Books on Jean Baudrillard: André Frankovits, ed.,
and Abandoned: The
Baudrillard Scene.
Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
Frankovits, André, ed., Seduced and Abandoned: The
Baudrillard Scene. Semiotext(e). Autonomedia. Glebe, NSW, Australia
& New York: Stonemoss Services & Semiotexte(e), 1984.
Frankovits, André. "Letter of Introduction":5-8
Foss, Paul. "Despero Ergo Sum":9-16
Delaruelle, Jacques and McDonald, John. "Resistance and
Burchill, Louise."Either/or: Peripeteia of an Alternative on Jean
Baudrillard's De la Séduction":28-44
Gibson, Ross. "Customs and Excise":45-57
Hood, Colin. "Fly by Night":58-62
Carter, Nick. "From Red Center to Black Hole":63-82
Preston, Andrew. "Down to Earth":82-90
Meagan, Morris. "Room 101 or A Few Things Worst in the World":91-117
Bennington, G.P. French Studies (July 1988), 42(3):369-370.