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329,330-331, 334.
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27, 38n94.
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Postmodernism in the Contemporary West and
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Bordo, Susan.
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Brennan, Teresa.
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92, 101, 102.
Brewer, Kathryn Balstad.
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Organization (August 1997),
Brewer, Mária Minich.
Review of Kelly Oliver, ed.,
Ethics, Politics, and Difference in Julia
Kelly Oliver's
Reading Kristeva: Unravelling the
Janice Doane and Devon Hodge's
From Klein to Kristeva: Psychoanalytic Feminism and the
Search for the 'Good Enough' Mother, and
Sarah Barbour's Nathalie Sarraute
and the Feminist Reader: Identities in Process.
(Fall 1996), 22(1):254-259.
Brill, Susan. Review of
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(October 1990), 14(2):
Brod, Harry.
"Masculinity as Masquerade."
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The Masculine Masquerade: Masculinity and
Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT List Visual Arts Center/MIT Press,
Brookey, Robert Alan.
"A Community Like
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(Winter 1996), 60(1):
41-42, 55.
Brooks, Jeanice.
"Noble et grande servante de la
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Brooten, Bernadette J.
Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to
Female Homoeroticism, pp.17n37, 18n38, 19n38.
Chicago Series on Sexuality, History and Society.
Chicago &London:
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Brown, Alison L.
"Hegelian Silences and the Politics of
Communication: A Feminist Appropriation."
In Patricia Jagentowitcz Mills, ed.,
Feminist Interpretations of G.W.F. Hegel,
University Park:
Pennsylvania State University Press,
Brown, Amy Benson.
"Inverted Conversions: Reading the Bible
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Brown, Erella.
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"Gender and the Action Heroine: Hardbodies and
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164, 180.
Brown, Susan. "A Victorian
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English Studies in Canada
(June 1994), 20(2):
208-209, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221nn5, 6,223.
Bruhm, Steven.
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"On Stephen King's Phallus; or The Postmodern
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"Auden and the Homoerotics of the
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87, 91.
Bryant, S.
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Feminist Theory of Women's Self-Representation.
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Bryant-Bertail, Sarah.
"Gender, Empire and Body Politic as Mise en
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"'An unnatural state': Gender, 'Perversion', and
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Victorian Studies
(Summer 1992), 35(4):
370, 382. Buker, Eloise A.
"Sex, Sign and Symbol: Politics and Feminist
Women & Politics (Winter
1996), 16(1):
33, 53.
Bunn, David.
"The Insistence of Theory: Three Questions for
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Bunzl, Matti.
"Outing as Performance/Outing as Resistance: A
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Cultural Anthropology
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134, 143,146-147n9, 149.
Burger, Glenn.
"Queer Chaucer."
English Studies in Canada
(June 1994), 20(2):
165n4, 168.
Burgess, Ian.
Review of Mairtin Mac an Ghaill's The Making of
Men: Masculinities, Sexualities and Schooling.
Australian Journal of Education
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