Eddie Yeghiayan
"Castration or Decapitation?" In Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, eds., Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. 2d ed., pp. 479491. New York & London: Longman, 1989.
"The `Double World' of Writing," "Listening to the Truth," "A Realm of Characters," "Writing as a Second Heart." In Susan Sellers, ed., Delighting the Heart: A Notebook by Women Writers
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"Foreword." In Clarice Lispector's The Stream of Life, pp. ix-xxxv. Emergent Literatures. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989. Translation by Verena Andermatt Conley.
"From the Scene of the Unconscious to the Scene of History."
In Ralph Cohen, ed., The Future of Literary Theory,
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"Interview with Hélène Cixous." Qui
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"Je suis plutôt un être de bord." La Quinzaine Littéraire (May 16-30, 1989), 532: 10.
"Le Sens de la Forêt." In Jean-Philippe de Tonnac, ed., Qui vive?: Autour de Julien Gracq, pp. 49-51. Paris: José Corti, 1989.
"Sorties: Out and Out:Attacks/Ways Out/Forays." In Catherine Belsey and Jane Moore, eds., The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary Criticism, pp.101-116. Cambridge, Mass. & Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Education; New York: Blackwell, 1989.
"Théâtre enfoui." Europe (October 1989), 67(726): 72-77.
"Writings on the Theater," and "Dedication to the
Ostrich." Qui Parle? [University of California,
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