Reviews of Paul de Man's RHETORIC OF ROMANTICISM (1984)

Compiled by

Eddie Yeghiayan

Choice (May 1985), 22:1324.
Frye, Northrop. "In the Earth, or in the Air?" TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (January 17, 1986), 4320:51-52.
Furst, Lilian R. JEGP (January 1986), 85(1):90-92.
Kamuf, Peggy. "Monumental De-facement." Comparative Literature (1986), 38(4):319-328.
Keach, W. Keats-Shelley Journal (1986), 35:213-218.
Library Journal (February 15, 1985):169.
Norris, Christopher. Southern Humanities Review (Winter 1986), 20(1):53-69.
O'Hara, Daniel T. Contemporary Literature (Summer 1986), 27(2):285-289.
Roe, N. Notes & Queries (March 1987), 34(1):115-116.
Shae, Michael. MLN (December 1993), 108(5):935-944.
Simkins, Scott. Literary Review (1986), 29(3):392-395.
Simpson, David. South Atlantic Quarterly (Spring 1986), 85(2):202-204.
Storey, M. English (Spring 1986), 35(151):67-73.
Ziolkowski, Theodore. Sewanee Review (Spring 1987):276.