"Georg Lukács's Theory of the Novel."
In Richard Macksey, ed., Velocities of Change:
Critical Essays
from 'MLN', pp. 207-214. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins
Press, 1974.
See "Georg Lukács's Theory of the Novel"
"Modern Poetics: French and German." In Alex
ed., Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and
Poetics, pp.
518-523. Enlarged edition. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1974.
Reprinted as "Modern Poetics in France and Germany"
in Critical Writings, 1953-1978 (1989), pp. 153-160.
"Nietzsche's Theory of Rhetoric."
(Spring 1974), 28(1):33-45. Notes on p.
"Discussion," pp. 45-51.
This issue is entitled "Nietzsche" and contains six of
the seven papers and a summary of four of the five panel
discussions presented during the colloquium "Nietzsche's Impact on
Western Thought, held at Syracuse University from November 2 to
November 4, 1972.
The respondents following de Man's paper were Peter Heller,
Robert Stacy and Robert Gates. Louis Roberts served as moderator. They
participate in a panel discussion with de Man. Also included are comments
made by
Walter Kaufmann.
Reprinted, without the panel discussion, as "Rhetoric
of Tropes (Nietzsche)" in Allegories of
Reading (1979),
pp. 103-118.
Review of Harold Bloom's The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory
of Poetry. Comparative Literature (Summer 1974),
Reprinted as "Appendix A: Review of Harold Bloom's Anxiety
of Influence" in Blindness and
Insight, 2d edition
(1983), pp. 267-276.