Eddie Yeghiayan
"Arrive le chapitre-qui vient (Come the Following Chapter)." (Stan Theis, tr.) Enclitic (Fall 1980), 4(2): 45-58.
"Entretien avec Salim Jay sur Illa." Mots pour Mots (1980). Salim Jay interviews Hélène Cixous on Illa (1980).
"Extrait de Illa." Revue Nouvelle (November 1980), 72(11): 504. Excerpt from Illa (1980).
Illa: Fiction. Paris: Éditions des Femmes, 1980.
"The Laugh of the Medusa." In Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron, eds., New French Feminisms: An Anthology, pp. 245-264. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 198 0. See "The Laugh of the Medusa" (1976).
"Poetry Is/and (the) Political." Bread and Roses (1980), 2(1): 16-18. See "Poésie e(s)t Politique" (1979).
"Sorties." In Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron, eds., New French Feminisms: An Anthology, pp. 90-98. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1980. Translation by Ann Liddle of an excerpt from La Jeune nee (1975).
Weiblichkeit in der Schrift. Berlin: Merve, 1980. German translation by Eva Duffner.