Reviews of Paul de Man's WARTIME JOURNALISM, 1939-1943 (1988)

Compiled by

Eddie Yeghiayan

Asher, Kenneth. "The Moral Blindness of Paul de Man." Telos (Winter1989), 82:197-205.
Donoghue, Denis. "The Strange Case of Paul de Man." New York Review of Books (June 29, 1989), 36(11):32-37.
Eagleton, Terry. "The Emptying of a Former Self." TLS [Times Literary Supplement], (May 26-June 1, 1989), 4495:573-574.
Lisse, Michel. Textyles. Revue des Lettres Belges de Langue Française (November 1989), 6:228-229.
O'Hara, Daniel T. Journal of Modern Literature (Fall-Winter 1989), 16(2-3):329-330.
Roudiez, Leon S. "Searching for Achilles' Heel: Paul de Man's Disturbing Youth." World Literature Today (Summer 1989), 63(3):436-439.
Sternhell, Zeev. "The Making of a Propagandist." New Republic (March 6, 1989), 200(10):30-34.