Eddie Yeghiayan
Sagar, Aparajita.
"Introduction: Locating South Asia."
Modern Fiction Studies
(Spring 1993), 39(1):
5, 16.
Sahay, Amrohini.
"'Cybermaterialism' and the Invention
of the Cybercultural Everyday."
New Literary History
(Summer 1997), 28(3):544, 547-552, 562, 563nn9, 12,
Sailer, Susan Shaw.
"On the Redness of Salmon Bones: The
Communicative Potential of Conger Eels, and Standing Tails of Air:
Reading Postmodern Images."
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(July-September 1996),
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"Terrorizing Marie Antoinette."
(Translated by Jennifer Curtiss Gage)
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(Spring 1993), 20(3):388n18.
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"The Argentine Dissemination of Homosexuality,
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Salih, Sara. Judith Butler. Routledge Critical
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(Fall 1994), 24(3):
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Women's Concepts and Practices of Health in Everyday Life."
Social Science & Medicine
(January 1993), 36(1):13n27.
Sampson, Edward E.
"Establishing Embodiment in Psychology."
Theory & Psychology
(November 1996), 6(4):602, 606-607, 608, 613, 621.
Sampson, Edward E.
"Identity Politics: Challenges to Psychology's
American Psychologist
(December 1993), 48(12):
1223, 1228.
Samuels, Andrew.
"The Good-Enough Father of Whatever Sex."
Feminism & Psychology
(November 1995), 5(4):523, 529.
Samuels, David.
"'These are the Stories That the Dogs Tell':
Discourses of Identity and Difference in
Ethnography and Science Fiction."
Cultural Anthropology
(February 1996), 11(1):
98, 114. Sands, Kathleen M.
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(Fall 1996), 64(3):
508, 510, 521.
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"The Elusiveness of Identity in Social Work
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24(2):168, 184. Sarat, Austin.
"A Prophecy of Possibility:
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620, 628. Sarat, Austin.
"Speaking of Death: Narratives of Violence in
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(1993), 27(1):25, 56.
Sarat, Austin.
"Vengeance, Victims and the Identities of Law."
Social & Legal Studies
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Sasaki, Betty.
"Now You See Me, Now You Don't."
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278, 278n1, 281.
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"Of Fleshly Garments: Ascesis and Desire in the
Ethic of Psychoanalysis."
American Imago
(Winter 1992), 49(4):
445, 463n2, 464.
Savona, Janet Laillou.
Review of Sue-Ellen Case, ed.,
Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and
Theatre (1990).
Modern Drama
(December 1991),
Savoy, Eric.
"You Can't Go Homo Again: Queer Theory and
the Foreclosure of Gay Studies."
English Studies in Canada
(June 1994), 20(2):
136-137, 139, 141, 151.
Savoy, Eric.
"The Signifying Rabbit."
(May 1995), 3(2):
199-200, 207, 208.
Savran, David.
Taking It Like a Man: White Masculinity, Masochism,
and Contemporary American Culture,
pp. 8-9, 62, 185, 196, 205, 218, 225, 226,
230-231, 238, 321nn18, 20, 21, 322nn22, 23, 330n87, 345n79, 346n121,
348n152, 350nn37, 38, 351n47, 352nn62, 64, 65, 67, 76.
Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press,
Sawhney, Sabina.
"The Joke and the Hoax: (Not) Speaking
as the Other."
In Judith Roof and Robyn Wiegman, eds.,
Who Can Speak? Authority and Critical Identity,
p. 219n10.
Urbana &
University of Illinois Press,
Sawicki, Jana.
"Feminism, Foucault, and 'Subjects' of Power and
In Susan J. Hekman, ed.,
Feminist Interpretations of Michel
Foucault, pp.166-168.
Re-Reading the Canon.
University Park:
Pennsylvania State University Press,
Sawicki, Jana.
"Foucault, Feminismus und Identitätsfragen"
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie
(1994), 42(4):
617n20, 621-623, 627.
Sawicki, Jana.
"Foucault, Feminism and Questions of Identity."
In Gary Gutting, ed.,
The Cambridge Companion to Foucault,
pp.295, 299-302, 304-305, 312n19, 313nn28-30, 32-36, 47.
Cambridge & New York:
Cambridge University Press,
Sayrs, Elizabeth.
"Deconstructing McClary: Narrative, Feminine
Sexuality, and Feminism in Susan McClary's
Feminine Endings."
College Music Symposium
(1994), 33-34:
50, 52.
Schaefer, Eric.
"The Obscene Seen: Spectacle and Transgression
in Postwar Burlesque Films."
Cinema Journal
(Winter 1997), 36(2):
55, 56, 58, 62, 65n49, 66nn52, 58, 63.
Schaefer, Richard T.
"Placing the Los Angeles Riots in Their Social
and Historical Context."
Review of Robert Gooding-Williams, ed.,
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising
Journal of American Ethnic History
(Winter 1997), 16(2):
Schaeper, Thomas J.
"Recent Books and Dissertations on French History.
French Historical Studies
(1987), 15(2):
Schatzki, Theodore R.
"Wittgenstein: Mind, Body, and Society."
Journal for the Theory of Social
(September 1993), 23(3):
305-306, 312nn19, 20.
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"What is Performance Studies Anyway?" In
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The Ends of Performance,
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New York &
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Schehr, Lawrence R.
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Yale French Studies
(1996), 90:
Scheie, Timothy.
"Barthes' Lover as Spectator: Towards a Theater
Essays in Theatre/Études
(May 1992), 10(2):
184, 188.
Scheie, Timothy.
"Body Trouble: Corporeal 'Presence'
and Performative Identity in Cixous's and Mnouchkine's
L'Indiade ou l'Inde de leurs
Theatre Journal
(March, 1994), 46(1):
31-38, 40, 42.
Schiedermair, Joachim.
"Alla-var-nu-döda'--Die Rache des toten
Autors. Klas Östergren's Novel Fantomerna versus Julia Kristevas
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Schnell, Lisa.
"`So Great a Difference Is There in Degree':
Aemilia Langer and the Aims of Feminist Criticism."
Modern Language Quarterly
(March 1996), 57(1):
Schor, Naomi.
"Le féminisme et George Sand:
Lettres à Marcie.
Revue des Sciences Humaines
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Schraeger, Cynthia D.
"Both Sides of the Veil: Race, Science, and
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American Quarterly
(December 1996), 48(4):
559, 582n26.
Schraeger, Cynthia D.
"Questioning the Promise of Self-Help: A Reading
of Women Who Love Too Much."
Feminist Studies
(Spring 1993), 19(1):
185, 191n17.
Schrift, Alan D. "Foucault's
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and Beyond."
Philosophy Today
(Spring 1997), 41(1):
Schroeder, Jeanne L.
"Abduction from the Seraglio: Feminist Methodologies and the Logic of Imagination."
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Schulz, David.
"Redressing Oscar: Performance and the Trials of
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TDR: The Drama Review: A Journal of Performance
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55, 58.
Schulz, Vicki.
"Women 'Before' the Law: Judicial
Stories about Women, Work, and Sex Segregation on the Job."
In Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott, eds.,
Feminists Theorize the Political,
pp.297, 324n1.
New York &London:
Routledge, 1992.
Schwab, Gail.
Review of Nancy Fraser and Sandra Lee
Bartky, eds.,Revaluing French Feminism:
Critical Essays on Difference, Agency and Culture
(January-April 1997), 28(1-2):
Scott, Janny.
"Scholars Fear [Worry That] 'Star' System May
Undercut [Is Undermining] Their Mission."
New York Times
(December 20, 1997):
(National Edition)A13.
Scott, Joan Wallach.
"Confound Gender: Comment."
(Spring 1997), 22(3):
699, 700.
Scott, Joan Wallach.
"The Evidence of Experience."
Critical Inquiry
(Summer 1991), 17(4):
773n, 780n12, 785n23.
Seaboyer, Judith.
"Second Death in Venice: Romanticism and the
Compulsion to Repeat in Jeannette Winterson's
The Passion."
Contemporary Literature
(Fall 1997), 38(3):
497, 508.
Sears, David O.
"No Way to Delay, Trouble in LA."
Review of Robert Gooding-Williams, ed.,
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban
Contemporary Sociology (July
1994), 23(4):
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.
"Introduction: Queerer Than Fiction."
Studies in the Novel
(Fall 1996),
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.
Reading and Reparative Reading; or, You're So Paranoid, You Probably Think
This Introduction Is about You."
In Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, ed.,
Novel Gazing: Queer Readings in Fiction,
pp. 8, 10, 17, 27.
Series Q.
Durham, NC & London:
Duke University Press,
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.
"Queer Performativity: Henry James's
The Art of the Novel."
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
(1993), 1(1):
1-2, 15.
Segal, Lynne.
"Generations of Feminism."
Radical Philosophy
(May-June 1997), 83:
7, 13, 15nn7-10, 16n50.
Segal, Lynne.
"Hiding Out or Moving On? Feminism in
Radical Philosophy
(Fall 1994), 68:
Segal, Lynne.
Review of Maurice Berger, Brian Wallis
and Simon Watson, eds.,
Constructing Masculinity
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
(Summer 1997), 23(2):
Segal, Lynne.
Review of Rhoda Unger and Mary M.
Crawford's Women and Gender: A Feminist Psychology.
Feminism & Psychology
(May 1995), 5(2):243, 245.
Segal, Lynne.
Straight Sex: Rethinking the Politics of
pp. 190-193,
196, 208, 228, 254, 260, 343n54, 344n78, 345nn80-82, 86, 89, 90,
347nn128, 134, 353n53, 354n108.
University of California Press;
Seizer, Susan.
"Jokes, Gender, and Discursive Distance on the
Tamil Popular Stage."
American Ethnologist
(February 1997), 24(1):
63, 88.
Selden, Roman, Peter Widdowson and Peter Brooker.
A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary
Theory, 4thedition,
pp.215-216, 249-250, 257.
New York:
Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1997.
Selfe, Cynthia L. and Richard J. Selfe.
"The Politics of the Interface: Power and
Its Exercise in Electronic Contact Zones."
College Composition and Communication
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493, 502.
Sells, Laura and Stephen J. Jaros.
"Did We Come All That Way For This? A Critical
Review of Aune's Rhetoric and
Critical Studies in Mass Communication
(March 1996), 13(1):
87, 88.
Serlin, David Harley.
"Christine Jorgensen and the Cold War
Radical History
(Spring 1995), 62:
152, 164n33.
Sethuraman, Ramchandran.
"Evidence-cum-Witness: Subaltern History,
Violence, and the (De)Formation of Nation in Michelle Cliff's
No Telephone to Heaven."
Modern Fiction Studies
(Spring 1997), 43(1):
274, 284.
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Frankfurter Rundschau
(July 27, 1993), 49(171/30):
Shapiro, Michael J.
"Eighteenth Century Intimations of
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Political Geography
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501, 503. Sharpe, Andrew Neville.
"Anglo-Australian Judicial Approaches to
Transexuality: Discontinuities, Continuities and Wider Issues at
Social & Legal Studies
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25, 37, 48.
Sharrock, Cath.
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Doctrine ': Theories of Female Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century England."
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41-42, 47n9.
Sharrock, Cath.
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Shearer, Teri.
"Rebellons and Reprimands."
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Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine.
"Corporeal Archetypes and Power: Preliminary
Clarifications and Considerations of Sex."
In Donn Welton, ed.,
Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader,
pp. 149, 154-155.
Malden, Mass. & Oxford:
Blackwell, 1998.
Shelton, Jen. "Bad Girls: Gerty, Cissy, and the Erotics of Unruly
James Joyce Quarterly
(Fall 1996-Winter 1997), 34(1 & 2):
Shepherdson, Charles.
"A Loss For
Words: Literature and Method in The Order of
Literature and Psychology
(Winter 1994), 40(4):
16-17, 27n17.
Sheriff, Mary D.
"Woman? Hermaphrodite? History Painter? On
the Self-Imaging of Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun."
Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
(Spring 1994), 35(1):
14-16, 23-24, 26nn27-31, 27nn49-50.
Shevtsova, Maria.
Review of Andrew Parker and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, eds.,
Performativity and Performance
NYT: New Theatre Quarterly
(November1996), 12(48):
Shiach, Morag.
"'Gender' and Cultural Analysis."
(March 1994), 17(1):
34-35, 37nn18, 20, 23.
Shifrin, Steven H.
"Racist Speech, Outsider Jurisprudence, and the
Meaning of America."
Cornell Law Review
(November 1994), 80(1):
Shildrick, Margrit.
"Butler, Judith."
In Stuart Brown, Diane Collinson and Robert Wilkinson, eds.,
Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century
pp. 117-118.
London &
New York:Routledge, 1996.
Shimakawa, Karen.
"Who's to Say? Or, Making Space for Gender and
Ethnicity in M. Butterfly."
Theatre Journal
(October 1993), 45(3):
Shulman, Bonnie.
"What If We Change Our Axioms? A Feminist
Inquiry into the Foundations of Mathematics."
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science,
and Technology (Fall 1996), 4(3):
Shusterman, Richard.
"Dewey on Experience: Foundation or
Philosophical Forum
(Winter 1994), 26(2):
Shusterman, Richard.
Practicing Philosophy: Pragmatism and the
Philosophical Life,
p. 235n20.
London & New York:
Routledge, 1997. Sidlauskas, Susan.
"Contesting Femininity: Vuillard's Family
Art Bulletin
(March 1997), 79(1):
Siebers, Tobin.
"Ethics ad Nauseam." Review of
Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott, eds.,
Feminists Theorize the Political
American Literary History (Winter
1994), 6(4):
Siegel, Reva B.
"'The Rule of Love ': Wife Beating as
Prerogative and Privacy."
Yale Law Journal
(June 1996),
Sigal, Pete.
"The Politicization of
Pederasty Among the Colonial Yucatecan Maya."
Journal of the History of Sexuality
(July 1997), 8(1):
Sills, Chip.
Review of Judith Butler's
Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections
in Twentieth-Century France (1987).
Owl of Minerva
(Fall 1990), 22(1):
Silverman, Debra.
"Making a Spectacle:, or, Is There Female
Critical Matrix: The Princeton Journal of Women,
Gender, and Culture
(1993), 7(2):
69, 70-71, 72-73, 80, 87, 88nn3, 4.
Silverman, Kaja.
The Threshold of the Visible World,
pp. 230n11, 233n62, 247n20.
New York & London:
Silverstein. Mark.
"'My skin used to wrap me up': Staging the Body
in A Mouthful of Birds."
Essays in Theater/Études
(May 1997),
15(2):179, 180-182, 186, 189n2, 189.
Simon, Roger I.
"Face to Face with Alterity: Postmodern Jewish
Identity and the Eros of Pedagogy."
In Jane Gallop, ed.,
Pedagogy: The Question of Impersonation,
pp. 93, 103n5, 104n6, 105.
Theories of Contemporary Culture, 17.
Bloomington & Indianapolis:
Indiana University Press,
Simon, Sherry.
"Translation, Postcolonialism and Cultural
Meta (June
1997), 42(2):
Simons, Jon.
"Foucault's Mother."
In Susan J. Hekman, ed.,
Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault,
pp. 180-181, 197-199, 204, 206n9, 209n82-83, 85, 104.
Re-Reading the Canon.
University Park:
Pennsylvania State University Press,
Simons, Margaret A.
"Lesbian Connections: Simone de Beauvoir and
(Fall 1992), 18(1):
158-159, 161.
Simons, Patricia.
"Lesbian (In) Visibility in Italian
Renaissance Culture: Diana and Other Cases ofdonna con
Journal of Homosexuality
(April-May 1994), 27(1-2):
Simpson, David.
"Feminisms and Feminizations in the
In Margaret Ferguson and Jennifer Wicke, eds.,
Feminism and Postmodernism,
p. 58.
A Boundary 2 Book.
Durham, NC &
Duke University Press,
Sinfield, Alan.
and Hybridity, Queer Identities and the Ethnicity Model."
Textual Practice
(Summer 1996), 10(2):
282, 293n43.
Sivert, Ellen Boyd.
"Permeable Boundaries and the Mother-Function
in L'Asphyxie."
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
(Fall 1992), 11(2):
290, 306n4.
Skeats, Terry.
Review of Robert C. Solomon and
Kathleen Marie Higgins, eds.,
The Age of German Idealism
Library Journal
(September 1, 1993), 118(14):
Skolnick, Jerome.
"No Way to Delay, Trouble in LA."
Review of Robert Gooding-Williams, ed.,
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising(
Contemporary Sociology
(July 1994), 23(4):
Slater, David.
"Spatialities of Power and Postmodern
Ethics--Rethinking Geopolitical Encounters."
Environment and Planning D: Society &
Space (February 1997), 15(1):
61n9, 71.
Smejkalová-Strickland, Jirina.
"Censoring Canons: Transitions and Prospects of
Literary Institutions in Czechoslovakia."
In Richard Burt, ed.,
The Administration of Aesthetics: Censorship,
Political Criticism, and the Public Sphere,
pp. 203-204, 213nn15-17.
Cultural Politics, 7.
University of Minnesota Press,
Smejkalová-Strickland, Jirina.
"Potize s rodem: drobne poznamky k jedné
knize." [Gender Trouble: A Few Notes on One Book]
Review of Judith Butler's
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of
Identity (1990).
Filosoficky Casopis
(1992), 40(5):
Smejkalová-Strickland, Jirina.
"Revival? Gender Studies in the 'Other'
(Summer 1995), 20(4):
1003, 1006.
Smiley, Marion.
"Feminist Theory and
the Question of Identity."
Women & Politics
(Spring 1993), 13(2):
117-118, 121.
Smiley, Marion.
"Gender Justice without Foundations."
Review of Linda J. Nicholson, ed.,
Michigan Law Review
(May 1991),
Smith, Alan K.
"Fraudomy: Reading Sexuality and Politics in
Burchiello." In Jonathan Goldberg, ed.,
Queering the Renaissance,
pp. 99-100, 106n47.
Durham, NC & London:
Duke University Press,
Smith, Bonnie G.
"History and Genius: The Narcotic, Erotic, and
Baroque Life of Germaine de Staël."
French Historical Studies
(Fall 1996), 19(4):
1060n3, 1075n29.
Smith, Dinitia.
"When Ideas Get Lost in Bad Writing."
New York Times
(February 27, 1999):A19, A21.
Smith, Dorothy.
Textualität und Hegemonie."
Das Argument:
Zeitschrift für Philosophie
und Sozialwissenschaften
(July-October 1994), 36(4-5) [206]:
696, 712. Smith, Dorothy E.
Review of Cynthia Fuchs Epstein's
Deceptive Distinctions: Sex, Gender, and the
Social Order.
Feminism & Psychology
(October 1992), 2(3):
Smith, Dorothy E.
"Telling the Truth After Postmodernism."
Symbolic Interaction
(Fall 1996), 19(3):
176, 179-180, 181, 196n4, 197n19,
Smith, Martha Nell.
"Sexual Mobilities in Bruce Springsteen:
Performance as Commentary."South Atlantic
(Fall 1991), 90(4):
Smith, R.C.
Review of Judith Butler's
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of
(October 1990), 28(2):
Smith, Ruth C. and Paaige K. Turner.
"A Social Constructionist Reconfiguration of
Metaphor Analysis: An Application of 'SCMA' to Organizational
Socialization Theorizing."
Communication Monographs
(June 1995), 62(2):
174n1, 176.
Smith, Stephanie A.
"Morphing, Materialism, and the Marketing of
(Winter 1993), 18:
Smith, Todd D.
"Gay Male Pornography
and the East: Re-Orienting the Orient."
History of Photography
(Spring 1994), 18(1):
Smith, Valerie.
"Reading the Intersection of Race and
Gender in Narratives of Passing."
(Summer-Fall 1994), 24(2-3):
45, 46n5, 57.
Soestwohner, Bettina. "
Uprooting Antillean Identity: Maryse Condé's La Colonie du
Nouveau Monde."
Callaloo (Summer 1995),
704n4, 705.
Sofer, Andrew.
"Self-Consuming Artifacts: Power, Performance,
and the Body in Tennesse Williams'Suddenly Last
Modern Drama
(Fall 1995), 38(3):338, 347nn8-10.
Solomon, Alisa.
"Not Just a Passing
Fancy: Notes on Butch."
Theater [Yale School of Drama/Yale
Repertory Theater]
(Spring 1993), 24 (2):
39, 46.
Solterer, Helen.
"Figures of Female Militancy in Medieval
(Spring 1991), 16(3):
527n 19.
Somers, Margaret R.
"The Narrative Constitution of Identity: A
Relational and Network Approach."
Theory and Society
(October 1994), 23(5):
639n9, 640nn22, 25.
Sonza, Jorshinelle T.
"'Is There a Country in the Empire of Memory?'
Eric Gamalinda's Transgression of the Narrative Act."
Journal of Commonwealth Literature
(1997), 32(2):
97n14. Soper, Kate.
"Feminism and Ecology: Realism
and Rhetoric in the Discourses of Nature."
Science, Technology & Human
(Summer 1995), 20(3):
318, 329n6, 330.
Soper, Kate.
Review of Jeffner Allen and Iris Marion
The Thinking Muse: Feminism and Modern French
Philosophy (1989).
JBSP: The Journal of the British Society for
(October 1990), 21(3):
Soper, Kate.
Review of Judith Butler's
Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of &
(1993), Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's Outside the Teaching Machine and Anna
Yeatman's Postmodern Revisionings of the Political.
Feminist Review (Autumn 1995), 51:
Soud, Stephen E.
"Borges the Golem-Maker: Intimations
of 'Presence' in 'The Circular Ruins'."
(September 1995), 110(4):
741, 752n6.
Spahr, Juliana.
"Resignifying Autobiography: Lynn
Hejinian's My Life."
American Literature (March 1996),
68(1):144, 148, 153, 156n7, 157nn12, 13, 158n18, 159n32.
Sparke, M.
"Escaping the Herbarium: A Critique of Gunnar
Olsson' Chiasm of Thought and Action."
Environment and Planning D: Society &
(April 1994), 12(2):
215, 219, 220.
Sparke, M.
"Writing on Patriarchal Missles: The Chauvinism of
the 'Gulf War' and the Limits of Critique."
Environment & Planning A
(July 1994), 26(7):
1061, 1073, 1079, 1080, 1085.
Spear, Gary.
"Shakespeare's 'Manly' Parts: Masculinity and
Effeminacy in Troilus and Cressida."
Shakespeare Quarterly
(Winter 1993), 44(4):
Spellmeyer, Kurt.
"After Theory: From Textuality to Attunement
with the World."
College English
(December 1996), 58(8):
893, 912.
Sperberg-McQueen, M.R. "Gardening
Without Eve: The Role of the Feminine in Justus Lipsius's
De Constantiaand in Neo-Stoic Thought."
German Quarterly
(Fall 1995), 68(4):
398, 406.
Spigel, Lynn.
"Communicating With
the Dead: Elvis as Medium."
Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism and Film
Theory (May 1990), 23:195,
203n31, 204n36.
Spires, Robert C.
"Discursive Constructs and Spanish Fiction of the 1980s."
Journal of Narrative Technique
(Winter 1997), 27(1):139,
144-145n17, 145.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty.
"Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing
In Donna Landry and Gerald Maclean, eds.,
The Spivak Reader: The Selected
Works of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,
p. 233n9.
New York &
Routledge, 1996.
Spivey, Mark A.
"Feminist Scholarship: Implications for
Information Management and Research."
Journal of Academic Librarianship
(May 1995), 21(3):
160, 165n24.
Squier, Susan M.
"Reproducing the Posthuman Body: Ectogenetic
Fetus, Surrogate Mother, Pregnant Men."
In Judith Halberstam and Ira Livingston, eds.,
Posthuman Bodies, p.127.
Bloomington & Indianapolis:
Indiana University Press, 1995.
Squires, Judith.
"Liberal Constitutionalism, Identity and
Political Studies
(September 1996), 44(3):
621n4, 626.
Stabile, Carol A.
"Feminism without Guarantees: The Misalliances and
Missed Alliances of Postmodernist Social Theory."
Rethinking Marxism
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