Eddie Yeghiayan
McCall, Ann E. "George Sand and the Genealogy of Terror." L'Esprit Créateur (Winter 1995), 35(4):41, 46, 47n6, 48n18.
McCallum, E.L. "Technologies of Truth and the Function of Gender in Foucault." In Susan J. Hekman, ed., Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault, pp.97n13. Re-Reading the Canon. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996.
McCandless, David. "Helena's Bed-Trick: Gender and Performance inAll's Well That Ends Well." Shakespeare Quarterly (Winter 1994), 45(4):454.
McCance, Dawne. Review of John Caputo and Mark Yount, eds., Foucault and the Critique of Institutions (1993). Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique (March 1994), 27(1):196-197.
McCarn, Susan R. and Ruth E. Fassinger. "Revisioning Sexual Minority Identity Formation: A New Model of Lesbian Identity and Its Implications for Counseling and Research." Counseling Psychologist (July 1996), 24(3):518, 532.
McCaughey, Martha. "Perverting Evolutionary Narratives of Heterosexual Masculinity: Or, Getting Rid of the Heterosexual Bug." GLQ-A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (1996), 3(2-3): 276, 278, 286.
McClary, Susan "Reshaping a Discipline: Musicology and Feminism in the 1990s." Feminist Studies (Summer 1993), 19(2):415, 423n37.
McClary, Susan and Robert Walser. "Theorizing the Body in African-American Music." Black Music Research Journal (Spring 1994), 14(1):78, 82.
McDavid, Collenn. "Judith Butler: Gendered Identity and Subversive Politics." BA Thesis, Whitman, College, 1991.
McDowell, Linda.Review of Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson, eds., Postmodern Cities and Spaces. Sociology-The Journal of the British Sociological Association (February 1996), 30(1):176, 177.
McDowell, Linda and Gillian Court. "Missing Subjects: Gender, Power, and Sexuality in Merchant Banking." Economic Geography (July 1994), 70(3):236, 248.
McDowell, Linda and Gillian Court. "Performing Work: Bodily Representations in Merchant Banks." Enviornment & Planning D-Society & Space (December 1994), 12(6):731-732, 748.
MacFarquhar, Larissa. "Putting the Camp Back into Campus." Lingua Franca (September-October 1993), 3(6):6-7.
MacF arquha r, Larissa. "Reply." [Letter] Lingua Franca (November-December 1993), 4(1):5.
Reply to Judith Butler's "Letter" ( 1 993).
McGowan. John. "Teaching Literature: Where, How, and Why?" Centennial Review (Winter 1996), 40(1):29n10.
McGowan, John. "Thinking about Violence: Feminism, Cultural Politics, and Norms." Centennial Review (Fall 1993), 37(3):445-469.
McIntosh, Mary. "Das Begriff 'Gender'." (Translated by Ursula Wulfekamp) Das Argument(November-December 1991), 33(6):848, 859.
McIntosh, Mary.Review of Judith Butler's Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990). Feminist Review (Summer 1991), 38:113-114.
McKay, Lois.Review of John Caputo and Mark Yount, eds.,Foucault and the Critique of Institutions ( 1993). Political Studies (December 1994), 42(4):761.
McKenzie, Jon. "Genre Trouble: (The) Butler Did It." In Peggy Phelan and Jill Lane, eds., The Ends of Perform ance, pp.217-235.New York & London:New York University Press, 1998.
McLaughlin, Lisa "Discourses of Prostitution/Discourse s of Sexuality." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (September 1991), 8(3):257, 268, 270.
McLaughlin, Janice. "Feminist Relations with Postmodernism: Reflections on the Positive Aspect of Involvement." Journal of Gender Studies (March 1997), 6(1):10, 12, 13n1, 14.
MacLeod, Catriona. "
Pedagogy and Androgyny inWilhelm Meisters
Lehrjahre." MLN (April 1993), 108(3):394.
McMahon, Kathryn. "Casualties of War: History, Realism, and the Limits of Exclusion." Journal of Popular Film and Television (Spring 1994), 22(1):19, 21.
McMillen, Liz. "Judith Butler Revels in the Role of Troublemaker. " Chronicle of Higher Education (May 23, 1997), 43(27):A14-A15.
McNay, Lois. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self, pp.18, 21, 22, 30, 41-42, 71-72, 108, 112-114, 205. Cambridge: Polity, 1992; Boston: Northeatern University Press, 1993.
McNay, Lois.Review of Elizabeth Wright, Dianne Chisholm and Juliet Flower MacCannell, eds., Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary (1992). History of the Human Sciences (February 1994), 7(1):128-130.
McNulty, Charles.
"The Queer as Drama Critic."
Theater [Yale School of Drama/Yale
Theater] (Spring 1993), 24(2):16, 20.
McRobbie, Angela. "Feminism, Postmodernism and the Real Me." Review of Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott, eds., Feminists Theorize the Political( 1992), Gisela Bock and Susan James, eds.,Beyond Equality and Difference: Citizenship, Feminist Politics and Female Subjectivity, and Stuart Hall, David Held and Tony McGrew, eds., Modernity and its Futures. Theo ry, Culture & Society (November 1993), 10(4): 127-142.
McRuer, Robert. "A
Visitation of Difference: Randall Kennan and Black Queer
Theory." Journal of Homosexuality
(1993), 26(2-3):229, 231.
McWilliam, Erica. "Gender (Im)material: Teaching Bodies and Gender Education."Australian Journal of Education (April 1997), 41(1):53, 57.
McWhorter, Ladelle. "Culture
or Nature? The Function of the Term `Body' in the Work of Michel Foucault.
Journal of Philosophy
(November 1989), 86(11):608-614.
Macey, David. The Lives of Michel Foucault: A Biography, pp. 486n42, 504n91. New York: Pantheon, 1993.
Maggi, Armando. "Blood as Language in Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi's Visions." Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate (July-September 1995), 48(3): 233n38.
Maggi, Armando.
"The Discourse of Sodom in a Seventeeth-Century
Venetian Text." Journal of
(1997), 33(3-4):39n12, 41.
Magnarelli, Sharon. "Tea for Two: Performing History and Desire in Sabina Berman'sEntre Villa y un mujer desnuda." Latin American Theatre Review (Fall 1996), 30(1):56-57, 58, 62, 70nn3, 4, 70-71nn9-11, 18, 72n27, 73.
Magnusson, Warren. "Social Movements and the Global City." Millenium: Journal of International Studies (Winter 1994), 23(3):623n5.
Mahoney, Maureen A. "The Problem of Silence in Feminist Psychology." Feminist Studies (Fall 1996), 22(3):623n8.
Mahoney, Maureen A. and Barbara Yngvesson. "The Construction of Subjectivity and the Paradox of Resistance: Reintegrating Feminist Anthropology and Psychology." Signs (Autumn 1992), 18(1):46n4, 47n5, 48, 71.
Maller, Mark P. Review of Judith Butler's Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990). Library Journal (December1989), 114(20):148.
Malinowitz, Harriet.Review of Dianna Fuss, ed., Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories (1991). Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies( 1993), 13(2):168-184.
Malone, Kareen Ror. "Raising the Stakes of Social Construction: Corporeality, Power and Abjection." Review of Judith Butler's Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Li mits of "Sex"( 1993). Theory & Psychology (August 1995), 5(3):458-460.
Mann, Patricia S. "Whither
Feminist Philosophy." Review of Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler,
Drucilla Cornell and Nancy Fraser,Feminist
Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange( 1995) and Naomi
Scheman'sEngenderings: Constructions of Knowle
dge, Authority, and Privilege.
Metaphilosophy (January-April
1996), 27(1-2):237-247.
Mansbridge, Jane. Review of Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell and Nancy Fraser, Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange (1995). American Political Science Review (December 1995), 89(4):1003-1004.
Manzor-Coats, Lillian. "Of
Witches and Other Things: Maryse Conde's Challenges to Feminist
World Literature Today
(Autumn 1993), 67(4):744.
Maracek, Jeanne. "Gender, Politics, and Psychology's Way of Knowing." American Psychologist (March 1995), 50(3):162, 163.
Margolis, Joseph. "Reconciling Analytic and Feminist Philosophy and Aesthetics." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Fall 1990), 48(4):328, 334n6.
Mariscal, George. "In the Wake of the Gulf War: Untying the Yellow Ribbon." Cultural Critique (Fall 1991), 19: 116n9, 117.
Marks, Deborah.
"Able-Bodied Dilemmas in Teaching Disability
Feminism & Psychology (February
1996), 6(1):71, 72.
Marsden, Jill. "On the Matter of Sexual Difference." JBSP-The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (May 1996), 27(2):200-204.
Issue is entitled "Derrida, Levinas and Husserl."
Marsden, Jill. "Virtual Sexes and Feminist Futures: The Philosophy of 'Cyberfeminism'." Radical Philosophy (July-August 1996), 78:12, 16n49.
Marsh, Nicky. "'Out of My Texts I Am Not What I Play': Politics and Self in the Poetry of Susan Howe." College Literature (October 1997), 24(3):135, 136.
Marshall, Barbara L. "Re-producing the Gendered Subject." Current Perspectives in Social Theory( 1991), 11:185, 193.
Marshall, Cynthia. "'Man of Steel Done Got the Blues': Melancholic Subversion of Presence inAntony and Cleopatr a." Shakespeare Quarterly (Winter 1993), 44 (4):390, 391, 406n64, 407n70.
Martin, Biddy. "Sexualities without Genders and Other Queer Utopias." Diacritics(Summer-Fall 1994), 24(2-3):104n2, 110-113, 1 19, 120.
Issue entitled "Critical Crossings," is edited by Judith Butler and Biddy Martin
Martin, JoAnn "Contesting Authenticity: Battles over the Representation of History in Morelos, Mexico." Ethnohistory (Summer 1993), 40(3):441, 463.
Martin, Karin A.Review of Judith Butler's Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity( 1990). Gender & ; Society (September 1991), 5(3):420-421.
Martin, Robert K. "'No Longer Revolting': Cross-Dressing in Cooper'sJack Tier." English Studies in Canada (September 1997), 23(3):292, 295.
Martindale, Kathleen. "Paper Lesbians: On the Reading of Lesbian Theory." Resources for Feminist Research/Documentation pour la Recherche Feministe [Toronto] (Winter 1997), 25(3 &4): 9, 14-15, 16n1.
Martindale, Katleen and Martha Saunders. "Realizing Love and Justice: Lesbian Ethics in the Upper and Lower Case." Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy(Fall 1992), 7(4):166, 169.
Martínez, Elena M. "Two Poetry Books of Magali Alabau." Confluencia-Revista Hispanica de Cultura y Literatura(Fall 1992), 8(1):156, 158n2.
Massad, Joseph. "Conceiving the Masculine: Gender and Palestinian Nationalism." Middle East Journal(Summer 1995), 49(3):478.
Matlock, Jann. "Hedonism and Hegemony: Bodily Matters at a Loss." Review of Judith Butler's Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex"( 1993), Marie-Laure Bernadac and Bernard Marcadé, eds., Fémininmasculin: Le Sexe de l'art, and Mary Louis Roberts' Civilization Without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar France, 1927. Mosaic A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature [Winnipeg] (September 1997), 30(3):211-239.
Issue is entitled "The Lure of the Andr ogyne"
Matthews, Fred. "Nature/Nurture, Realism/Nominalism: Our Fundamental Conflict over Human Identity. A Review Article." Review of Judith Butler's Gender Tro uble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity( 1990), Robin Fox' The Search for Society: Quest for a Biosocial Science and Moralityand Helen E. Longino'sScience as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientifi c Inquiry. Comparative Studies in Society and History (July 1993), 35(3):647-662.
Matrix, Sidney. "Desire and Deviate Nymphos: Per forming Inversion(s) as a Lesbian Consumer." Journal of Homosexuality (September 1996), 31(1-2):75, 80.
Special Double Issue on Gays, Lesbians, and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Practice and Research Issues in Marketing.
Matz, Jesse. "Walter Pater's Literary Impression." Modern Language Quarterly (December 1995), 56(4):456.
"Maurice Natanson, A Philosopher, 71." New York Times (August 20, 1996):(Local Edition)B6.
Mavrikakis, Catherine.
"L'Etnicité comme pièce
rapportée et revaudage du moi dans le roman juif-lesbien
Études Littéraires
[Québec] (Winter 1997), 29(3-4):
May, Leila S. "Sibling Revelry in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Autumn 1995), 35(4):678, 684n17.
Medhurst, Andy. "That Special Thrill:Brief Encounter, Homosexuality and Authorship."Screen (Summer 1991), 32(2):206n20.
Megill, Allan. Review of Judith Butler'sSubjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France (1987) and Michael S. Roth's Knowing and History: Appropriations of Hegel in Twentieth-Century France. Journal of Modern History (March 1991), 63(1):124-128.
Mehaffy, Marilyn Maness. "Manipulating the Metaphors: The House of Mirthand the Volcanic Nether Side of Sexuality."College Literature (June 1994), 21(2):60n13, 61.
Mehuron, Kate. "Flesh Memory/Skin Practice." Research In Phenomenology (Fall 1993), 23:87n1.
Melby, Kari. "Norsk kvinnehistorie 1975- 1995; Kjonnets Endrede Vittenskapelige Status." [Womens History in Norway 1975-1995: Changing Conceptualizations of Gender] Historisk Tidsskrift [Oslo] ( 1996), 75(1-2):209n89.
Meléndez, Mariselle. "El perfil económico de la identidad racial in losApuntesde las indias Caciques del convento de Corpus Christi." Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana (1997), 23(46):116, 132.
Melia, Julie. "An Honest Human Body: Sexuality and the Continuum of Resistance." Women's Studies International Forum (September-December 1995), 18(5-6):548, 549, 557.
Mengay, Donald H. " Arabian Rites: T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdomand the Erotics of Empire."Genre (Winter 1994), 27(4):400-401, 402, 415.
Mengay, Donald H. "The Failed Copy: Giovanni's Roomand the (Re)Contextualization of Difference ." Genders (Fall 1993), 17:67, 70n 19, 20.
Mennel, Barbara. "My Father Is Coming: Bodies and Sexualities in Three Films by Monika Treut." In Patricia Doykos Duquette, Matthew Griffin and Imke Lode, eds.,Proceedings and Commentary. German Graduate Students Association Conference atNew York University, February 12-14, 1993.New York: The Conference, 1994.
Merish, Lori. "Engendering Naturalism: Narrative Form and Commodity Spectacle in U.S. Naturalist Fiction." Novel (Spring 1996), 29(3):325, 343.
Messner, Michael A. "Studying Up On Sex." Sociology of Sport Journal (1996), 13 (3):226, 235.
Meyer, Petra Maria. "Ästhetik das Gegenwartstheaters im technischen Zeitalter." Forum Modernes Theater (1996), 11(1):7, 14n17.
Meyers, Helene.
"To Queer or Not to Queer: That's Not the
College Literature (February
1997), 24(1):171, 173, 181n3.
Mezey, Naomi. "Legal Radicals in Madonna's Closet: The Influence of Identity Politics, Popular Culture, and a New Generation on Critical Legal Studies." Review of Duncan Kennedy'sSexy Dressing, etc.: Essays on the Power and Politics of Cultural Identity. Stanford Law Review (July 1994), 46(6):1848-1849nn83, 1853.
Michel, Frann. "Do Bats Eat Cats? Reading What Bisexuality Does. " In Donald E. Hall and Maria Pramaggiore, eds., RePresenting Bisexualities: Subjects and Cultures of Fluid Desire, pp.62-63, 68n46. New York &London: New York University Press, 1996.
Miers, Paul. "The Other Side of Representation: Critical Theory and the New Cognitivism." MLN(December 1992), 107(5):973n1.
Miklitsch, Robert. "The Commodity Body Sign: Toward a General Economy of 'Commodity Fetishism'." Cultural Critique(Spring 1996), 33:11, 33n6, 38.
Miller, Christopher L.
"The Postidentitarian Predicament in the
of A Thousand Plateaus: Nomadology,
Anthropology, and Authority."
Diacritics (Fall 1993),
23 (3):7, 33.
Miller, Diane Helene.
Review of Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell and Nancy
Fraser, Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical
Exchange( 1995).
Quarterly Journal of Speech(February
1996), 82(1):96-98.
Mills, Margaret.
"Feminist Theory and the Study of Folklore: A
Twentieth-Year Trajectory toward Theory."
Western Folklore
(April-October 1993), 52(2-4):188.
Miner, Madonne M."'Like a
natural woman': Nature, Technology, and Birthing Bodies in Murphy
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
(Winter1996), 16(1):12, 18n31.
Mingo, Steven Reynolds.Review
Judith Butler's Subjects of Desire: Hegelian
Reflections in Twentieth-Century France
(Summer 1990), 19(4):389-393.
Minow, Martha. "Incomplete
Correspondence: An Unsent Letter to Mary Joe Frug." Harvard Law Review (March 1992), 105(5):
1096n3, 1100n15.
Minson, J.P. "Social
Theory and Legal Argument: Catharine MacKinnon on Sexual Harassment."
International Journal of the Sociology of
(August 1991), 19(3):375n6, 377.
Minton, Henry L.
"Queer Theory: Historical Roots and
Implications for Psychology."
Theory & Psychology
(June 1997), 7(3):338, 339, 350.
Mirzoeff, Nicholas.
"'Seducing Our Eyes': Gender, Jurisprudence, and
Visuality in Watteau."
Eighteenth Century-Theory and
(Summer 1994), 35 (2):151n5.
Misciagno, Patricia S.
"De-Facto Feminism and Praxis."
Women & Politics
(Spring 1996), 16 (2):6n6, 17.
Mitchell, D.P.
"Postmodernism, Health and Illness."
Journal of Advanced Nursing
(January 1996), 23(1):203, 205.
Mitchell, Lisa M. and Alberto
"The Invisible Topography of Power: Electronic
Magnetic Fields, Bodies and the Enviornment."
Social Studies of Science
(April 1997), 27(2):226, 262n17.
Mizzell, Ellen.
"More Iron in the Spine." Review of
Judith Butler's Gender Trouble:
Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990).
New Statesman & Society (July 10,
1992), 5(210):36.
Modleski, Tania. "A Woman's
Gotta do…What a Man's Gotta Do? Cross-Dressing in the Western."
Signs (Spring 1997),
22(3):521, 541, 542.
Moi, Toril.
"'Am I That Name:?' A Reply to Deborah
New Literary History (Winter
1995), 26(1):61n1.
Moloney, Caitriona.
"The Hags of
Ulysses: The 'Poor old woman', Cathleen
Ni Houlihan, and the Phallic Mother."
James Joyce Quarterly
(Fall 1996-Winter 1997), 34(1&2):
104, 118n8.
Moltke, Johannes von.
"Camping in the Art Closet:
The Politics of Camp and Nation in German Film."
New German Critique
(Fall 1994), 63:82n15, 90, 92.
Mondry, Henrietta.
"How 'Straight' is the 'Venus of Milo'?
Regendering Statues and Women's Bodies in Gleb Uspenskii's
Slavic and East European Journal
(Fall 1997), 41(3):427n4, 429.
Moon, Dawne.
"Insult And Inclusion: The TermFag
Hag and Gay Male 'Community'."
Social Forces (December 1995),
74(2):496, 508nn4, 5, 509n17, 510. Moody-Adams, Michele M.
"Fighting Fire with Fire." Review of Judith
Butler'sExcitable Speech: A Politics of the
Performative (1997).
Women's Review of Books
(October 1997), 15(1):13-14.
Moon, Michael.
"Outlaw Sex and the 'Search for America':
Representing Male Prostitution and Perverse Desire in Sixties Film
(My Hustler and Midnight Cowboy)."
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
(November 1993), 15(1):38n5.
Moon, Michael.
"Think Pink." Review of Judith Butler's
Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of
"Sex" (1993).
Artforum (Summer 1994),
32(10):A26. Moore, David Chioni.
"Anthropology Is Dead, Long Live
Poststructuralism, Literary Studies, and Anthropology's 'Nervous
Present'. "
Journal of Anthropological Research
(Winter 1994), 50(4):350, 362.
Moore, Henrietta.
"'Divided We Stand': Sex, Gender and Sexual
Feminist Review
(Summer 1994), 47:82, 86, 93nn10, 11, 94.
Moore, Lisa.Review of
Diana Fuss, ed.,Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories,
Gay Theories( 1991).
Journal of the History of Sexuality
(October 1993), 4(2): 324-327.
Moore, Lisa. "'She was too
fond of her mistaken bargain': The Scandalous Relations of Gender and
Sexuality in Feminist Theory." An Essay-review of Felicity
Nussbaum's Autobiographical Subject:
Gender and Ideology in Eighteenth-Century England.
Diacritics (Summer-Fall 1991),
21(2-3):99, 101.
Moore, Lisa Jean and Clitoral Conventions and Transgressions:
Graphic Representations in Anatomy Texts, c1900-1991."
Feminist Studies (Summer1995), 21(2):295n11, 296n13.
Moore, Pamela and Davoney Looser.
"Theoretical Feminisms: Subjectivity, Struggle
and the 'Conspiracy of Poststructuralisms'."
Style (Winter 1993),
27(4):533. Morgan, Kathryn Pauly.
"Women and the Knife: Cosmetic Surgery and the
Colonization of Women's Bodies." In Donn Welton, ed.,
Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader, pp.
340, 341, 345. Malden, Mass. & Oxford:
Blackwell, 1998.
Morgenstern, Naomi E.
"'Love is home sickness': Nostalgia and Lesbian
Desire inSapphira and the Slave Girl."
Novel (Winter 1996), 29(2):
192n13, 193, 193n15, 203.
Morris, Adelaide.
"First Persons Plural in Contemporary Feminist
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
(Spring 1992), 11(1):27n20.
Morris, Rosalind C.
"All Made Up: Performance Theory and the New
Anthropology of Sex and Gender."
Annual Review of Anthropology
(1995), 24:569, 572-573, 579, 588.
Morris, Rosalind. "Three
Sexes and Four Sexualities: Redressing the Discourses on Gender and
Sexuality in Contemporary Thailand."
Positions: East Asia Culture Critique
(Spring 1994), 2(1):22, 41n22.
Morton, Donald.
"Birth of the Cyberqueer."
PMLA (May 1995),
110(3):373, 380n5, 380.
Morton, Donald.
"The Politics of Queer Theory in the (Post)
Moment." Genders
(Fall 1993), 17:134, 139, 141, 144n22, 145n30,
148n76, 150n113.
Moruzzi, Norma Claire.
"National Abjects: Julia Kristeva on the Process
of Political Self-Identification."
In Kelly Oliver, ed.,Ethics,
Politics, and Difference in Julia Kristeva's Writings: A Collection of
Essays, pp.184, 189. New York &London:Routledge, 1993. Motard-Noar, Martine.
"Manneou Man: où en est
l'écriture d'Hélène Cixous?"
French Review (December 1992),
66(2):292, 293.
Moten, Fred.
"Music Against the Law of Reading the Future
and Rodney King."
Review of Robert Gooding-Williams, ed.,
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language
Association(Spring 1994), 27(1):51-64.
Moxey, Keith.
"Animating Aesthetics."
October(Summer 1996), 77:58n2.
Mouffe, Chantal.
"Fighting Bodies, Fighting Words: A Theory and
Politics of Rape Prevention."
In Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott, eds.,
Feminists Theorize the Political,
pp.381-82, 384n17. New York &
London:Routledge, 1992.
Mullaney, Steven.
"Mourning and Misogyny:Hamlet,
The Revenger's Tragedy and the Final Progress of
Elizabeth I, 1600-1607."
Shakespeare Quarterly
(Summer1994), 45 (2):157.
Mullenix, Elizabeth Reitz.
"Acting Between the Spheres: Charlotte Cushman
Theatre Survey (November
1996), 37(2):34, 44, 61nn40, 41, 63n71.
Müller-Funk, Wolfgang.
In Wolfgang Müller-Funk, ed.,
Macht, Geschlecter, Differenz: Beiträge zur
Archäologie der Macht im Verhältnis der Geschlecter,
pp. 11-12. Vienna: Picus, 1994.
Mulvey, Christopher.
Review of Bainard Cowan and Joseph G.
Kronick, eds., Theorizing American Literature:
Hegel, the Sign, and History (1991).
Literature & History
(Autumn 1993), 2(2):83-85.
Mumby, Dennis K.
"Modernism, Postmodernism, and Communication
Studies: A Rereading of an Ongoing Debate."
Communication Theory
(February 1997), 7(1):24n1, 25.
Murphy, Sean P.
"Passing Boldly into the Other World of
Narrativity and Subjectivity in James Joyce's 'The Dead'."
Studies in Short Fiction
(Summer 1995), 32(3):467, 473.
Murray, James F.
"The Return of the Digressed: A Reply to the
Special Section Respondents."Psychoanalytic Psychology
(Winter 1996), 13(1):130, 132.
Murray, Timothy.
"The Contrast Hurts: Censoring the Ladies
in Performance."
In Richard Burt, ed.,The
Administration of Aesthetics: Censorship, Political Criticism, and the
Public Sphere, pp.275, 287n30.
Cultural Politics, 7.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
Myers, Fred R.
"Culture-Making: Performing Aboriginality at the
Asia Society Gallery."
American Ethnologist
(November 1994), 21(4):681, 697.