Books on Jean Baudrillard: Mike Gane's Baudrillard: Critical Theory and Fatal Theory

Compiled by

Eddie Yeghiayan

Gane, Mike. Baudrillard: Critical Theory and Fatal Theory. London & New York: Routledge, 1991.

Arditi, Jorge. "Out of the Maze? Twists and Riddles of Postmodern Thinking." Contemporary Sociology (January 1993), 22(1):19-23.
Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan. Science-Fiction Studies (November 1991), 18(3) [55]:420-430.
Lee, Mary E. Social Science Quarterly (March 1993), 74(1):239.
Mellor, Adrian. Sociology (May 1994), 28(2):614-617.
Mestrovic, S. G. Choice (March 1992), 29(7):1165.
Stivale, Charles J. Criticism (Spring 1993), 35(1):295-298.
Travers, Andrew. "Visions of Nothing." Reviewing Sociology (1995), 9(2):7-12.