Reviews of Paul de Man's BLINDNESS AND INSIGHT (1971, 1983)

Compiled by

Eddie Yeghiayan

Adams, Robert Martin. Hudson Review (Winter 1972), 24:687-696.
Alter, Robert. New Republic (April 25, 1983), 188(16):28.
Behler, Ernst. Arcadia (1987), 22(1):72-77.
Bjorklund, B. German Quarterly (Winter 1985), 58(1):100.
Book World (October 2, 1983), 13:13.
Choice (October 1980), 18:211.
College Literature (Fall 1982), 9:245.
Culler, Jonathan. Yale Review (Winter 1972), 61:259.
Frey, Hans-Jost. Arcadia (1974), 9(3):298.
Garber, Frederick. Comparative Literature (Summer 1974), 26:276.
Grotzer, Peter. Schweizer-Monatshefte für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur (1972-73), 52:601-611.
Hartman, Geoffrey. "Signs of the Times." American Scholar (Winter 1971-72), 41(1):146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158.
Kendrick, Walter. "Literary Criticism: The State of the Art." Thought (December 1984):509-520.
Latimer, Dan. Philosophy and Literature (October 1984), 8(2):312.
Machin, R. British Journal of Aesthetics (Autumn 1985), 25(4):407.
Norris, Christopher. "Beyond Textualism." London Review of Books (January 19-February 1, 1984), 6(1):16-18.
Poetics Today (1984), 5(1):214.
Scholz, B.F. Komparatistische Hefte (1985), 12:117-120.