style." [Letter]
PMLA (January 1979), 94(1):140-141.
Refers to Spencer Hall's "Wordsworth's
Later Style."
[Letter] PMLA (January 1979), 94(1):139-140, which commented on Hartman's "Blessing the Torrent: On Wordsworth's Later Style."
"Centaur: Remarks on the Psychology of the Critic." Salmagundi (Winter 1979), 43: 130-139.
"Hermeneutic Hesitation." Novel (Winter 1979), 12(2): 102-107.
"A Short History of Practical Criticism." New Literary History (Spring 1979), 10(3): 495-509.
"Communication, Language, and the Humanities." ADE Bulletin (Winter 1981), 70: 10-16.
"How Creative Should Literary Criticism Be?" New York Times Book Review (April 5, 1981): 11, 24-25.
"Representation Now." Annals of Scholarship (1981), 2: 4-15.
"Literature as a Profession II: The Creative Function of Criticism." Humanities (National Endowment for the Humanities publication) (December 1981), 2(6): 8-9.
"The Meaning and Demeaning of the Holocaust. Symposium." Moment (March-April 1981), 6: 32ff.
"Plenty of Nothing: Hitchcock's North by Northwest." Yale Review (Autumn 1981), 71(1): 13-27.
"Words," "A Voice," "Moon Shot." River Styx (1982), 11: 13-15. Verse.
"The Response to Terror: Introductory Notes." Human Rights Quarterly (1983), 5: 113-115.
"The Interpreter's Freud." Raritan (1984), 4(2): 12-28.
"Paul de Man's Proverbs of Hell." London Review of Books (March 15-April 4, 1984), 6(5): 8-10.
"The Culture of Criticism."
PMLA (May 1984), 99(3):371-397.
See Minor Prophecies, pp.
"`Timely Utterance' Once More." Genre (Spring-Summer 1984), 17(1-2): 37-49.
Reprinted in Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, eds., Rhetoric and Form: Deconstruction at Yale, pp. 37-49. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.
"The Dubious Charm of M. Truffaut." Partisan Review (1984-85), 51(4) & 52(1): 823-825.
"In Memoriam: Paul de Man."
Yale French Studies (1985), 69:6-8.
Preceded by the note: "The Following
Tributes Were Offered at
the Memorial Service for Paul de Man Held at the Yale University Art Gallery
on January 18, 1984."
"Meaning, Error, Text." Yale French Studies (1985), 69:145-149.
Reprinted in Peter Brooks, Shoshana Felman and J. Hillis Miller,
eds., The Lesson of Paul de Man, pp.
145-149. New Haven: Yale University Press,
See alsoMinor
Prophecies, pp. 149-154.
"Preserving the Personal Story: The Role of Video Documentation." Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies (1985), 1: 11-14.
"The Advanced Study of Literature: Elementary Considerations." ADE Bulletin (Spring 1985), 80:11-14.
See "Advanced Literary Studies" in Minor Prophecies, pp.
"The Age of the Ghostwriter."
Harper's Magazine (September 1985), 271(1624):
Excerpt from Easy
"On the Jewish Imagination." Prooftexts (September 1985), 5(3): 201-220.
Reprinted as "Imagination" in Arthur A. Cohen and Paul Mendes-Flohr, eds., Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought: Original Essays on Critical Concepts, Movements, and Beliefs, pp. 451-472. New York: Scribner, 1987.
"The Eight Day." Orim: A Jewish Journal at Yale (Autumn 1985), 1: 34. Verse.
"Reflections on a Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies." University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1986), 18(2-3): 36-40.
"Reading: In Memory of Paul Celan." University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1986), 18(2-3): 63. Verse. Part of "In the Shadow: Three Poems."
"A Vision of Judgement." University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1986), 18(2-3): 63-64. Verse. Part of "In the Shadow: Three Poems."
"New Year." University of Hartford Studies in Literature (1986), 18(2-3): 64-65. Verse. Part of "In the Shadow: Three Poems."
"The War Against Memory." Orim (Spring 1986), 1(2): 27-33.
"Theory and Critical Style: From Common to Uncommon Reader."
Revue Internationale de Philosophie (1987),
41(162-163): 398-413.
This essay was first given as a lecture
at the University of California at Berkeley on the Beckmann Professorship.
See "From Common to Uncommon Reader" in
Minor Prophecies, pp. 74-89.
"Two Poems: Martin Buber." Orim (Spring 1987), 7), 2(2). Translation and annotation.
"Judaic Studies as the Third Pillar." Congress Monthly (May-June 1987): 7-9.
"History and Judgment: The Case of Paul de Man."
History and Memory (1988), 1:55-84.
See "Judging Paul de Man" in
Minor Prophecies, pp. 123-148.
"Blindness and Insight: Paul de Man, Fascism, and Deconstruction." New Republic (March 7, 1988), 198(10): 26-31.
"Religious Literacy." Conservative Judaism (Summer 1988), 40(4): 26-34.
"The Influence of Anxiety."
Village Voice (September 13, 1988), 33(37),
VLS [Village Voice Supplement] (October 1988), 68:S14-S15.
A section of VLS entitled
"Where Do We Go From Here? 17 Critics Read Between the Lines."
"Criticism and Restitution." Tikkun (January-February 1989), 4(1): 29-32.
Reprinted in Michael Lerner, ed., Tikkun, pp. 188-192. Oakland, Calif.: Tikkun Books, 1992. See "The Philomela Project" in Minor Prophecies, pp. 164-175.
"The Longest Shadow." (In Memory of Dorothy de Rothschild) Yale Review (Spring 1989), 78(3):485-496.
Reprinted in David Rosenberg, ed., Testimony: Contemporary Writers Make the Holocaust Personal, pp. 425-439. New York: Times Books/Random House, 1989.
"Who is an Educated Jew?" Tel Aviv Review (Fall 1989/Winter 1990), 2: 17-188.
Delivered at the final conference of the President's Circle on Jewish Education, Jersualem, December 1987.
"The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies: Yale University." Social Education (February 1991), 55(2): 120. In Special Section: Teaching about Genocide.
"Response." Yale Journal of Criticism
(Spring 1992), 5(2):220-225.
Response to Alasdair MacIntyre's "What
Has Not
Happened in Moral Philosophy," pp. 193-199, and
Martha Nussbaum's "Emotions as Judgments of Value," pp.
201-212 in the same issue.
"Higher Education in the 1990s." New Literary History (Fall 1993), 24(4):721-743.
"Public Memory and Modern Experience." Yale Journal of Criticism (Fall 1993), 6(2):239-247.
"Sanctification." Western Humanities Review
(Winter 1993), 47(4):353-355.
"Is an Aesthetic Ethos Possible? Night Thoughts after Auschwitz." Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature (Fall-Winter 1994), 6(2):135-155.
"Curfew."Paris Review (Summer
1994), 131:153-154.
"Homecoming."Paris Review (Summer
1994), 131:155-157.
"Midrash As Law and Literature." Journal of Religion (July 1994), 74(3):338-355.
"Night Thoughts East."Paris Review (Summer
1994), 131:152-153.
"Public Memory and Its Discontents." Raritan (Spring 1994), 13(4):24-40.
Reprinted in Marshall Brown, ed., The Uses of Literary History, pp. 73-91. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995.
"Reading and Representation: Wordsworth's 'Boy of Winander'." European Romantic Review (Summer 1994), 5(1):90-100.
"Words."Paris Review (Summer
1994), 131:154-155.
"The Cinema Animal: On Spielberg's `Schindler's List'." Salmagundi (Spring-Summer 1995), 106:127-145.
"Learning from Survivors: The Yale Testimony Project." Holocaust & Genocide (Fall 1995), 9(2):192-207.
"Reading and Representation: Wordsworth's 'Boy of Winander'." Tikkun (November-December 1995), 10(6):54-55.
"On Traumatic Knowledge and Literary Studies." New Literary History (September 1995), 26(3):537-563.
"The Blind Side of the Akedah." Raritan (Summer 1996), 16(1):28-39.
"`Breaking with Every Star': On Literary Knowledge."
Comparative Criticism (1996),
This essay was given in January 1996 as
the first Peter Szondi Lecture.
"The Fate of Reading Once More." PMLA (May 1996), 111(3):383-389.
"The Reinvention of Hate." Yale Review (July 1996), 84(3):1-11.
"Shakespeare and the Ethical Question: Leo Lowenthal 'In Memoriam'." ELH (Spring 1996), 63(1):1-23.
"Three Poems." Jerusalem Review (1997/8), 2.
"Zeitalter der Zeugenschaft." Frankfurter Allgemeine (September 1998).
"Shoa and Intellectual Witness." Partisan Review (Winter 1998), 65(1):37-48.
Translated as "Der Intellektuelle Zeuge" in Menorah Jahrbuch 1998.
Retranslated as "Der Intellektuelle Zeuge" in Uli Bear, ed., Wer zeugt für den Zeuge. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2000.
"Benjamin in Hope." Critical
Inquiry (Winter 1999), 25(2):344-352.
"Survivor Testimony: Challenge and Limits." International Journal: Studies on the Audio-Visual Testimony of Victims of the Nazi Crimes and Genocides (1999), 3:169-173.
Aesthetizid..." Frankfurter Rundschau (November 27, 1999):ZB3.
"Aesthetic Sensibilities." Tikkun (January 2000), 15(1):55+.
"Memory.com: Tele-Suffering and Testimony in the Dot Com Era." Raritan (Winter 2000), 19(3): 1-18.
Reprinted in Barbie Zelizer, ed., Visual Culture and the Holocaust, pp. 111-127. Rutgers Depth of Field Series. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press; London: Athlone, 2001.
"Holocaust Videography, Oral History, and Education." Tikkun (May 2001), 16(3):51-53.
"How to Recapture Selective Memories." Partisan Review (Winter 2001), 68(1):91-93.